[GRO] Global Rally Championship: Alexander Erhart is the champion.Finished 

  • Thread starter Harsk100
GRC 2016.png

Welcome to it's first ever season of Global Rally Championship. We are looking forward to having an great and fun season! This idea of creating a rally series started when I was competing into a rallycross championship on GT6. That took me to host a WRC championship, but in the end, it has failed. But while my old PS3 was broken and that I was still waiting for a new one, I already was planning to revive the idea of doing my rally championship and make it sucessfull, as there aren't very much rally championships which are sucessfull.

The rally championship will contain a variety of tracks in asphalt, gravel and snow and a car selection which will include the several cars such as WRC cars and the iconic Group B Rally Cars.

If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, please let us know.

Past seasons:
Pre-Season (Rally Trophy): Click here
1.1- This is a championship, which contains 15 rounds.

1.2- The following Sporting Regulations are a living document and they must be followed at all times.

1.3- Insulting, Accusing and making fun of the other drivers or the Series Promotors is stricly prohibited and will therefore cause several consquences for a participant who does this things.

2.1.1- The Championship will consist of 15 Events in Gravel, Asphalt and Snow surfaces.

2.1.2- Each Rally Event will have an its Point Multiplier, depending of their importance.

2.2.1- In each Rally Event, there will be the Point to Point Events, which are applied for the Asphalt Events only. (Unfortunately, we can't make gravel and snow tracks like we can do in GT5).

2.2.3- In Gravel and Snow Events, the Time Trials will be working as Leg 1, 2 & 3 Events.

2.3.1- The Time Trial Events will start from the final Corner of the track. Pit Stop to repare a car is forbidden!

2.3.2- To be classified into a Time Trial Event, all drivers must complete the required laps in a Time Trial Event.

2.3.3- Because GT6 records only the fastest lap on Time Trial mode, then, the lap times will be added to the total lap time.

2.3.4- All the drivers must send all lap times after they have finished the Time Trial Events on the following form.

For example, in Toscana:
Name of the Driver: Harsk
Car: Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak '98
Times: Lap 1- 1'00.000
Lap 2- 1'00.000
Lap 3- 1'00.000
Lap 4- 1'00.000
Lap 5- 1'00.000

2.3.5- After that, the Event Organizer will calculate the lap times to the Total Time of a Time Trial Event. For example, if I would do 5 laps of 1 minute, then the total time would be 5 minutes.

2.3.6- The Time Trial Event will last 1 week. This will give time to the players to set their fastest lap times.

2.3.7- All participants must save the replay after they have finished their lap times on Time Trial.

2.3.8- The Time Trial Events must be done Online, but they can be done in a Normal or a Club Lobby.

3.1- The used point System in this Cup will be from 2015 FIA World Rally Championship, as it follows:
point system.JPG

3.1.1- The 1 point for everyone will be attributed only for the Class.

3.2- In some cases, there might less than 10 competitors in a class. To keep it a fair competition, the points for less than 10 competitors will be attributed in the following scale:

3.3- The Points of Power Stage are applied only in the final Lap, as it follows:

3.4- If you have completed a halfway of stage, then the points will be attributed on the Top-6 Leg from the 2014 European Rally Championship as it follows:

3.5- These points from the 2015 Rally Trophy do not carry over to the 2016 Global Rally Championship, as it is a Pre-Season of GRC.

3.6- Gaining a position compared to the Leg 1 to the final classification will give you 3 extra points.

4.1- In the end, a driver is crowned "2015 The Rally Trophy [OVERALL/CLASS] Champion".

4.2- If there are 2 or more drivers with the same number of points, the champion will be determined by the following criteria:

4.2.1- The number of victories;
4.2.2- If the number of victories are the same, then the number of gratest podiums;
4.2.3- The number of retirements or disqualifications;
4.2.4- The number of attended rounds.
4.2.5- If the two drivers have done the same criteria result, then the Series Promotors won't stand a choice, but crowning them both as champions.

4.3- The same process is done to Manufacturers, Teams, Countries, the Average Finishing Position Title and the Average Points Finish.

4.4- In the Manufacturers, Teams and Countries Title, the points for a manufacturer/team/country are totalled from all finishers from each manufacturer/team/country.

