GT4 Greatest Hits vs GT4

The colouring on the top of the DVD was similarly different too. But I can believe some old DVDs were packaged in Greatest Hit boxes. Sometimes they even take old boxes and put an extra "Greatest Hit" outside liner on the packaging.
There was another recent thread that ended up touching on this - the game is essentially the same, yes, but a few random options are slightly different. For instance, you can't split the 2 player screen vertically in greatest hits, and there's a difference in the software version - things like the AR Max don't work on Greatest Hits unless there's an updated code list from the device's manufacturer.
The GH version also has at least one bug-fix, too. The first release would hang when run on a PS3, if left alone long enough, at a certain point. The was taken care of by an update to the PS3's OS and is immaterial now, though, but it still exists.

This also presumes, of course, that the OP is not asking about the Japanese version which has its own differences.


You mean the line of split runs top-to-bottom? 1 player has the left side of the screen and 2 player has the right? It's just the opposite on my copy of the GH version - the line of split runs left to right, as with most other racing games. In my original copy of GT4, you could select either.
I was running in widescreen aspect as well, so that might have something to do with it.

LAN mode is a lot more fun though. ;)
Using the disk currently in my PS2, which has a black background on the bottom of its top graphics, where the Greatest Hits has red, I can find no explicit option to change how the screen is split in 2-player mode. If I say the screen is 4:3, it splits with a horizontal line; Player 1 above Player 2. If I say the screen is 16:9, it splits with a vertical line; Player 1 to the left of Player 2.

I think that's my release-date disk; I never marked a date on it, although I do sometimes.
That would make sense then. I've never switched my aspect ratio to 16:9. I did however really like using the vertical split in my original copy of the game. I wonder at the point of removing that option for greatest hits... it couldn't save that much space on the disc, could it?
I tried two not-Greatest-Hits disks, and also two Greatest-Hits disks, and made the same observation. There does not seem to be an explicit vertical/horizontal option for the two-player screen; it is done based on what you've set under options as the aspect ratio of the screen.

The disk I usually use does, indeed, appear to be my release-date disk.
Probably my memory spazzing out then, I took a year-ish break from GT4 before picking up a Greatest Hits copy, and had the impression that I could freely switch the split independent of the aspect ratio in my old game. Thanks for clearing that up. 👍