GT Sport Mini Game: Traffic Attack

  • Thread starter J24681357
United States
United States
A few years ago, I made a thread about this mini game I made for GT6. Now I updated it for GT Sport. :D

Objective: Overtake as many cars on the track as you can within the time limit.

Time Limit: 5 Minutes (Preferred) or any time limit you like
Players: 8 (Recommend) - 16 Players
Track: Any track that is not too long Ex: Tsukuba Circuit

How To Play

1. Decide of who will be the racer, you could have more than 1 racer for some competition! The rest of the players will be the traffic.
2. The racer needs to turn all of his/her HUD display off.
3. The traffic will only bring cars that are slower than or equal to the racer. Ex: If a racer has a N600 car, traffic cars has to be N600 or lower.
4. All traffic cars will go into auto drive by pressing the start button on the track. All traffic must be driving in the same direction as the racer and has to spread out around the track.
5. When the timer begins, the racer starts driving and the game starts.
6. The racer keeps track of the amount of overtakes. The overtake doesn't count if the racer hits the car, or it is not fully out of the pits (The username has to be displayed on top of the traffic car in order for it to count)
7. When the racer overtakes the traffic car, that traffic car will exit the track and quickly switch to another car that is slower than or equal to the racer. This will not count if the racer hits the car. The racer can assume that there are always different cars as they go like the Sierra Time Rally back in GT6. This repeats until the time is up.
8. Calculate how many cars the racer had overtaken successfully.
9. Pick another racer and repeat steps 2-8. See who gets the most amount of overtakes!

What do you guys think? :dopey:
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Could this not be done on custom race? As opposed to a lobby? I wouldn’t want to join a lobby and sit in auto drive until it’s my turn, but that’s just my two pence.
I do not quit like the #7 as I dont understand your point.

And driving N300 instead of autodrive is indeed a good idea so all people are involved.
Could this not be done on custom race? As opposed to a lobby? I wouldn’t want to join a lobby and sit in auto drive until it’s my turn, but that’s just my two pence.

You could but it's better to have actual people, besides it's best to have more cars spread out around the track.

I do not quit like the #7 as I dont understand your point.

And driving N300 instead of autodrive is indeed a good idea so all people are involved.

I found a mistake in #7 and it's fixed:
7. When the racer overtakes the traffic car, that traffic car will exit the track and quickly switch to another car that is slower than or equal to the racer. This will not count if the racer hits the car.

If you don't want the traffic to use autodrive, its acceptable as long as there's a speed limit (similar to a rule back in the GT6)
"4. All of the traffic will start driving around the track at a speed limit of 60MPH (Preferred)."

Hmm, an even better thing is to have the slow cars be at half the N class the racer is using, and then not use autodrive :D

I thought it would be more easier to use autodrive to keep things more consistent.

Also in the game if you don't want to see the pause menu while in auto drive, you can select the camera settings to get a better view.
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You could but it's better to have actual people, besides it's best to have more cars spread out around the track.

I found a mistake in #7 and it's fixed:
7. When the racer overtakes the traffic car, that traffic car will exit the track and quickly switch to another car that is slower than or equal to the racer. This will not count if the racer hits the car.

If you don't want the traffic to use autodrive, its acceptable as long as there's a speed limit (similar to a rule back in the GT6)
"4. All of the traffic will start driving around the track at a speed limit of 60MPH (Preferred)."

I thought it would be more easier to use autodrive to keep things more consistent.

Also in the game if you don't want to see the pause menu while in auto drive, you can select the camera settings to get a better view.
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I don't know. For me having autodrive on really just defeats the purpose of having people. AI would spread themselves out on a short circuit anyway, especially if there's 16 of them

Driving at 60 km/h isn't really all that fun either when you're not the chase car. I dunno I added that suggestion specifically because I don't want consistency I guess? It'd just be predictable by then. It'd be fun to see a fast person in a car half as powerful as the chase and give the chase car a hard time passing him :)

But then again I didn't know the GT6 version of this so what do I know :P
I agree with you. Just make it N600 vs N300 or even N200 and let those N200 also race eachother at the same time. This would be realistic as well with mixed up race classes. And then see who can pass most cars without hitting them. Starting to like this mini game idea more and more with our minor changes.