GT4 Help Needed

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Firstly i'm just saying hi, as i am new here.

But, I now am having serious problems playing GT4 :indiff:
When i exit a race, instead of the GT logo or the red/blue boxes having a white spinning dial, the 'dial' is red. The game just freezes on this screen with the red dial continously spinning. This means i can no longer do more than one race, and i cannot get any further in GT4 :scared:

Has anyone else experienced this, and are there any solutions? I really don't want to have to buy another PS2 or another GT4 game.

Firstly i'm just saying hi, as i am new here.

But, I now am having serious problems playing GT4 :indiff:
When i exit a race, instead of the GT logo or the red/blue boxes having a white spinning dial, the 'dial' is red. The game just freezes on this screen with the red dial continously spinning. This means i can no longer do more than one race, and i cannot get any further in GT4 :scared:

Has anyone else experienced this, and are there any solutions? I really don't want to have to buy another PS2 or another GT4 game.
Do a search on DREs. This has been talked about several times before. You can find better answers in the PS2 threads.
well i don't think u can do much. clean ur disk or ur ps2 lenses. If it doesn't help. Either ur ps2 or ur game is punked.
Bollocks! 👎
That basically means thats the end of GT4 for me, unless i steal a PS2 or a game. ****ing Sony!

I've tried everything and now i'm done with GT4.
Nay I say!

Don't be like that. Just clean your PS2 iris, or the game itself. If all else fails, try Ebay. You'll have a good chance of getting a quick fix there, if you can't fix it yourself. Or try to take it to someone at like EB games or something along those lines. They can help too.
Ok, ok. I have emailed sony, and am going to push them to fix it. If they cannot help then i'll try and find somewhere else.
That dosen't sound too good. You'd think that they'd make the disks a little better. Mines only been out of the PS2 about 5 times.
i was driving a yellow ctr and had just won a race then the red spinning dial of doom came up and i couldnt load the game anymore. i had it bufed and waxed and it wouldnt work on any system. my ps2 also wouldnt play a few other games so i bought a new system and game.

is sony going to refund you for the game?
Well sony told me it was probably the game, so i have to try and get another game now.

Sony are talking arse, I'm afraid. Check your game disk. If it's not scratched, it's fine. Look around the outside and inside edges for some small (5mm) circular pits too - this is where the PS2 laser smacks into the disk when it's struggling to read it. Mine has plenty, but still plays just fine on 3 repaired PS2s and my new PSTwo.

So. How to fix this...

  • Put on an anti-static wrist band (or lie on the floor with your foot on a radiator, so you're earthed.
  • Flip the PS2 over and remove the 8/9 plastic and rubber feet (thin screwdriver under them and flip them out). Undo the screws. Put somewhere safe.
  • Flip it back and take the PS2 lid off carefully, as the power supply ribbon is attached to both base and top. It helps if you flip it over from left to right, keeping the power/eject buttons of the top close to the base.
  • See the big, black thing occupying half of the insides? There's a couple (2, I think) of small, black screws holding it in place. Unscrew and lift off carefully.
  • At the back of the disk tray you should be able to see a white cog. Mark a line on it from the back of the machine to the front, so you know where you started. Then turn it clockwise so it clicks four times.
  • Put the disk tray cover back on - it should click - but DON'T screw it down.
  • Start up the PS2. Be careful now, as you've exposed live parts.
  • Does it play GT4 fine? If yes, turn it off, screw everything back together and carry on regardless. If no, turn it off, take the disk tray cover off again and move the cog four clicks clockwise. Repeat until GT4 works (good) or you're back to where you started (screwed).
  • If it doesn't work, screw it all together, put another game in it (Vice City is a good one) and trade it in, at GAME, as a working PS2 for a £62.50 discount on a PSTwo. Make sure you get your game back from them.
Hey man.

That red dial thing happened to me to after sarthe and a couple of nurburgring races. All i did to fix it is to eject the disk (don't reset) wipe the disk with a cloth, then put it back in. The arrow turned white in a bout 10 seconds after putting the disk back in. Don't reset the console at any time in the process!!!!!!!!!! 👍 :) :) :) 👍 :crazy:
Well, i had already tried cleaning the disk laser and the white cog before i posted this topic. If i can i will test the disk in another PS2. If it works, i will have to replace the PS2. But, 2 friends have PS2's and GT4 games, so i could buy these of them if needs be.
this happened to me after the nurb 24 hour enduro. i just took out the disk cleaned it and put it back in. if it doesnt work after one try just keep doing it over and oer untill it works. Also you could try and let the disk and ps2 cool down a little. this happens to me very often (every time i race at nurburgring) so im getting used to it
Sony are talking arse, I'm afraid. Check your game disk. If it's not scratched, it's fine. Look around the outside and inside edges for some small (5mm) circular pits too - this is where the PS2 laser smacks into the disk when it's struggling to read it. Mine has plenty, but still plays just fine on 3 repaired PS2s and my new PSTwo.

So. How to fix this...

  • Put on an anti-static wrist band (or lie on the floor with your foot on a radiator, so you're earthed.
  • Flip the PS2 over and remove the 8/9 plastic and rubber feet (thin screwdriver under them and flip them out). Undo the screws. Put somewhere safe.
  • Flip it back and take the PS2 lid off carefully, as the power supply ribbon is attached to both base and top. It helps if you flip it over from left to right, keeping the power/eject buttons of the top close to the base.
  • See the big, black thing occupying half of the insides? There's a couple (2, I think) of small, black screws holding it in place. Unscrew and lift off carefully.
  • At the back of the disk tray you should be able to see a white cog. Mark a line on it from the back of the machine to the front, so you know where you started. Then turn it clockwise so it clicks four times.
  • Put the disk tray cover back on - it should click - but DON'T screw it down.
  • Start up the PS2. Be careful now, as you've exposed live parts.
  • Does it play GT4 fine? If yes, turn it off, screw everything back together and carry on regardless. If no, turn it off, take the disk tray cover off again and move the cog four clicks clockwise. Repeat until GT4 works (good) or you're back to where you started (screwed).
  • If it doesn't work, screw it all together, put another game in it (Vice City is a good one) and trade it in, at GAME, as a working PS2 for a £62.50 discount on a PSTwo. Make sure you get your game back from them.

Try this link for pictures of what Famine just descibed to you above.

Plus, if you bothered to do a DRE search in the PS2 threads, like I suggested, you would have found how to send your PS2 to Sony for a free repair job.
I know this was a long time ago, but the problem was only the disk, which I bought another copy off a friend.

Thought it might save some other people some bother and money.
The exact same thing happened to me. Whenever the game tried to load Fuji 90's, the dial would turn red and nothing else would happen. I just took the game back and they exchanged it.
Well, this happened to me recently as well. I could navigate the menu's, but i couldn't load up any races. When the red dial came up, very rarely i could take the disc out, wipe it, put it back in and wait a while then the race would come up, but i couldn't exit out of it. Eventually though i just decided to man up and bought a pre-owned copy of GT4 for £8 :D

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