GT4 Photomode 2.0 Advanced Competition Week 60 Voting

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm

And the evil winner is?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


can't kick this feeling
Staff Emeritus
Week 60 Voting

This week’s theme will be "Evil" as chosen by Week 58 Runner-up Moglet.
Further explanation of theme:
Take a photo of a car that makes it look evil and forboding.
Cars: Any
Tracks: Any
Phototravel: Yes
  • Have confidence in your own entry, don't vote for yourself.
  • Remember that art is subjective - don't be bitter if you aren't chosen for the top ten.
  • Poll will be open until Sunday.
Ultrashot's shot just give me this feeling of "I'm going to get you..." and that's what evil pretty much is about, even without having to have dark colors and only red as the other color, this one stands out.
uff. what's so evil about it ? i just dont see it at all. sorry, but my vote went to alex. nice shot though by ultra. but to me, the evil in ultra;s shot is the driver :lol: feels like me after i got my license back 3 years ago
That red charger does it for me! That's the most evil one for me. Looks like some maniac is speeding through ny and trying to overrun people. Great shot! 👍
My vote went to Fallenan9el, by far the most evel picture of them all 👍

Every picture is lovely this week, but nearly none of them follow the theme. Mine does not as well, I should've done something about the colors. Drift had an awesome entry as well as LGforce 👍 I was simply amazed by Alex' effect on the turbos but it does not work "evil" onto me...
I'm disappointed that I didn't make it in (just like everybody else ;) ) and a few of those pics don't look too evil to me, but I have to hand it to the people that entered them...

... they're still great pieces of work.
This was a very very difficult Top 10 to choose, sorry to those of you who didn't make it, it was probably just because I HAD to pick 10. There were many more that deserved to go into the poll but they couldn't. I picked the entries that I felt matched the theme but also looked at WHY they suited that theme.

In some cases it was just down to the cars, in others it was the colour schemes, there were many different reasons. I can give you a valid reason as to why I considered each one of these entries 'evil'! 👍

My vote went to Alex for it's individuality.
Count me as one who's disappointed they didn't make it in, but y'know, sometimes that's just how things go. While there's a few entries up there I don't consider "Evil", Moglet did, and his say goes. I kinda wish I could've saved my Saleen for another week or something, though ;).

My vote will eventually go to Freddy or Drift, when I finally decide. While Ultra's shows his talents, I really don't see why a Viper speeding through that tunnel should have the light reflections similar to an autoshow floor, and the noise is too much for me. And Alex', while such an incredible job on the turbos, doesn't really do "evil" for me so much as just badass. There is a difference, I swear ;). Both Freddy and Drift's shots have that feeling of being on the prowl, which I think is essential to the theme :).

Well, looks like those few weeks I took away from Photomode haven't helped me any, better try harder next week :)
I too do not see evil in some of these shots, but I guess like Mog said he had a reason for choosing each shot.
I am bummed that Slip didn't make it, I loved his shot.
My vote went to fallens blue eyes, very sinister looking. Awesome shot. 👍
Thanks for the votes freddy and somebody. :D
I intentionally didn't go for the simple dark shots of mean looking headlights from the front, that would be an obvious route. FallenAngel's was pretty much the only one of those that made the poll and making them that light blue made a nice change.
that was the toughest pool i have ever voted in. the amuse took it in the end but VERY good to alexwrc and GR21

everyone has at least one votes!! that doesnt happen too often :D
That's my bad, heh, I realized that while I did say Franz won in the old poll, I forgot to PM him asking for a new theme! It was sent a short while ago and when I get a theme, I'll put up the new one. I'd say less than 24h from now is safe :)
The 2.0 Comp. have stopped here, so I´m offering my services to keep this one running again, I just wanna know if Slip agrees with that.
I know he must be busy, so I don´t mind doing until he can do it again. So Slip say something ok?!👍:)
You're going to run this and the Tourney, you don't think it'll be too much?

I have time for doing even 3 Comps, and I like doing Comps and the Tournament of course.
The 2.0 comp is quite popular around here, so I´m just giving a hand:tup:
Good on you NTX, I was actually thinking of this competiton a few days ago. Would be good to have it back. 👍
I guess so, my intention is to continue were this one stopped. Now its up to Slip. to say the final word (if he don´t mind that I run this comp.)👍
Week 62 is definetly needed but NTX just can't take the comp away from Slip.
NTX: maybe you should send slipz a PM
because he may not check out the conversation in this thread
meanwhile I am sure slipz will be back near the end of april
unless you guys couldn't wait ...

BTW congrats to alex for winning week60 👍