GT Underground - competitors wanted!

Upside-down in the final corner


This league might seem similar to other leagues on GTPlanet. But it is it's all own. Little to zero similarity is intended.

Welcome to the Underground!

The Underground is the place where street-racers meet to challenge each other. This is the only place where the muscle of the past meet modern all-wheel-drive and the design of an italian supercar. The street races hang in every major city around the world of Gran Turismo, so there's no excuse for not racing!

The rules[/CENTER]

1. No intentional crashing or turning around to ruin others races. If proven to have done this you can risk losing Respect Points
2. Don't get mad if you lose a race. Try a different combination of car and track, and find your grove.

Room settings[/CENTER]

The room settings must be:

Race quality: standard
Voice quality: off to prevent heavy lag
Grip: normal
Slipstream: weak
Disable collisions: hell no 👎

Challenging a driver

This league does not require you to post in this thread before you arrange a race. If you see a registered competitor online, you can challenge him/her. 24 hours after the challenge, both drivers must have posted the results as verification. Worth to pay attention to is that you for Drag and Knockout events, will need a supervisor to make sure the events are held appropriate.
To challenge a driver/contact a supervisor, you must send a Private Message with following information:

Challenger: (who sent the challenge)
Challenged: (who recieved the challenge)
Supervisor: (who would the challenger want to supervise)
Race type: (circuit, drag, knockout)
Track: (obvious)
Car category: (tuner, muscle, exotic, truck)
Performance class: (class 3, class 2, class 1,)
4WD: (yes/no)

Race events
Underground racers take on each other in a number of race events:

Circuit racing

The classic race. Finish an amount of laps in first position to take the prize.

Available/recommended tracks:

Special Stage Route 5, Clubman Stage Route 5, Madrid, Madrid Mini, London, Tokyo R246, Cotê d'Azur, Rome, Toscana Tarmac (Course creator).

Drag racing

Drag races are straight to the finish line. Sounds easy? Not when you'll need to optimize your shifts.. Automatic gears are disallowed.

Available/recommended tracks:

Special Stage Route X, Special Stage Route 7, Indy Road infield section.


Circuit with a twist: The last on every lap is elimiated! Requires at least 3 drivers.

Available/Recommended tracks:

Special Stage Route 5, Clubman Stage Route 5, Madrid, Madrid Mini, London, Tokyo R246, Cotê d'Azur, Rome, Toscana Tarmac (Course creator).

Pink Slip

For any race event, you can arrange a Pink Slip version. Just add (PS) in the "Race Type". Pink slip races can only be 1on1.


The cars are dicided into different categories:

Tuner cars:

Tuner cars cut through the corners like a cold knife in hot butter.
Examples: Mitsubishi Lancer, VW Golf, Nissan Skyline.

Muscle cars:

Muscle cars come from the U.S. and have an overload of power.
Examples: Dodge Challenger R/T, Ford Mustang, Chevrolet Corvette.

Exotic cars:

Exotic cars pursue elegant design and top speed.
Examples: Lamborghini Countach, Pagani Zonda, RUF RGT.


Heavy trucks designed for functionality.
Examples: Dodge RAM, Chevrolet SSR, Toyota Tacoma.

Be advised that race and/or RM'd cars are not allowed to compete. You may also not downtune a car. E.g. a car "born" into the 501-550PP class can never compete in the -500PP class.

Performance classes:

The cars are also divided into performance classes, based on Performance Points. Worth to note is, a car that a stock has 565 PP may not be downtuned to 550 PP to fit to Class 2.

Class 3:

Cars with 500 or less PP

Class 2:

Cars with 501-550 PP

Class 1:

Cars with 551-600 PP

For all races, Sport Soft will be the max. allowed.

Competiors can show up in whatever car they want, as long as it is allowed to the regulations.


To find a winner, a point system is used.

For beating 1 car in any race event, you will, as standard, recieve 50 Respect Points (RP) per car you beat. E.g. if you race 4 drivers, the winner will recieve 150 RP, 2nd will recieve 100 RP, etc. You can also bet additional RP. E.g. if Driver A and Driver B bets 25 RP, and Driver A wins, Driver A will have a total of 75 RP added to his/her account, while Driver B will have 25 RP deducted. Pink Slip races will be worth double RP (100 RP)


To register for this league, post or PM me your PSN ID. You'll also need "GT_Underground " on your PSN friend list.


rallymorten/rallymorten (200 RP)
juventus2012/Jon-w96-_ (0 RP)
curtex/curt_ex (0 RP)
TDZdave/TDZ-4-12-14-88 (450 RP)
HenryT/H_enry_T (50 RP)
Katiegan/wolfdragon97 (150 RP)
Spazmaticality/Spazmaticality (400 RP)
XxCraziiDragxX/ king_ddp1028 (0 RP)

Hall of Fame:

To be updated by the end of Season 1.

Season 1 lasts until: December 21, 15:00 gmt. Any races held after this date will not count.
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I think we should put a ban on engine upgrades, as in stage 1,2,3 all after market parts allowed, thus making it more true to life, just for example read this conversation that took place involving me and blokes at the off street drags,

Also would the commodore be classed as a tuner or muscle car?