5.1- To sign-up, a driver must fill the following form:

5.1.1- For example, I did in the following form:

5.2- The drivers can change number (#) prior to their first event participation. After they complete a event, they will not be able to change number (#) for the rest of the season.

5.3- Car Changes during the season are allowed.

5.4- Teams types are Independent, Privateer, Semi-Factory Team, Factory Team and Non-Factory Team.

5.5- There are no number limit of sign-ups. Two or more lobbies will be created if necessary.

5.6- The entries will be reviewed in January 2016, for the start of Global Rally Championship.

5.7- The participants can invite persons to do the rally, but they must inform the Event Organizer before they participate on the rally.

6.1- After or during every race, the Series Promotors may issue a penalty for a participant or then exclude a participant if he's misbehaving on the track.

6.2- Don't talk in the incident on the thread. If you want to submit the incident, please send us a PM.

6.3- After the incident has been submitted, we'll be checking the incident.

6.4- After the incident has been verified, the Series Promotors will be giving a warning, a penalty or possibly, a exclusion from the rally to a misbehaving participant.

6.5- A participant may be excluded from the rally results in case if he accumulates excessive penalty.

7.1- The lobby will be open in a normal lobby or a Club Lobby. The privacy of lobby will be set to "Public". Here are the images:

7.2- The Races will be Practice/Time Trial, depending of the type of a Rally Stage.

7.3- The mechanical damage will be set to full, the Visible Damages will be on, the Tire Wear/Fuel Consomption will be set to Normal, the Grip Reduction will be set to real.

7.4- In Time Trial Events, doing a pit stop is forbidden!

7.5- The Event's weather will be based on a country's real day.

7.6- All driving assists are allowed, as long as you meet the Regulations of "Car Selection".

7.7- The cars will have a different specification for each surface.

7.8- In Time Trial Events, The Race Format will be set to "Race Alone".

7.9- The Events's weather will be according to the real weather conditions.

7.10 The Car Performance will be flitered by HP.

7.11- The Time Trial Events will be set to "Race for Real".
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All cars which are on the Technical Regulations are specified with a specific HP and kg using the Balance of the Performance Method. To make the race much closer, Balance of Performance and Next Race Handicap methods are used.
All present technical Regulations for each class must be followed at all times! The non-adherement of these Following Technical Regulations will result in a penalty for each event or worse, possible exclusion from the rest of the 2016 GRC Season.

2- Balance of the Performance for the Asphalt

3- Balance of the Performance for the Gravel


NOTE: There was an alteration on the Subaru's HP. NOW the Subaru 2008 is set to 310 BHP.

4- Balance of the Performance for the Snow

5- Extra Information
The 500S and the CO-S classes are considered as One Make Cups.

The Group 2/2, RV1.3i, T2-SPE, T1, B10 & G4/4 classes will be valid for Rally- The Career Trophy proposed by @Sick Cylinder .

The STR class is a Open class, which allows any car which is not on the main GRC classes to compete in every round.
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Point Standings
After Round 1
After Round 2
After Round 3

Round 1: Rally Portugal

1st Stage-
Grand Valley Speedway Forward, 10 Laps- Time Trial Mode (Acting as Lisboa, Monsanto)
2nd Stage- Point to Point Rally: Eiffel (Acting as Porto, Maia Track) CANCELLED
3rd Stage- 2nd Stage-
GT Arena (Acting as a Super Special Portimão), 5 laps- Time Trial Mode

Round 2: Rally UK
1st stage- London City 4 Laps.

2nd stage- Silverstone Stowe 6 Laps

3rd stage- Brands Hatch Indy 8 Laps

All these tracks are used in the Time Trial Format.

Round 3: 1º Giro d'Italia- Rally Italia

1st Stage: Montemaggiore Hill Climb Circuit by @eran0004 (Only 1 Lap)

This stage will be run in Race Format. All drivers will be doing the rally one by one.

Round 4: 1º Rali Angolano- Rally Angola

Toscana Track: 5x2 Laps (Legs 1 & 2 are 5 Laps Each).

Round 5: 1st South African Rally

Kyalami Circuit GP 2015 (Course Maker Track): 7 Laps


Round 6: 1ère Rallye de Sénegal Rally

Toscana Track Reverse: 3x2 Laps (Legs 1 & 2 are 3 laps each).

