Gt World Championship

  • Thread starter Evo Paul
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Hi, i am havin trouble winning the Gt world champ on professional level. I cant find a car gud enuf to do it every car i seem to buy is wank. Can someone give me some suggestions for a car gud enuf to win this race?? Thanks
If you'd make even the smallest attempt to look past the end of your nose, you'd see that there's at least one thread on this subject already. And if you posted here, on the wrong board, because your original thread was not approved for the main board, that's why.




I'd also like to call your attention to the rules pages you apparently ignored when you clicked Accept:
the Terms Of Service
* No slang words that promote laziness, ie; "r", "u", "plz", etc.

* Half decent grammar is expected. Use of capital letters starting sentences is looked upon favorably. Spelling half decently is also encouraged.
With the precious time you saved typing gud instead of good, you could have investigated the Search button. Or, wait, let me call that the Serch button for you.
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