GT4 Photomode Tournament-----No Longer Accepting Entries!

Jamal is Legend

Welcome to the official GT4 Photomode Tournament!

The tournament will work like this: For every tournament, there will be two brackets, one for standard Photomode Competition rules(see rules here and a separate bracket for Photomode Competition 2.0 rules(see rules here Each week, one round in each bracket will take place. There will be separate polls for each match and the winner of each match will move on to the next round. The rounds will continue until there are two entrants left. One final poll for each bracket will determine the two winners(One winner for the standard PMC rules and one for the PMC 2.0 rules).


As i have said before, there will be one round per week. Each of these rounds will consist of several separate matches. Each match will consist of two entrants competing with one another based on the theme established for that match. The two entrants that face each other in the each match will be selected at random. There will then be a poll for each match. Each poll will last two days. The winner of the poll/match will continue on to the next round. If you lose a poll, the you are eliminated from the competition. To keep things simple and consistent, everyone that enters will have to submit a picture based on a universal theme. There will then be a poll for 2.0 and one for standard PMC and the top 16 from each poll will get into the bracket.


For every match, the theme will be different. There will be a different themes list for every tournament and the list will consist of themes suggested by the entrants...This means that you all need to be creative and think of themes to submit with your entry. Although this is not required, it would be very helpful.


The amount of photoshop that will be allowed in your entries will depend on how you entered yourself into the competition. If you entered as standard PMC, then you will be in a bracket with other entrants who are only allowed to use standard PMC rules as well. The same goes for PMC 2.0 rules. So, in effect, for each tournament, there are two separate brackets, one with only entries using limited photoshop rules and a separate one for 2.0 rules....this will keep the competition fair.


When you enter this tournament, you will be required to post your name and which bracket you wish to enter. Then, you will have three days to submit your entry for the poll that decides the top 16. Then, once the bracket is made, and you find out what your theme is going to be, you will have 3 days to send me your entry. All photo entries will need to be Personally Messaged to Dead_Poetic( If you fail to send in your entry within the 3 day limit, you will automatically be eliminated from the competition.



Entrants List:

PMC 2.0:

Dead_Poetic, dmanbluesfreak, Krame, Vonie, LGforce, SlipZtrEm, Moglet, TVR&Ferrari_Fan, Funkshen, 440 Charger, nic_brix, Drift King, Zubicar, Magburner,


garnettrules21, NTX1982, fd2diablo908, CCX, Marouan, Slick6, sejtur, atlop, George Morely, GTChamp2003, GEETOWN_DRIFTER, VR6GTI72,

Themes List:

All Wet, Drifting through time, Family Ties, Scenery, Silvia Brothers, Skyline Klan, Stealth, Turfs up, reflections, custom modification, Front/Back, All Six cars, No cars,

Other Rules:

*All images must be uploaded using
*All entries must be photos that have never been used in any PMC before.

Once a theme is decided on for the polls that will determine the top 16, you will have 3 days to send Dead_Poetic your entry photo! With all that said, post your formal entries and theme suggestions now!!!


Sample Match


Username 1 vs. Username 17

Theme: Schwarzwald Liga B
Cars: Any car that can be used in the Schwarzwald Liga B European event.
Track: Nurburgring
Standard Photomode Competition Photoshop Rules

Sample Entry

Entry: Dead_Poetic
Bracket: PMC 2.0

As of now, all you have to do is tell me your name and what bracket you wish to enter. You do not have to send me an entry a few days, when enough people have entered, i will post a new thread that will tell you guys a theme, and when to start sending me your entries...
Entry: Dead_Poetic
Bracket: PMC 2.0

Ok, there it is, once everyone has entered, I will select one of the themes suggested and I will post a new thread letting everyone know to send me their entries for the initial poll....Please suggest themes!!!
I say just use the old themes, they pretty much covered everything. But if people think of some good ones they should throw them in.

Entry: garnettrules21
Bracket: PMC

also excellent work on the banner 👍!!!!!!!
Entry: NTX1982

Bracket: PMC

Theme: Drift in Tsukuba wet
I say just use the old themes, they pretty much covered everything. But if people think of some good ones they should throw them in.

Entry: garnettrules21
Bracket: PMC

also excellent work on the banner 👍!!!!!!!

I didnt make it, i just stole it from the previous Tournament...haha...

