GT Sport Digital version: File size??

  • Thread starter GT4_ever
United States
United States
So what seems like about two months ago now, I decided to purchase GT Sport from the PS Store. My first thought was that I wanted to be able to take advantage of some of the pre-order benefits, and I could also conveniently play the game straight from launch. Now for what I hadn't thought about until some time after - how much free space on my hard drive this game is going to consume. Last time I checked, which was as of a few days ago, it says that I have 245 GB of storage left on my drive. The problem? GT games have always been known to create massive file sizes anyways, nevermind what price I'd have to pay for downloading the actual game itself! I've asked around this question to a couple different people and nobody was able to give me an answer on this because nobody else had ever tried downloading PS4 games apparently. I've committed to this decision already in a sense, now what I'm worried about is if I'm going to have to sink more money into purchasing a separate hard drive. That being said, does anyone have a guess what my plan of attack is going to be? Thanks!
I'd expect it to be between 35-50GB. So, yeah, you'll need to save a bit of space.
Really? Only that much for digital? I get that 35-50 GB is a lot, but that's actually a lot less than I expected. Then again, I guess I didn't really know what I was supposed to expect. :sly:
Even PD won't know how big it will be at this stage so we can't really answer. GT5 and GT6 were both less than 20GB on disc. On the one hand GTS will have higher resolution textures, better quality assets in general and presumably better quality audio files but it will also have less assets in total, only 140 car models of significant size compared to ~400 and only 15 locations compared to ~30 odd in GT6.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's only a little larger, in the 20-25GB sort of area. For reference Forza 6, with far more assets in total was 45GB.
Even PD won't know how big it will be at this stage so we can't really answer. GT5 and GT6 were both less than 20GB on disc. On the one hand GTS will have higher resolution textures, better quality assets in general and presumably better quality audio files but it will also have less assets in total, only 140 car models of significant size compared to ~400 and only 15 locations compared to ~30 odd in GT6.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's only a little larger, in the 20-25GB sort of area. For reference Forza 6, with far more assets in total was 45GB.
Okay now you mentioned that the file size for GT6 was 20 GB for the disc version. When you referring to Forza 6, were you also referring to the disc file size? Again I'm curious about much space I need for the digital version, and not so much the disc version, since I'm downloading from PS Store.
Remember GT Sport isn't your regular Gran Turismo, so I'd say 35-50GB is reasonable if you think of the content. If it was a full-blown GT like we're used to, I'd slap my bets between 60-90GB.
I recently downloaded Rory McIlroy Golf and to my surprise it was 39 GB (and took 12 hours to install:boggled:) so with all the eye candy in this game compared to that one I would guess it would be pretty high. As others have mentioned, it's not as large in content as earlier Gt's, and hopefully it won't be full of those GB wasting VGT videos but only time will tell. I think you're pretty safe with 245 GB left though.
Okay now you mentioned that the file size for GT6 was 20 GB for the disc version. When you referring to Forza 6, were you also referring to the disc file size? Again I'm curious about much space I need for the digital version, and not so much the disc version, since I'm downloading from PS Store.
Games this generation use the same amount of space, whether you go disc or digital. Right now we don't know how big GTS will be. I'd guess around 55Gb, with a large day 1 update too.
Okay now you mentioned that the file size for GT6 was 20 GB for the disc version. When you referring to Forza 6, were you also referring to the disc file size? Again I'm curious about much space I need for the digital version, and not so much the disc version, since I'm downloading from PS Store.

I shouldn't have specified disc, the digital version was indeed the same size. As above, disc and download are generally speaking the same size because they're the same master image.

I really don't think it'll be that big given the content we know it'll have.
Looks like the Majority of GTP will be updating & Installing GTS all day long on Christmas. Which is when i`ll be getting it.
But, i would say around 70GB or is that a bit too far? Like somebody said in this thread, GT is known to have large file sizes & that day 1 update. & Then you got to remember they could include some large Updates further on.
Looking at my PS4 right now and I have the following for comparison (all include DLC when avaliable):

Asseto Corsa: 15.36 gig
Project Cars: 27.04 gig
DiRT Rally: 43.68 gig
Seb Loeb Rally Evo: 32 gig
DriveClub: 29.09 gig
WRC 5: 18.32 gig (don't ever buy it - it's rubbish)
F1 2015: 21.55 gig

Which would make an average of 26.72 gig, I suspect GTS will be nearer the 30 to 25 gig mark
Looks like the Majority of GTP will be updating & Installing GTS all day long on Christmas. Which is when i`ll be getting it.
But, i would say around 70GB or is that a bit too far? Like somebody said in this thread, GT is known to have large file sizes & that day 1 update. & Then you got to remember they could include some large Updates further on.

Not really. GT5 1.00 was 13GB by my memory, GT6 1.00 is 14.3GB on the PS Store. Not very big at all, even by PS3 standards. The updates for both were big but what you have to remember is that they are replacing files on disc, sometimes very big ones. Once a package file is on the disc you can't go into it and replace parts of it, if you change one bit you have to change it all. Think of it like if you uploaded a zip containing five songs at 5MB each. The zip (ignoring compression) is 25MB and if you want to replace one 5MB song in the zip you'll need to reupload the whole 25MB zip, even though inside it only 5MB has changed.

That's why a lot of GT5 and GT6 updates were the same sizes, because they were obviously replacing the same large files. The changes they were making however were probably only very minor.
It is downloading for me 54GB in total (15GB for starting game) ... Maybe there is day one patch...

Where are you from?
Serbia, using US account...

I was able to start downloading after 10 but even though I clicked on automatic download, I had to manually do it to get it going right away.
...same, it seems that automatic download works when game is officially available for download.
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Serbia, using US account...
I can’t preload in Canada until December 28th?

When I click on the Starter Pack, it opens the Beta.
I just turned on the PS4... I had it setup as an auto download, and 54 GB was done. I have to wait to play or do the bonus items like the avatars, themes etc., but it's ready to go.



Ah lucky you... I really don’t get why it says out in 76 days on my PS4