GT4 Rally Photomode Competition Week 2006-2-1 POLL CLOSED


Welcome to the voting stage for Week 2006-2-1 of the Rally Photomode Competition.

Check out the cool entries for this week's Eur-Asian Rally. Good luck to all that cared enough entered. :cheers:

Be sure to show our entries that you appreciate their efforts by VOTING for the photo you think is best. 👍
Remember, no voting for your own picture. And please, no hints as whose picture is who's or you'll DQ the photo and we don't want that.

All the entries will be posted with the name of the entrant after the poll has closed.

Thanks to those that entered this week.


Just so I'm clear... there is no photoshopping allowed in this segment, yes?

Some of these shots look a little too good to be untouched photomode. One of the reasons I like this series; I can't photoshop worth a crap so I may stand a chance.

If 'chopping is allowed then my bad. Otherwise, let's keep the playing field level.

::Edit: Never mind... just noticed the exception for this week only. Doh!

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