GT4 PhotoMode/PhotoShop Competition Week 39

  • Thread starter Vonie

Judge: Revolution


Movie Cars Part 2

Remeber week 17? No? Well, the theme was movie cars and it's back! There have been countless movies featuring car as leading roles right beside the humans. Now it's your turn to take a GT4 car and turn it into any car from any movie ever made.

Be creative & have fun!

  • Photoshop or any other photo editing program may be used to alter pictures in any way.
  • Each entry must have some part from a PhotoMode picture from Gran Turismo 4.
  • Winner will select the top 20 for the poll and pick the theme for the following week.
  • If 10 or fewer enties are recived by the deadline, the poll will include larger thumbnails.
  • Each entrant is allowed 3 entries.
  • Post your final entry in red letters. Such as “Final Entry”.
  • A preview image may be used, but it may be no bigger than 400 pixels in either direction.
  • You may have two honorable mentions if a preview image is not used.
  • Do not use an entry from a previous competition.
  • All entries must be uploaded and posted, as thumbnails, through .
  • Please do not vote for your self in the poll. Voting for yourself will result in consequences worse than death.
  • The deadline for week 39 is Saturday, Febuary 18th.
Good Luck!

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
This should be interesting. I'm gonna make sure I get a good shot for this one.
Alright, I've been thinking about this a little (on the crapper).
This comp has always had themes that were to make something different from what's in GT4. These themes take a lot of time and effort on the enterer's part. I have a feeling that that's why the numbers of entries has been decreasing lately.
So, I thought that we should turn this into an open comp with no limits on Photoshopping. The themes would be more like the themes used in the regular PMC's, instead of "Cop Cars" or what have you.

What's your take?
Vonie, I like the concept of that idea but I would hate it if there were never any more extreme photoshop themes.. Like if it became more of a 3.0 comp... you know?
I think the issue is that there aren't a whole lot of really standout movie cars that people could do from GT4's garage, and those that are, are already done (Revo's 007-mobile, for instance). I know there's been revisits of old themes already, but they were pretty straight-forward ones where there's a lot more to choose from.

As a personal note, I'm just not too confident with my skills in the more extreme photoshopping, which is why I don't enter more often. But I do appreciate the harder themes, because there are those guys on the board that really do have the talent 👍
Vonie - Hmm, I don't like it. The 2.0 comp is pretty open already, theres not much more you can do outside the rules, apart from some of the more serious forms of cleanup (re-brushing for example). Perhaps what this comp needs is, like Slip said, more simple themes. Its partly my fault for rehashing old themes, I'm afraid I've thought of so many PS themes that, well, I'm out. I've got no new themes. In my eyes a good theme is one where people can enter simple things that are easy and quick to do, but also has the scope for some to extend themselves. A good example was the race cars week, you could just do a quick colour change and put text on, or you could go all out and do race bodykits, spoilers, detailed livery, rollcage, etc.
I do like this comp, all the work I've done for it, and all the practicing has changed me from a below average editor to one of the better people on this board (even if I do say so myself :P), so it would be really sad if this comp died like the Magazine cover comp did.
My 2 cents.

PS - Give me rep for this great post! lol
Revolution, you couldn't be more right in my opinion. With all my school/work commitments i just don't have time for these complicated themes and it's much better when teh theme is simple because loads more people enter, making it more of a competition. Also, not many people (including me) have the skills to pull these tough themes off so i think it would be a good idea to make the comp more relaxed.
Alright, we'll leave it as it is.
I may post up a thread as a "theme suggestion thread".

Is anyone working on anything for this week?
I may post up a thread as a "theme suggestion thread".
Thats a good idea, because even the people that dont enter this comp would have ideas for themes that they would like to see. You could just have a place in the main post where you could continuously add new themes.
I'd like to see a "junker" theme, with rusted out fenders and flat tires and things like that. :)
And maybe a hovercar theme, if that hasnt been done yet.
Wow. Only one entry. Personally, I just dont fell inspired and some of these comps take to much time to do or they are out of my skills ability, thats why I dont enter some of them. I'd like to see a magazine cover theme or the whole comp to return, since I wansn't around when there was a magazine comp.
I have an idea for a great theme.... Race cars turned street cars, in effect the opposite of the race car theme that was so popular.
Great Job Drifterboy and DO

DO > Did you take the photos from Motegi Ring of these 2 cars and put them into snow scene?

Drifterboy > you should have put the Tofu sticker on the door ... because this is a movie car theme ;)
Yeah sorry about the lack of anything going on here.
I'm waiting for Zubi's theme and myself to unlazify and put up the suggestion thread.
Drifterboy > you should have put the Tofu sticker on the door ... because this is a movie car theme ;)

cool ill give it a try then

EDIT:having trouble finding the tofu pic can someone help

EDIT2:still having trouble
if you are alowed to have more than 1 entries heres my second one


couldnt find a body kit to go on it but this is all i could do(neon looks s**t)