gt3 official steering wheel

  • Thread starter dayboy2k1
is the official gran turismo 3 steering wheel made by logitech a good steering wheel if u have got it please please reply or e-mail me saying if it is good and worth getting
I have it and dont really like it you would have to spend a lot of time with it becuase it is really hard to get the hang of it but i am sure once i do i will love it but not right now
when you hit the wall you have to come to a complete stop almost to regain controll
i also *had* it because  returned it becuase i didnt like the feel of it. THe controller is the easiest thing for me plus the wires (3 of them gong to different places) they give you are really short and not too good but i know some people really like it soo its just sortof what you think. To me its not worth the money becuase they say it dosnt work with every game. One more thing i didnt like was the bottoms not very good to work with gran turismo there were not enough bottoms to do everything u can with the controller.

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