GT2Rank (like gplrank)

  • Thread starter sucahyo
Recently I play Grand Prix Legends. From this game I know an online competition named GPLRank. GPLRank is rank based on how much time you have compared to reference time. If you have slower time you have positive value. If you have faster time you have negative value.

This looks interesting. The problem if we do this in GT2 is there is too many car! We have to reduce the car to atleast 10. Maybe only on 10 track.

Any suggestion?

I am thinking of including only production car:
- miata
- s2000
- silvia R
- 328ci
- civic type R
- MR2
- camaro SS
- elise 190
- mustang
- cerbera speed 6

modification allowed:
no weight mods.
no engine mods
no muffler mods
no turbo mods
no tire mods

All car must use stock ride height, with spring rate is less or equal to stock.
For reference time I am thinking of using AI driver. reference time will be decide by the fastest time achieved by AI using tuned car with hard tire.

Why not just use a stock AI car to compare so as to compare with CPU as well? I suppose you want to set the benchmark higher than the AI will do with stock, but I would rather hear stock AI times my self if I am compeating with stock cars. ('Apples to Apples' and 'Oranges to Oranges', not 'Apples to Oranges'.)

Edit: Sorry Sucahyo, I see now that you are allowing certain modifications.
The problem is, AI car is too afraid going to the tire limit in corner. It's like they afraid to make the tire screetching.

We should at least give AI stickier tire. And since some car (race car) normal tire have more grip than sport tire, using hard tire probably increase AI chance more.
The reason of using B-spec is because I can't succesfully equip enemy AI with any tuning yet.
The reason for tuning, we have different driving style so tuning should be different. Car that suited to one person driving style would not necessarily suited to other.