Can some one explain to me as to why NPC can lead by over 1 minute and on the same race have an NPC that's getting blue flagged throughout the duration of the game for driving too slow where it say give way to faster drivers and the ****ing ******** is taking racing lines causing every NPC to slow down drastically and me to crash. Shouldn't that NPC be disqualified if it's behind 19th place by 5 ****ING MINUTES, or at the very least not be taking racing lines while going 50mph slower than the slowest car in the race. Another grievance the NPC doesn't follow the same physics as player controller cars. If and NPC hits you or taps gently you'll go flying off the track. If you do the same they aren't affected. The only way an NPC gets affected by a hit is if you're going over 300mph (I've tested this). Yet in online races everyone follows the same physics. Can someome explain this because right now I'm livid from losing that race because of a Sunday driver in an endurance race.