GT 5 Confusion

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I Looked under the GT5 Catagory but got nothing. I feel stupid asking this, but I want GT5 when it comes out and want to know if Gt5 and GT5 Prologue the same thing:confused:
GT5: Prologue is exactly as it sounds. A Prologue to GT5.

We should see GT5 Late 2008-Early 2009.
This has been answered many times. There was a thread made yesterday about that also lol. Next time plz do a little more research. But I'll save you a little time, GT5 prologue is a ''Prologue'' to GT5. Think of it like a beta for gt fans that want to try it out while it's still in production. There are still many updates for prologue that's still to come, maybe car damage later on, etc. GT5 will come out maybe by the end of the year, or maybe just next year. No one knows, not even Polyphony. I hope this answered some of your questions, and welcome to gtplanet:)
GT5: Prologue is exactly what its called: A "Prologue" to GT5. Now before this thread is closed, I leave you...a Boot To The Head "Thump"
Gran Turismo 5 and Gran Turismo 5: Prologue are different things.

That's why they have different names.

And why we have different forums for them.

Incidentally, RACECAR, there's no need for that.
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