GT Steering Techniques

  • Thread starter KaiZen
Can anyone help me with a thread I'm looking for. Been searching for hours now (damn dial-up!!) but have not been able to find it..:crazy:

It was a little discussion on how people are using the DFP, talking about hand positions and how your arms cross over when cornering during racing and drifting.. Also talked about the difference of steering in the game and real life..

Does anyone remember this thread??

If not, I might as well start a new discussion. 💡

Obviously this will be directed at DFP users, but feel free to talk about your experiences behind a real wheel too.

I'm interested in discussing the hand techniques people are using behind the wheel.

Where do you place your hands on the wheel? At 9 and 3 or 10 and 2?

During corners where you must turn the wheel more than 180 degrees, do you hands cross and change places? or does one hand stay on the wheel while the other takes more of a back seat to steering and just assists?

When drifting, expecially during switch backs, do you let the wheel slide through your fingers and let physics take over? or do your hands cross over and change places multiple times? how many times?

Are you more of a "shuffler" (hands never cross)?

Whilst drifting do you find that while controlling the slide your hands are mainly on the bottom half of the steering wheel? or more on top or sides?

Do you like to "swing" the wheel and throw your car into a corner? How smooth are your inputs?

Describe your hand movements and steering techniques during your favourite corners..
At 9 and 3
Yep where the comfort spot is.

During corners where you must turn the wheel more than 180 degrees

one hand stay on the wheel while the other takes more of a back seat to steering and just assists?

Are you more of a "shuffler" (hands never cross)?
I shuffle while drifting.

Whilst drifting do you find that while controlling the slide your hands are mainly on the bottom half of the steering wheel?
Bottom half.
Do you like to "swing" the wheel and throw your car into a corner? How smooth are your inputs?
I am very smooth while drifting, I give the wheel a little flick and lift off to get the car sliding then my wheel movement are very smooth, unless I suddenly get snap oversteer or suddenly the car understeers then it becomes unsmooth.

Describe your hand movements and steering techniques during your favourite corners..

When I drive I notice as I got better I dont move the wheel nowhere near asmuch as I used to and I use the throttle to steer my car alot more. No sharp drastic movements. So my hands dont move all that much exept when I shift and thats done with my right hand pushing or pulling the stick without leaving the wheel.
Most of the time when I'm driving, the wheel never has to turn further than 90 degrees in either direction, so I never let go, I just let my hands cross. I typically only take a hand off the wheel to shift. I don't drift, however, so I don't have as much wheel movement as a drifter would.

As for hand positioning, it depends on the car.. if I'm driving a stick-shift car, it's 10 and 2. If I'm driving a flappy-paddle car, it's 9 and 3, so I can reach the shifters on the back of the wheel. I try to use whatever shifting method the real-life car has (if I know it), rather than always using one or the other. With most cars, of course, it's the shifter, but a few of them (the Aston Martins, McMerc SLR, F1), I use the paddle-shifters, since that's how those cars shift in real life.
Hands at 3 and 9, sometimes with thumbs up (relaxed racing), sometimes with thumbs gripping the wheel (high speed races, usually...). Mostly will not cross hands, so I guess it would make me a "shuffler"... Don't do drifting. And sometimes I let the wheel recenter itself just like a real car.
That's the one.. thanks for the help guys..

but, I'm still interested in finding out peoples steering techniques, especially drifters :)
Most of the time I actually race with one hand on the wheel at 10 ish and the other one on the stick for shifting. Hate the paddle shifters, so I always use the stick. I can palm the DFP when I have to on city courses, and sometimes use two hands on the wheel during extremely rough patches or extremely tight courses if I'm tired of palming the wheel around.
I'm with panjandrum. I drive with my left hand in the 10:00 position, always, and my right on the 02:00 position about 30% of the time. Usually I keep the right ready for shifting, which is bad technique, but seems to work better in GT4.
Yep, I think that's the one KaiZen is after.
Now that's he's found his thread I guess this problem's solved?

