GT to become like Counterstrike?

  • Thread starter luftrofl
I was thinking today, and was thinking that GT4 & GT5 would become just like CS 1.6 & CS:Source.

There are still MANY people who play CS:1.6, often because their computer isn't capable of handling CS:S. Similarly, I believe that the online version of GT4 will be played for a long time after GT5 is released(presumably with online capabilities).

I figure that this will happen because of the cost of the new PS3 and how close the release dates for GT4online & GT5 seem to be. I would actually love this to happen because my PS2 and XBOX will probably be the last consoles that I buy, as for the cost of an XBOX360 or any other next-gen console I could probably buy nice computer(mac mini anyone?)

I can easily see that. Although I think the opposite, that $300-400 will get you a much better game console than computer, that's still a lot for many families to come up with for a game system, especially if they'd just built/bought a gaming PC. So it's entirely conceivable that GT4 Online will remain popular for years, living alongside the ones playing the next generation.
I wonder if they will let you carry over GT4 cars into GT5 online. I mean it should be entirely possible. If gt5 will have some different cars, new is whta i mean. Then why cant we use older cars.
I wonder if they will let you carry over GT4 cars into GT5 online. I mean it should be entirely possible. If gt5 will have some different cars, new is whta i mean. Then why cant we use older cars.

GT5 will be running on a totally different hardware than GT3 and GT4, and hopefully the number of polygons used to render a car on the PS3 will be much higher than it is now on the PS2. In that case, PD will either have to re-design all existing cars or else they'll look crap compared to the new cars.
Plus if they include realistic damage they'll need to change the way the game engine renders the car now.
I can definitley see GT4 online being very popular even when GT5 is released. The only reason I would upgrade to the PS3 is for Gran Turismo, Ace Combat, and GTA. I don't think I want to spend $500 on a new system just for three games, especially since I don't have too much of a disposable income right now. So it looks like I'm going to be playing GT4 online for a good year at least before the PS3 drops in price so I can afford one.

And I highly doubt I'm the only person who's going to wait a while to buy a PS3. Unless the new GTA game will completely blow me away, in which case I know I'll have to give in and upgrade...

And as for the whole CS vs CS:S debate, CS is still popular not only because of the lower system requirements, but many people prefer the gameplay of CS over CS:S. I doubt this will be the case with GT5 though, as each installment of the GT series has seen a good improvement in gameplay.
Luckily for me Iam still a child so my parents will pay for the new console :P So Iam defintly going to say good bye to GT4 when GT5 comes out!
Tenacious D
I can easily see that. Although I think the opposite, that $300-400 will get you a much better game console than computer, that's still a lot for many families to come up with for a game system, especially if they'd just built/bought a gaming PC. So it's entirely conceivable that GT4 Online will remain popular for years, living alongside the ones playing the next generation.
A $300-$400 is no were near as good a computer... expescially people who have custom brand new comps like me :D
Well, but if you spent $399 on an XBox360, you'd have a much more powerful system than if you'd spent $399 on a PC. To get the equivalent in a PC gaming rig, you'd undoubtedly have to spend $1000 on a system you'd have to build yourself, including monitor. Without, maybe $750 or more. And the games these next gen systems like the 360 and PS3 will play won't be available on PCs for a good while if at all, and the equivalent games on PC are pretty sparse.

In fact my addiction to more broad based racing, where you can race everything from street machines to LeMans cars, is probably going to have me running to the store today to get a copy of Forza and an XBox to go with it. When I looked into it, I was stunned at all the things Forza offers. Things we've been discussing in our GT5 wishlist threads, such as a paint shop for your cars and a teachable Drivatar (B-Spec Bob)! I was going to wait for the PS3, but with its release possibly as late as Christmas in the U.S., I made the mistake of finally looking over the other side's offerings. I still don't want a 360, no must have games, but darn if Forza doesn't seem a lot like GT4.2, and do have a few bucks to spend... :D
Tenacious D
Well, but if you spent $399 on an XBox360, you'd have a much more powerful system than if you'd spent $399 on a PC. To get the equivalent in a PC gaming rig, you'd undoubtedly have to spend $1000 on a system you'd have to build yourself, including monitor. Without, maybe $750 or more. And the games these next gen systems like the 360 and PS3 will play won't be available on PCs for a good while if at all, and the equivalent games on PC are pretty sparse.

