GT 740 vs. GT 740?

  • Thread starter Eks


United States
United States
I'm upgrading the graphics card in my PC from a GT 720 that gets way too hot for me to be comfortable with, to a GT 740.

I am deciding between two GT 740s, both of which are from EVGA, but one is a low-profile card and the other is a what I assume to be the standard size.

EVGA GeForce GT 740 (Normal size) vs EVGA GeForce GT 740 (Low profile)

My question isn't which one is better (on paper anyways), that is obvious. My question is...well, I have a few, actually.

What is it about the normal-sized GT 740 that requires an external power connector? Is it the extra 2GB of RAM and slightly higher clock speed?

Do both of those things - the higher memory count and clock speed - surpass the power-deliver limits of PCI alone, or is it that the normal-sized version only requires the external power connector because it can be overclocked (or at least I think so), whereas the low-profile version is locked and can't do so, consequently not needing external power?

The most computationally-intensive game I run on my current GT 720 is Skyrim, and I can play at ~30-40fps with high settings and excellent draw distances @ 720p. That is just fine for me, personally, so going with either of the GT 740 cards will be icing on the cake, surely, which brings me to my final question:

I myself have no plans on overclocking. Admittedly I'm a wimp and don't wanna throw my system completely off balance because of a slight change in voltage, or something like that. So, with overclocking out of the picture, and, assuming the whole reason the normal-sized GT 740 requires a power connector is so that it can be overclocked (needing the extra power as a result), would it be safe to say that I really wouldn't see a huge performance difference between the two GT 740s?

For gaming use, it won't see much other than Minecraft with 128x texture packs, Skyrim with the aforementioned settings, and Sims 4 @ 1080p, and since I can already manage those three just fine with my GT 720, any performance gain would be welcome, so I guess in the end, what I'm really asking is...would spending the extra $30 or so on the normal-sized GT 740 be justified, or, would the differences between it and the low-profile GT 740 be negligible purely because I don't plan on overclocking anything, and won't be pushing whatever card I end up with too hard anyways?

I do apologize if I'm asking too many questions, and if all of them seem like huge run-on sentences that just over-complicate what I'm actually asking for, but when it comes to stuff like this, my curiosity knows no limits. Thanks in advance for any help. 👍
$30 is worth the extra 2 gigs IMO. And if anything extra would be welcome, pull the trigger.
$30 is worth the extra 2 gigs IMO. And if anything extra would be welcome, pull the trigger.
Yet, for $5 less, I could get an EVGA Superclocked 750 Ti with half the RAM, but it scores twice as much on Passmark. I'm not sure if benchmark scores are the best stats to go by, but I'm sure the difference between the two is appreciable.

Geez, I wonder if hardware prices are always this frustrating. :lol:

Is this low Profile as in for those half height cases.
Or is it like the AMD R9 Nano?
Half-height, yes. The low-profile GT 740 is smaller than even the Nano.