Me, Hey mate, I got you next, what are you running? B1, I'm running a XR6 with a GT32 Turbo, Double clutch, high flow haders, and 3in exhaust, Turbo timer and boost control, Me, wow, good BHP then? yeah around 450-480BHP, depending on the rev's, B2, have you raced it before? B1, nah mate first time, haven't given it much throttle since the mods were made, B2, got it dyno tuned the turbo for the new exhaust? B1, no, it will be ok without it, B2, did the fella's that put all the kit on strengthen up the bearings and cam to handle the turbo or is that stock too? B1, that's stock, just the turbo and exhaust have been modified, Me, did you get a ride here or did you drive the car here? B1, I drove here, why's that? Me, because when that turbo winds up you will throw a cam or bearing in the bottom end and be walking home, B1, nah it will be ok I've seen others run the same setup, B2, hmmm ok mate well good luck,

he got maybe 80ft down the drag strip before he had a catastrophic engine failure, I had to laugh,

also I think that we need tier systems, for each type of car then king showdown,
Tier 1, limited to 440PP, Tier 2, limited to 490PP, Tier 3, limited to 550PP, Open tier, limited to 620PP
Each category of car should have a King, then there should be a King of Kings, and to make things fair you cant use a DLC car until your in tier 3, and also this PP system means you cant have a premium AWD until tier 2,

also bud, all King showdowns should be held on the old Nurburgring, the King of Kings showdown should be held on Mt Iso or Toscana, randomly generated,
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we sure are using GT5 mate, just ironing out the details, but register and monitor the thread mate, once we work out the finer details we will get to it,
yes im using gt5 its just im new to gt planet so not sure how to use it really so how do i register to this thread
just type in your GTPlanet user name followed by your PSN user name, on the thread like so,

TDZdave/ TDZ-4-12-14-88

yours would be

Juventus2012/ Jon-w96-_

and welcome to GTPlanet, also check this thread

This is the W.M.A or World Motor sports Association, we run all kinds of series, its not needed to sign up for any sanctioned events but here you will find what we cover,
Dave, that's quite a lot of feedback :) but the more the merrier 👍

Yeah, putting a limit on what options are allowed might be an idea looking into. I'm also thinking of changing the Performance Class rules to say that the cars may not be downgraded, e.g. you can't just ballast and power limit a Lamborghini to fit to the slow class (this would count out most of the 4wd cars for the slow cars).

About the Commodore, a raw rule would be:

4-6 cylinders = tuner
8 cylinder = muscle
10 or more = exotic

Remember it's a raw one so there are exceptions, e.g. the V8 Audi is obviously an exotic :)

The King system is almost what I am trying to achieve, by counting win ratio of each driver in each class to find out who's won most races (ofc a driver who only raced once and won won't be King). I'll then offer them to be King of a class (they can chose to turn down on the offer if they don't want to race anymore) and at the end of a season the King and the best class driver will face off (so season 1 is there to find the Kings)

@Juventus, just post your GTP and PSN name in this thread and send a friend request on PSN to "rallymorten" and I'll register you as competitor 👍

And yeah, check out W.M.A., really good team (because I'm hosting series there :lol: )
@Juventus, you'll be on when I update OP 👍

@curtex, no, you can basically show up at the races in any car you'd like as long as it lives up to the regulations :)
@Juventus, you'll be on when I update OP 👍

@curtex, no, you can basically show up at the races in any car you'd like as long as it lives up to the regulations :)

very cool when is this business gonna start?
It started the moment I posted the thread :D should I add you as competitor? I know your PSN so it's just saying :)
Thats why I suggested the PP tier system, that way no one can have a AWD car in tier 1 as most of them start at 442PP and go higher, I also wouldn't allow exotics until tier 3
Slight change to the OP. Performance classes remain the same BUT in the challenge message you'll also tell the challenged if 4WD will be allowed. I hope this helps :)

Also Dave and curtex, should I register you as competitors?
Bahahahaha, well I'm keen to knock some heads off :lol: @Rally one of us should create a separate account for this,
I think I can do that. It shouldn't be so much trouble, it's just creating an email and making a PSN account based on that. Not much trouble in that :)
lol I'll do in a moment

I'll create the account when I'm on my PS3 again and send out the FR's to those who have signed up yet 👍
speaking of soundtracks, I went to Dub the Rob Zombie song over the W.M.A movie, some how I deleted 2.30 of film, which was... all I had worked on.... gone, That'll learn me for not backing up my stuff, :lol:
Know that feeling Dave. I did a pursuit video some time ago and on Movie Maker it all looked perfect. When it got on youtube, half the video was non-excitant and 2-3 minutes of plain black screen was added to the end.. Hasn't happened sinse but then there's been problems with YouTube thinking my video is shaky and tries to fix it but messes it up even further, even before I get to see it online 👎
I hate that, what gets me is they'll allow some tramp getting all hot under the collar but they wont allow the ending to a big kev advert, wtf guys????
I haven't got around to adding anyone yet. Heck I haven't even had time to make the second account yet :) which one would you want to be signed up on?
So, the main account is.. (you said you had 2 so I need you to be a bit more specific :) )

For now, no race cars, "tiers" are based on performance points.

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