In fact my addiction to more broad based racing, where you can race everything from street machines to LeMans cars, is probably going to have me running to the store today to get a copy of Forza and an XBox to go with it. When I looked into it, I was stunned at all the things Forza offers. Things we've been discussing in our GT5 wishlist threads, such as a paint shop for your cars and a teachable Drivatar (B-Spec Bob)! I was going to wait for the PS3, but with its release possibly as late as Christmas in the U.S., I made the mistake of finally looking over the other side's offerings. I still don't want a 360, no must have games, but darn if Forza doesn't seem a lot like GT4.2, and do have a few bucks to spend... :D

a Xbox360 isnt $400, it's $600, and for $600, you CAN get a equaly computer, even better, then the Xbox360.

I didn't find Forza that much fun... The crubs are gynormous at the Ring, taller the na Porsche Carrea GT :yuck: Forza seems to be a NFSU at a circuit...
Err.... I'm not sure you can get a gaming PC built that can deliver 360 quality graphics without stutter for $600. A 3ghz CPU with a good motherboard, at least 512megs of good, non-cheapo ram, a quality graphics card and a reasonable single 80 gig hard drive will set you back at least $500. And you still need a power supply, case, DVD writer, keyboard, mouse, and maybe a sound card because most onboard sound is just okay and doesn't work well with many games. And if you toss in a monitor, add $180 plus. And it won't run without Windows, that's over $100 more. The 3ghz budget gaming rig at Sharkey Extreme is still around a grand.

But you're right about the 360. It looks like you have to buy a bundle, which starts at more than $400. I'll let you know about Forza. ;)
Tenacious D
Err.... I'm not sure you can get a gaming PC built that can deliver 360 quality graphics without stutter for $600. A 3ghz CPU with a good motherboard, at least 512megs of good, non-cheapo ram, a quality graphics card and a reasonable single 80 gig hard drive will set you back at least $500. And you still need a power supply, case, DVD writer, keyboard, mouse, and maybe a sound card because most onboard sound is just okay and doesn't work well with many games. And if you toss in a monitor, add $180 plus. And it won't run without Windows, that's over $100 more. The 3ghz budget gaming rig at Sharkey Extreme is still around a grand.

But you're right about the 360. It looks like you have to buy a bundle, which starts at more than $400. I'll let you know about Forza. ;)

1 word.... Antec. Buy seprate items from there, and your set. How about a 200 gig hardrive for only $100? It just so happens that my computer ONLY cost my dad $600... But then i got a new monitor, but that was $400... But you can get fine monitor for cheepo.

And no 360 costs a little more then $600 by its self, NO bundles. Budles will set you back to $700-$800. EVEN MORE!

What you mean you will let me know about Forza?
I have played both forza (quite a bit) but I have played gt4 much more, and honestly I found forza to be quite arcadish (read NFS style) and after I switched back to gt4 I came up appreciate it much more.

Personally I am saving my cash now so that when it is available (in australia) I will be able to buy a ps3 and gt5, but I will not buy the ps3 until gt5 is out. If history serves me right, gt5 will more than likely be delayed as well. Personally I dont think that gt5 will make the target release date.:indiff:
GT5 is a loooong way off

wasnt 2007 mentioned ? & that they were 'hoping' for a 2007 release ?

no PS3 untill november - at least , GT4 online is going to have to hold all GT fans over for6 - 7 months before the PS3 release alone

im hoping GT4 Online has new content
Forza is indeed arcadish, very Need for Speed, but it appears that it was done by contract with EA, or was done by a team hired from EA. There are several little clues that indicate this, such as a few tracks that look like they were lifted from NFS, the way the Shipyard point to point race finishes, with the cars piling up in comical collisions, the fact that Forza has Ferrari and Porsche, and a few other things. It never indicates anywhere that I've found that it was done by anyone but Microsoft Studios, but Halo 2 is credited to MS, and I think everyone says it's definitely a Bungie product. But it is a blast, and I'm getting into it to tide me over till the PS3 comes out this November.

As for buying PC parts, if I buy online, it's Newegg only.