GT3 vs. GTA3

  • Thread starter Joey D

What is Better?

  • GT3

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • GTA3

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Both are Equal

    Votes: 15 53.6%

  • Total voters

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
You tell me whats better. Like this is any type of contest but
I want to know if this game is better then GT3.
Gee - they're so different.

GTA3 is probably more fun (nothing like a good snipe!), but I love dragging GT3 out and just driving.

I'd rank them equal - if the AI racing was better in GT3 I might rate it better.
Both games are great, but GTA3 became very repetitive IMO as you progressed through the game. The story was great, but there's only so many variations on the mayhem/destruction theme before you begin to get that "Been there, done that" feeling.
GT3 has a similar problem later on, but I had less problems finishing it off. There;s just something hypnotic about going around the same exact track countless times seeing how perfectly you can take each nook and cranny.
Not to mention the availability of a few hundred vehicles. (part of the fun is breaking out a Lotus and racing agaisnt superior autmobiles.) :)
Well, i played both for a very short time, since i dont have a ps2:( and i got to say i liked GTA3 alot more. Since i havent been able to test out all the aspects in both games, im not really a valid vote. I wouldnt mind playing either game though, but seems like GTA3 is alot more fun IMO:)
Yeah, GTA3 is a lot of fun very quickly and is easier to get into and is basically everything Driver 2 should have been, but GT3 will last a lot longer before you get everything completed.

But for overall mind blowing hypnotic repetitiveness, you can't tell me anything is worse than a Vitz enduro.

"Announcer 1: Look! He must have been going 30 mph around that turn! Amazing!

Announcer 2: And that's just the beginning folks, this race is gonna a 2.5 hour test of brain melting endurance, where those with an unbelievable resistance to passing out of sheer boredom will be the only ones to come out of this without severe mental trauma!"

I don't have GTA3 but I have GT3. I love GT3 and I want to get GTA soon. It'll be a tough decision picking between the two cause I've heard so many things about GTA. But What I've seen of it I have to say GT3 is better. I have never found a replacement for it.
Gran Turismo 3 is better to me.
In my top 3 Ps2 games i've played, this is how they stand:

1. Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
2. Grand Theft Auto 3
3. Jak & Daxter

Metal Gear Solid 2 is about my 5th or 6th fave ps2 game ever. (too many movies, not enough gameplay)
GTA3 is sorta fake I guess, and a lot of fun to play around in, but GT3 is for real driving with real cars. GT3 takes more skill, you can get really good at it. But GTA3 makes me laugh, it's comical really. I mean running over people and they make that you just crushed a bug...
Imagine online multiplayer with GTA3. Now THAT would be fun! It would be like playing GTA3 with the armed pedestrians code and the riot code on.
Ok - how's this? GT3 is a better simulator, GTA3 is a better game.

I'm still playing both - probably more GTA3 at the moment (need that 100%!), but it swings from month to month. I'd certainly never sell either title.