GT-R '09 950HP... how?

When driving a car a lot the power will increase. Known as "breaking in." Drive about 100 or so miles and it should get to it's max by then. I didn't know it could go that high. :P
868 highest GT-R SpecV can get. Your "friend" is lying.
lol even if you drive it 190 miles??? i read that 190 miles is when your car reaches its peak in power.. i probably will try but ill see if i wana drive that 190 miles lol....

I have 400 miles ,done change oil when new, done engine overhaul now + chassis = 868 HP max power. Impossible to go higher. And it's very fast.
868 is confirmed max power for SpecV. Close this thread now.
My friend and I are looking for a 950 hp tune. How do you get it that high??

950hp... impossible.... as others said.... 868 is the max hp. Or you and your friend might miss-heard a different car with 950hp.

if so please provide a picture.:)
950hp... impossible.... as others said.... 868 is the max hp. Or you and your friend might miss-heard a different car with 950hp.

"Nah bra, my dads friends cousins uncles brothers got a SpecV GTR and it makes 950hp bra so it should make it in tha game."

868hp is the max, dunno why you really need any more than that anyway.
put your car on a endurence run on bspec after that it should be broken in all you need to do after that is change your oil and your hp should go up
Even so, i get 237 mph out thel tunnel with my GTR , if it had another 90 odd hp imagine the top end , lol id say 245 - 247 mph:dopey:
Yeah 236, 237 is good speed for gtr. Second tell your noob friend, theres no 950 hp gtr, tell him to come to gme drag room, and we show him.....
Wow, how long can this thread stay alive? I would've thought a few posts of "no" would have sufficed.