drifting feels much better in LFS, it doesnt feel easier, but i feel more potential in control w/ LFS. and Racing is about 100 times harder.. Weight shifting is much more important.
actually the game has the best keyboard code ever in a racing game (digital input), being customizable to the bone in the relevant parameters. you can even adjust key code per car/setup etc.
even mouse is supported and hybrid mouse/anythingelse
of coz wheel is the better option with good pedals but thats not the same as saying the rest of options suck, coz they dont. especially if you dont have a wheel they are trully great.
Um, have you played the game recently??!! it may be Amazingly Customizable, and i know a few decent Keyboard drifters. But A wheel Is about 10x easier than KB, and about twice as easy as a mouse. Theres a way to set it up so kb works well w/ it but im not sure how. you'd have to ask around. If you know, could u post it for darin?