GT UK Release?

  • Thread starter danthespam
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United Kingdom
Derby, UK
Not wishing to join the naughty step.....:indiff:

I'm employed by the high street chain HMV in the UK, The info we have on GT 5 release date changed on all our computers today to 30th April, this hasnt been published on the company website yet so is only available to staff. Whilst it may not be a solid date of confirmation from sony it may be a good yardstick for the uk and us releases.

Just thought i'd throw it out there!!
No offense, but it doesnt mean anything really.
I already heard tons of releasedates from shop employees for a lot of games and they were never right. Which isnt your fault of course since you are not responsible for this.
It sounds very realistic, but I won't mark it down on any calendar. I just hope it's out in America before May.
On the US Gamestop site, the GT5 release date says Feb 2nd. Sometimes I think these retailers are just guessing.
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