@ F_Chris. The answer to your question is NO. KZ now has to read through 2 threads to keep up with the answer to his questions. :)
Hmmm didn't he mention he's got a dial up connection.

Perhaps he'll ask one of the mods to merge and or close 1 of them (wishful thinking) :)
@ F_Chris. The answer to your question is NO. KZ now has to read through 2 threads to keep up with the answer to his questions. :)
Hmmm didn't he mention he's got a dial up connection.

Perhaps he'll ask one of the mods to merge and or close 1 of them (wishful thinking) :)
OK, he originally posted:
Can anyone help me with a thread I'm looking for. Been searching for hours now (damn dial-up!!) but have not been able to find it..

It was a little discussion on how people are using the DFP, talking about hand positions and how your arms cross over when cornering during racing and drifting.. Also talked about the difference of steering in the game and real life..

Does anyone remember this thread??
His problem was that he was unable to find the thread he was looking for. You posted a link to the destination he required:
His problem is now solved.

His problem was he couldn't find it, now he can find it...
Now that's he's found his thread I guess this problem's solved?
The other stuff about wanting hand positions was edited in after the fact, and isn't relavent. The fact that he now has two threads to keep up with is KaiZen's problem. Don't bite off more than you can chew. :)

Right, to get back ONTOPIC: Like Duke I like to keep one hand on the wheel and one hand on the shifter. I get sufficient control over the wheel with one hand in most situations, and am ready to change gears. While this is not the most approved driving method (I think two hands on the wheel is best), it's what works for me. The hand I have on the wheel will be around 9 - 10, or sometimes even at 12 for that cruisin' feelin'. :sly: I'll move this hand before a corner so I can get enough leverage as I go through. I might say move my hand down to 6, so that at the apex it's rotated around to 10? Gives me better control that way. For drifting I'll often wave one arm in the air for extra style points... :cool:
Man, I'm so jealous.. wish I had a steering wheel so I could cruise with one hand, hold my ciggie in the other, and wave at my girlfriend as I drive (read:ignore) pass.. I reckon I'd get style points for the last one. Especially if she fly kicks me in the head (mental note:buy helmet) for tryin to be cool :mischievous:

The link was very helpful and, for my sake, the thread wasn't that long. I was especially interested in Scaff's post with the link to the driving school.. helpful, but in terms of drifting didn't really answer my question. That's why I was wondering on what the majority felt on the issue. I must admit though that the technique of placing a hand at 12o'clock in preperation for a corner struck me as a little disturbing. Maybe during slow corner it's ok. :nervous:

I'm suprised that Ferrari_Chris drives with one hand. But then again, even World Champions drive with one hand, ala Petter Solberg on the Touge in Best Motoring :sly:
My wheel is an F1 replica so I keep my hands in the same place all the time, I may move them now and again but I dont really notice. I often take my right hand off the wheel in left hand corners, I dont know why I do it but i'm just more comfortable in left hand turns with my right hand on the shifter. And, as you've probably guessed, I use my right hand for the shifter, although I wish it was on the left hand side :(.
i dunno what it is, i think ive been watching F1 to much but i have my right hand slightly higher than my left hadn, it just feels right, and i have my thumbs sort of on the wheel and i rarely take my hands off the wheel.
lol, I need to go a little easier on my stick shifter, its almost lost all its spring now. I tend to grab and at yank it back or smash it forward with my palm. Now I wrap tons of elastic bands around it to keep it stiff. I think I get a little too carried away with the whole racey feel of it and need to chill out a bit.
When I drive I notice as I got better I dont move the wheel nowhere near as much as I used to and I use the throttle to steer my car alot more. No sharp drastic movements.

This is the best reply I've read in over 3 years in the GT Community. 👍

The ability to find that racing line which allows the minimum of steering input along with surgical throttle control is the key to driving fast and overcoming understeer, both in real life racing and in Gran Turismo.