What a surprise (sarcasm), snubbed from Slipz competition, again.
It being the comp I run has nothing to do with it.
I know art is subjective, but why define a subject, to ignore it when making a poll.
So much for the bonus points for drifting, I passed on 3 better shots not drifting, to enter a long-drift shot, to fulfill the requirements of the Theme as posted. Why on earth would you mention "bonus points for drifting" in the theme, and snub an entry that drifted. What is the point of choosing a theme, if you are not going to consider the theme in making the poll.
I should start with a warning: Anything I say shouldn't reflect on you not being in the Top 10, because it's all my opinion. The fact it's you (again) bringing this up publically instead of a PM to the TW or I (as he was the theme chooser) probably doesn't help my attitude, though. So...
Note TW said "Bonus points". Not "Automatic Shoe-in." Yes, your's was drifting. That was not the sole point of the theme.
This is one of my issues with these Comps, the one who chooses the poll always does so with bias. Those who have been around these comps for years, get less-quality entries into polls, while those who haven't been around that long need far higher quality entries, to make it in the poll.
You want to talk ego? Hah!
Alex made it into polls quite quickly, and I don't think he'll be bothered by me saying that his skills have only improved since joining here. I'll be perfectly frank, I see plenty of high-quality shots there. There are two that aren't to my tastes (The Audi has way too much glow and it's an odd, stretched-out angle, and while the Merc drifting is a nice shot, a pet peeve of mine for GT4 shots is the choppy smoke. Not much anybody can do about it though other than cleverly take shots at angles to mask it). Your 787 shot didn't feel very realistic to me personally, which is always something I feel is important (to me) in 2.0. It's that, or some of the more artistic stuff that has been around occasionally (Sej and Div, for two examples). Your shot didn't have either, it just felt kind of flat.
These are reasons why PMC's keep fizzling out, gets popular again, then fizzles out again. People start coming around and competing, and get frustrated and leave.
Thank you for your wise insight. It can't have anything to do with the game being over three years old now. We have plenty of people who have joined as recently as a year ago who have become regular contributors. I thought this was just about "the fun of competition"?
For example, I tried to come in and spark the competitions, to increase activity and try and come up with new ideas. Unfortunately, I ran into only resistance, I was hoping that I would get some good suggestions and positive feedback from the veterans, instead I received ego-filled defensive negative comments.
As opposed to the ego-filled comments along the lines of "it's broke, I think I can make it better"? Yeah, people don't take easily to that when it's someone new who has little experience around here. And it's beyond naive to think that you are the first to suggest changes, or that we have never even considered doing things differently. We have.
Pretty soon the way things are going, the comps will only have a few ppl entring, as PMC dies. It's unfortunate, but it mainly has to do with the vets, not doing enough to keep the interest there. Newer ppl makes suggestions that just get ignored or worse ridiculed. Just like the comments, "the rules/ procedures for running these comps are fine the way they are, and don't need change or adjustment", attitude is narrow-minded, and ridiculous. Take any Professional sport for example, there are rule changes every season, to better fit the competitors and audience, and any of those sports have been around far longer than GT4, yet they still have to tweak the game.
Pro sports are tweaked because the audience pays. They are a business, not a pastime. And the only thing I get from your little rant about "keeping the interest" is you want in on the poll, because you feel unfairly snubbed. If I have to include every single entry simply to make people keep interest, should I just randomly award new-comers the win too? I mean, then they feel more of a part of it, right? I don't know what to tell you; yes, vets have an extra advantage most times when it comes to something that allows more variety post-GT, like 2.0, but if newcomers are reluctant to step up to take advantage of these rules, I shouldn't have to pander to them. That's what un-edited is for, or regular PMC, for people to get into the comps and develop. Again using another member here, and I hope he doesn't mind; Beerzy's gallery should have his old shots. Take a look at what he posted when he started, and what he's capable of now. He looked around here and learned. Same with TW, or Speedster, or LdS, or JG. None of them complained about being snubbed.
Anyway (as I climb down from my soap-box), I voted for (clearly the best shot in this comp) SuzQ'. For some strange reason, I am the only one who voted for her shot so far, must be voting bias rearing it's ugly head again. The only thing that her shot lacks is the evidence of drifting.
I see speed blur and a proper wheel angle... all the evidence I need. I like it too, but it's hard to argue with the inherent rightness of Alex' Roser tribute, and I actually really like the artsy SLR pic from SL, so I'm stuck between those three. But wait, if it's an opinion that's different from your's, it must be a voting bias. It's good you are here to save us from ourselves.
Those competitions could be improved, it's been heavily discussed in the near past a bunch of times (The last one before you became active I think), but evidently all people have to be agree and it's not easy.
Your ideas could be useful, and that's why you have the chance of applying them in your comp, or opening a new one if you want, there's no problem; but don't keep repeating the same things against the same people if they don't have the same opinion, or the forum's life didn't aproved those changes during years.
Surely GT5 will get more accurated rules in comps, hope so; but now we're nobody to force hosters to change them due popular disagreements (as I said) in these last discussions we already had.
Hehe, you have just to have a look to the reputation you have got here, making friends as always. That's what you offer 👍
Oh Alex
Actually, I might as well mention it here; expect a thread soon about the future of 2.0 and the return of H2H. I thought it'd be worth bringing up in light of Prologue, since this will be the first transfer to a new game we've done as a community, but I do plan on continuing both with the new game (and keeping the GT4 version running on overlap for a while until people migrate), and I've got some new ideas to create a bit of diversity. Nothing really changing to the basic formula... just giving winners a bit more creativity with the next week. You'll see in a week or so