Gt4 Release Date

  • Thread starter lil_viper
I went to a site for ordering GT4 and it gave me a choice to sign up and get updates on the release date. Here is exactly what it said.

Dear Customer,

You have signed up to receive release date changes for:

Gran Turismo 4

Old Release Date - 7/1/2004
New Release Date - 11/1/2004

Thank you for visiting IGN Gamestore!

NOTE: The product release date is the best estimate as to when the product
will become available. These dates are subject to change at anytime. IGN
Gamestore is in constant communication with product vendors to provide you
with the most accurate release dates possible.
November, what I, and other members here at GTP, said when GT4 will be released in various threads, already.
OK, just to make everybody happy, keep your eyes on the top of this board for a few minutes...

So is that every release date thread eh?
...and that's only from the first 10 pages out of a 40-page forum. That's an average of 3.3 "Release Date" threads per forum page! So you don't even need the stupid Search function, since you're probably less than 3 screen inches away from a Release Date thread at any time you are looking at this forum.

Hell, lilviper has started at least 4 nearly identical threads on the topic himself!

Don't even THINK about posting a new Release Date thread until you have read every last word of every sticky thread on this board!

You have been warned.
I don't actually care if you want to read all that or not. I just want people to quit posting new and redundant and totally pointless release date threads.

Feel free to add somehting to your favorite among the existing 3 dozen or so threads here, though.
Originally posted by neon_duke
I don't actually care if you want to read all that or not.

hmmmm yes, i kinda figured that out for my self.

but like Der Alta says, put some information in a sticky and its guarenteed to go unnoticed....or words to that effect.
couldn't we have a big sign in the top corner of every page taht shows what Jordan, or some of the Super mods think the release date is?
I appreciate the confidence, but OUR opinion on the subject doesn't mean a thing more than anybody else's.

The only opinions that matter are Sony's and PD's. When they decide, they'll be sure to let us know, I bet.
Originally posted by neon_duke
The only opinions that matter are Sony's and PD's. When they decide, they'll be sure to let us know, I bet.

I'm not entirely sure about that one. PD tends to treat GT and its release date much like the CIA handles matters of national security: Covertly, to say the least. At any rate, I wouldn't be surprised if they NEVER set a firm release date or came out with an official car list. You'll just walk into a best buy (god knows when) one day and there it will be!
Its been such a long time it seems like it might not even feel like reality when GT4 does FINALY come out. If it comes out November or September the game would be almost a whole year overdue!

But hey if its REALLLLY good I can live with that!:)
Yes, it will be out on 11/11/2005, there is no source for this information, you'll just have to trust me.
Originally posted by live4speed
Yes, it will be out on 11/11/2005, there is no source for this information, you'll just have to trust me.

Sounds right, it's a good marketing strategy to release an eagerly anticipated product just before Christmas. They will be raking the cash in.
I said it long time ago and i'll repeat it: The most probable date is christmas....2004 christmas

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