GT By Citroen Race Car

  • Thread starter Acheron79
Hey dudes and dudettes. I did win this car in B spec but traded it out soon after, and i have reggretted it ever since. So much so that im willing to trade one for my GT-One, R92CP or R89C. Can anyone help a guy out?

*Edit* I do have the 787B but that would need a sweetener thrown in too..
The R92 is upgraded, to around 1070 hp and weighs 900 kg i think. The R89C weighs the same but is stock. Cant remember the power but i think is around the 650= hp mark. The Gt-one is now pending a trade!
All the cars are glitchable or can be copied over and over again. They all drive the same as cars purchased. I think the carbon fiber X2010 is the only one that isn't glitched right now but give it time and it will be. Toyota GT-One isn't glitchable its either won in the 24 hour race or purchased. Its a 1999 so B-Daying it will be hard, so many other 99 cars.