Round 7: American Rally
Leg 1: Laguna Seca Raceway, 7 Laps
Leg 2: Daytona Road Course, 6 Laps

Round 8: Canadian Rally
Leg 1: Midfield Raceway, 6 Laps
Leg 2: Deep Forest Raceway, 10 Laps

Round 9: Brazilian Rally
Leg 1: Trial Mountain, 10 Laps
Leg 2: Trial Mountain Reverse, 10 Laps

Round 10: Mexican Rally
Rally Mexico Stage 1.JPG

Round 11: Barbados Rally

Round 12: Argentina Rally

5 Laps

Round 13: Japan Rally

Round 14- Rally China

Chamonix Mini, 8 Laps

Round 15- Rally Australia

Apricot Hill Raceway, 6 Laps;

Mount Panorama Circuit, 3 Laps.

January 10th 2016: Thread created. Car Selection, Regulations and details of the Round 1 Rally Portugal are now available.
January 11th 2016: The GRC now has its own website.
January 12th 2016: @SVPSkins has been added to the Entry List. Rally UK details are also added.
January 13th 2016: @Formidable has been added to the Entry List.
January 14th 2016: The Stage 3 from Rally Portugal has now its laps. It is in a GT Arena Circuit, 5 Laps.
January 18th 2016: Rally Portugal Stage 2 is cancelled due to lag issues. GT Arena Stage 3 is the 2nd and last stage of Rally Portugal.
January 26th 2016: Round 1 Results are published; Rally UK dates are changed to 8-14 February due to the postponement of 1st GTP Sportscar Series Edition of Fuji 1000km.
January 28th 2016: Rally UK had changes from stages: Silverstone Stowe is a 2nd stage, while the Brands Hatch will be the 3rd stage.
February 1st 2016: WRC2.0T cars BoP for Tarmac have been fixed.
February 6th 2016: Rally UK has been postponed and rescheduled for a date. See post #107
February 9th 2016: Rally UK will start in this saturday, February 13th.
February 10th 2016: Standings after Round 1 are now available.
February 21st 2016: Rally Italy's details are added. The Final Classification of Round 2 is published.
March 4th 2016: Standings After Round 2 are published.
March 5th 2016: Round 4 details are added.
March 31st 2016: Standings After Round 3 are published.
April 4th 2016: The GRC Calendar has been updated.
April 6th 2016: Entry List has been updated as Angolan Rally Day 2.
April 29th 2016: Round 5's details are published.
May 21st 2016: Round 6's details are published.
June 16th 2016: Round 7's details are published.
June 18th 2016: Round' 7's details were corrected: Legs have been reduced from 4 to 2.
July 9th 2016: Round 8's schedule are published.
July 23rd 2016: Round 9's schedule details are published.
August 6th 2016: Round 10's schedule details are published.
August 27th 2016: Following Round 11's postponement, the other rounds were pushed one week forward. Round 11's details are now here!
August 29th 2016: Entry List has been Updated, now with a new structure.
September 17th 2016: Round 12's details are published and Schedule has been updated.
October 8th 2016: Calendar updated, Round 13's details are published.
November 11th 2016: Round 14 & 15 details are published.
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How does this work? Do I pick a class to compete in?
As you have participated on the Rally Trophy, then I'll show you how the process is done.

If you want to keep racing with your #72 Alpine Replica, then you just need to choose a day which you are available for participating on the rally.

However, if you wish to change car, please consult post #3, which contains the Car Selection.
Anyways, guys, to choose a day which you are available, please tell me your 2 preferred days that you can. For example, I have chosen the following:

1st Preference: January 18th, at 15:00;
2nd Preference: January 19th, at 13:00.

But please beware that you can choose the day which you are available only inside of the rally dates. Check post #4 for the Schedule.
As you have participated on the Rally Trophy, then I'll show you how the process is done.

If you want to keep racing with your #72 Alpine Replica, then you just need to choose a day which you are available for participating on the rally.

However, if you wish to change car, please consult post #3, which contains the Car Selection.
Anyways, guys, to choose a day which you are available, please tell me your 2 preferred days that you can. For example, I have chosen the following:

1st Preference: January 18th, at 15:00;
2nd Preference: January 19th, at 13:00.

But please beware that you can choose the day which you are available only inside of the rally dates. Check post #4 for the Schedule.

