GT3 Board Challenge V2 (GTP: Unofficial)

  • Thread starter Talentless


Yes, I am still alive.
Staff Emeritus
These members are in:


Der Alta


Made in Holland

Prancing Horse



These members may comprise the rest of the team. Those who cannot because of the eight member limit may be considered as a substitute for drivers unable to compete in an upcoming round, if such a case may be. (Assuming the rules allow substitutes so long as the substitute is not a racer who lost an earlier round.) But none of our members are going to lose, are they?!







If anyone cannot provide proper video or replay file verification, or a mmory card, please say so now so that your name can be removed from consideration.

BoomBexus/Lotus350 will co-captain.

Captains, please allow these members the chance to prove their mettle. If you would, please design some races for them.

I have foregone the long challenge.
I guess I just couldn't resist signing up for 1 last competition, I can have a break until December then after this pack it in for good!

Co- Captain :eek: what I do to deserve that honor :confused: I just hope I will have the time to help out when needed with it being close to christmas. :( I'm sure Boom is quite capable though :shades:

Zero, I wondered what you was doing so when I saw I was a bit confused . Looks like we will be against each other then 😈 :P
Originally posted by made in holland

That's a perfect job for you, keeping him on our side. Shouldn't be too hard;) You women always know how to push us men around:P

:P I'll try get him onside 😈 ;)
jmr indicates that it is undecided as to whether there will be rally rounds or not.
Originally posted by boombexus
What's up co-capitan!!!?

Hey, hello there!:captain: Boom!

Hope I done the right thing here :D
Originally posted by Talentless
jmr indicates that it is undecided as to whether there will be rally rounds or not.

Will jmr be relaying all informations regarding this event to you T?
BTW, I am quite honored to be chosen as one of the teams captains and also I am honored to share it with Lotus.

This just came as a surprise to me.

I shall do my best to form a great team that will represent the best forums around, GTP!
Originally posted by boombexus
BTW, I am quite honored to be chosen as one of the teams captains and also I am honored to share it with Lotus.

This just came as a surprise to me.

I shall do my best to form a great team that will represent the best forums around, GTP!

Well, you did and are still doing a great job with HSB so i don't think it will be a problem for you:)
Jean will update every website with all the information needed, he has done that for the GTD 2nd season and will do it for this board challenge.
Zero, calm down. And please delete that post to meme! Thanks in advance.

meme, please excuse Zero as he has had a sudden issue develop that has made all of us quite emotional.

meme, I would like you to submit to me some of your best times and replays. I will contact you again to explain in more detail.