Also, i love that idea Krame, nice suggestion...
I didnt make it, i just stole it from the previous Tournament...haha...

Also, i love that idea Krame, nice suggestion...
Ha, thats funny, the animated GIF would never run on the other pages, thats why I thought you had made it.

I don't know if we will have enough people entering with PMC rules, if thats the case you can throw me in PMC 2.0.
Ha, thats funny, the animated GIF would never run on the other pages, thats why I thought you had made it.

I don't know if we will have enough people entering with PMC rules, if thats the case you can throw me in PMC 2.0.

If there aren't enough entrants through standard PMC, then it will just have to be an all out no holds barred tournament...if there are too many people though, maybe we could still have two brackets, and then the winner of each bracket will face eachother for the win...that would be cool...
You could always just shorten the PMC side to 8 instead of 16, if there is a lack of entrants. Can't say I'm going to help matters, because:

Entry: SlipZtrEm
Bracket: 2.0
Theme: Family Ties (I did this for a comp theme before, must have at least two cars in the shot, one being the oldest available car in the game with a name, and then it's most modern counterpart. Ex. C1 Vette and Z06).

Though, I liked how the second tourney eliminated the user themes and just used more basic ones (which I don't remember at the moment).
Though, I liked how the second tourney eliminated the user themes and just used more basic ones (which I don't remember at the moment).

I think hey were free themes. Gotta say I disagree with you on this one, I thought it was better to work with some (any) specific theme. And if a voter needs to choose between just two shots it's often too much like apples and oranges without any theme. It made sense in the final rounds though, to let the two best to show whaterver they do best.

I'll definately join this, just can't decide yet if it will be PMC or 2.0... :boggled:
I might as well try to enter one of these, before I sell my PS2 in October.

Entry: TVR&Ferrari_Fan
Bracket: PMC 2.0
Entry: Funkshen
Bracket: 2.0


  • Scenery: Take best scenery Shot
  • Silvia Brothers: Take the best shot of your personal favourite Silvia
  • Skyline Klan: Same deal with the Silvia One
  • Stealth: Black Wheels, Black Car
There really crap themes i know, but just use last tourney's themes aswell. I doubt that we can be as original to make totally new themes for this entire tourney.

And Good work D_P For taking the responsibility for the comp, many of us are thankful for your efforts in geting it up and going. 👍
You could always just shorten the PMC side to 8 instead of 16, if there is a lack of entrants. Can't say I'm going to help matters, because:

Entry: SlipZtrEm
Bracket: 2.0
Theme: Family Ties (I did this for a comp theme before, must have at least two cars in the shot, one being the oldest available car in the game with a name, and then it's most modern counterpart. Ex. C1 Vette and Z06).

Though, I liked how the second tourney eliminated the user themes and just used more basic ones (which I don't remember at the moment).

Shortening the entrants list to 8 would be a good idea, ill keep that in mind. Good theme idea as well...

I think hey were free themes. Gotta say I disagree with you on this one, I thought it was better to work with some (any) specific theme. And if a voter needs to choose between just two shots it's often too much like apples and oranges without any theme. It made sense in the final rounds though, to let the two best to show whaterver they do best.

I'll definately join this, just can't decide yet if it will be PMC or 2.0... :boggled:

I agree with you Atlop, we will have specific themes until the final match in each bracket, those matches, will be open. I feel that having specific themes is important because it gives voters something to base their decision on, things like, enterpretations of themes and how well their entry portrays the theme.

Also, very nice themes you got there Funkshen, thanks for those!
themes: reflections
-pretty much says it itself! use the scenery to get a decent reflection appearing on the side of your car-NO PHOTOTRAVEL

Custom Modification: take a picture of your car that has been to GT auto, and must have either a custom spoiler or rims

Turf's up: take a picture of a car which has left smoke,dust,leaves or any other item(s) in it's wake e.g. cones in the air
Entry: sejtur
Bracket: PMC

Let's go 1.0 this time. :)

DO'H! please dont draw me against him.......please........

Entrant: 440 CHARGER
Bracket: PMC 2.0

Theme suggestion: Front/Back. Take a shot from the front of the car or the rear of the car. The theme would either be a front theme, or a back theme.
Entry: atlop
Bracket: PMC

* all 6 cars in picture
* no cars in picture

I really like the first one, but im not too sure about the second one...well iguess it could be i ll add it to the list...