Alright. Can I switch from #72 to #73 though (same car), as that number seems to be available?

As for the dates, am I free to pick any date and time within the frame of an event?
Alright. Can I switch from #72 to #73 though (same car), as that number seems to be available?
Sorry mate, but you can't change number from #72 to #73. The guys who participate in The Rally Trophy are automatically signed up to GRC, meaning, the driver's numbers (#) are transferred to GRC. So, if you have competed in the Rally Trophy, then you can't change. Besides, the #73 is reserved.

As for the dates, am I free to pick any date and time within the frame of an event?
Point Standings

Round 1: Rally Portugal

1st Stage-
Grand Valley Speedway Forward, 10 Laps- Time Trial Mode (Acting as Lisboa, Monsanto)
2nd Stage- Point to Point Rally: Eiffel (Acting as Porto, Maia Track)
3rd Stage-
GT Arena (Acting as a Super Special Portimão). 2 Races: Time Trial, 5 Laps and 1 Race which follows a normal race with 3 Laps.

Round 2: Rally UK
1st stage- London City 4 Laps.

2nd stage- Brands Hatch Indy 8 Laps

3rd- Silverstone Stowe 6 Laps

All these tracks are used in the Time Trial Format.

January 10th 2016: Thread created. Car Selection, Regulations and details of the Round 1 Rally Portugal are now available.
January 11th 2016: The GRC now has its own website.
January 12th 2016: @SVPSkins has been added to the Entry List. Rally UK details are also added.
Harsk, your link is broken.
Your own links always does that. But it works for everyone else.
Yeah, but I'm afraid of these links being broken. You know, I just can't put a broken link. But if it doesn't work, then, I will post a image of the details of the Point to Point track. You can download that track by clicking into my GT Profile. 👍
No STR Class? :lol:

I take the Suzuki V6 Escudo '98 if it is okay.
I am not seeing this car on the Asphalt BoP sheet :confused:
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Suzuki SX4 WRX '08
between January 22. 17:00 and January 24. 15:00 anytime.
Anyways, I will need to confirm your presences at Round 1 of Global Rally Championship, which starts at Next Monday (January 18th), which is 1 day before my birthday. And the Round 1 will end in January 24th, which is next sunday.

Before, we proceed to the entry list, I'll clarify about choosing a day and a time. The day and a time choices are meant to be the following structure:

For example, I did chose the following days and times:
1st Preference: January 18th, at 15:00;
2nd Preference: January 19th, at 13:00.
Anyways, here's the Driver Attending list:


Monday (January 18th):

@Harsk100 - 15:00 UTC
@Obelisk - Just need to confirm the hour.

Tuesday (January 19th):
@Harsk100 - 19:00 UTC

Wednesday (January 20th):
@CrazyJohn - 19:00 UTC

Thursday (January 21st):

Friday (January 22nd):
@LexLathor - From 17:00 UTC

Saturday (January 23rd):
@eran0004 - 13:00 UTC
@LexLathor - Anytime

Sunday (January 24th):
@eran0004 - 13:00 UTC
@LexLathor - Until 15:00



@Freddude (Invited for the GRC R1 as One-Off, as he was the 2015 GGTC champion)
@GTracer98 (Invited for the GRC R1 as One-Off, as he was the GTM AFP Champion)
@lxmmy (Part-time)
@Manasseh257NSX (Reserve)
@Kokoraki13 (Invited for the GRC R1 as One-Off, as he was the 2015 GGTC AFP Champion)
@Flaco13 (Pending)
@IfAndOr (Pending)
@tarnheld (Awaiting confirmation)
@SmileyWRX (Awaiting confirmation)
@John Wells
@Marco Lara

Please copy and paste the Driver Attending list.

Monday (January 18th):

@Harsk100 - 15:00 UTC
@Obelisk - Just need to confirm the hour.

Tuesday (January 19th):
@Harsk100 - 19:00 UTC

Wednesday (January 20th):
@CrazyJohn - 19:00 UTC

Thursday (January 21st):

Friday (January 22nd):
@LexLathor - From 17:00 UTC

Saturday (January 23rd):
@eran0004 - 13:00 UTC
@LexLathor - Anytime

Sunday (January 24th):
@eran0004 - 13:00 UTC
@LexLathor - Until 15:00

@Formidable (In Florida for the entire week :( )

