GT4 vs GT5 Ride height

  • Thread starter Kovalex
Hey guys, when using GT4 tunes, how does the ride height translates to GT5? If its 60 in Gt4, how much is it in GT5?

We still don't know. Ride height 0 of the stock suspension is not the same as the ride height 0 of the FC suspension. That's the problem.
The only ride height we probably know is the stock suspension ride height, it should be the same as in real (use google).
We still don't know. Ride height 0 of the stock suspension is not the same as the ride height 0 of the FC suspension. That's the problem.
The only ride height we probably know is the stock suspension ride height, it should be the same as in real (use google).

It was the same in GT4. Adding a FC suspension in GT4 also caused a drop at 0.

GT4 & GT5 have different grip/slip physics, start a fresh GT5 tune, forget about GT4 tunes.
Really? I thought it was given in mm........hmm, I probably forgot it.:nervous:

What did I say about the measurement used? That's right, nothing... Comprehension issues Doc? I say the FC Suspension gives a drop at 0, its the same in GT4.
There's no straight conversion from GT4 to GT5 ride heights. The only way right now is to go on GT4 yourself and see how far from default 60 is. Say the default is 100, the min is 60 and the max is 140 on GT4. On GT5 it would be a default of 0, a min of -30 and a max of +30. From there you just have to roughly convert it.

Ride height = 0mm? Haha, you make me laugh!

I'm starting to lose faith in yah buddy.

Where do you see me write "0mm" Doc?

0 = 0 in whatever measurement you want, or simply default position. As you notice in GT5 we start at 0 but is the car really slammed to the ground? If its in, mm it makes no difference. Your rather childish. Keep laughing at yourself, I'm laughing at you too..
I'm starting to lose faith in yah buddy.

Where do you see me write "0mm" Doc?

0 = 0 in whatever measurement you want, or simply default position. As you notice in GT5 we start at 0 but is the car really slammed to the ground? If its in, mm it makes no difference. Your rather childish. Keep laughing at yourself, I'm laughing at you too..

He's back! :lol:
GT5 why? We are talking about GT4 now. You should know that it is impossible to set ride height 0 in GT4.

EDIT: Why in mm? Well, I thought you genie should know that the ride height in GT4 was given in mm measured from the ground = 0 is impossible to set.
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He's back! :lol:
GT5 why? We are talking about GT4 now. You should know that it is impossible to set ride height 0 in GT4.

Yup he is trying to relay GT4 settings into GT5 so whatever the default value in GT4 is, it would be 0 in GT5...
so what? You couldn't figure out what i ment? Get a refund on that phd.

phd? What's that?


C'mon, you said obviously something wrong in your first post...:
Adding a FC suspension in GT4 also caused a drop at 0.
...and know do you really think that I was wrong with saying that:
Really? I thought it was given in mm........hmm, I probably forgot it.:nervous:
You should know that it is impossible to set ride height 0 in GT4.
What did I say about the measurement used? That's right, nothing... Comprehension issues Doc? I say the FC Suspension gives a drop at 0, its the same in GT4.
EDIT: Why in mm? Well, I thought you genie should know that the ride height in GT4 was given in mm measured from the ground = 0 is impossible to set.
Yup he is trying to relay GT4 settings into GT5 so whatever the default value (here we go! That's right, default and not 0) in GT4 is, it would be 0 in GT5...
Red = dr_slump

Yes, this is correct. GT4 default and not 0 like in GT5. That was what I meant.
Where was I wrong? Where did I misunderstand you? Nowhere!

You should also admit your faults when it's necessary. It's not every time the other guy.
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Hey guys, when using GT4 tunes, how does the ride height translates to GT5? If its 60 in Gt4, how much is it in GT5?

You'd have to have lost your mind....
The physics are completely different, and I'd expect lots of over-steer because of it.
You'd have to have lost your mind....
The physics are completely different, and I'd expect lots of over-steer because of it.

Yeah, I agree with yah. Too much on the grip/slip has changed.

Doc, get a grip. Your out to lunch....

I'm seeing this 1 of 2 ways.

A) I give you the benifit of the doubt. I believe your smart enough to understand what I said and therefore you are acting stupid to try and instigate a reportable responce.

B) You actually didn't understand, in that case. I feel bad for you but not enough to spell out every post I make because either your maturity level or inteligence level is not up to the task...

I'm leaning twords A. Your as transparent as glass.
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Adding a FC suspension in GT4 also caused a drop at 0.
At this point you hadn't stated what "0" meant, can't blame slump for thinking you meant 0 as the way 0 is meant in GT5.
Because in gt4, cars might have 96 stock, 88 with sports suspension, I'd forgotten GT4's number difference, and assumed you meant the number 0 myself.
At this point you hadn't stated what "0" meant, can't blame slump for thinking you meant 0 as the way 0 is meant in GT5.
Because in gt4, cars might have 96 stock, 88 with sports suspension, I'd forgotten GT4's number difference, and assumed you meant the number 0 myself.

I don't blame him for anything. I do think it became clear what I meant & tha Doc was stuck playing semantics to get a rise out of me.
I don't blame him for anything. I do think it became clear what I meant & tha Doc was stuck playing semantics to get a rise out of me.
Could be, it's possible he didn't catch it though, sometimes re-posting the same post works. ;)
Could be, it's possible he didn't catch it though, sometimes re-posting the same post works. ;)

Very true, I thought I clairified as much as needed for anybody to understand, and he is sharp enough, yet he kept going despite it. Its fine though, I don't really care. It seems a waist of time to be hung up on this...
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Very true, I thought I clairified as much as needed for anybody to understand, and he is sharp enough, yet he kept going despite it. Its fine though, I don't really care. It seems a waist of time to be hung up on this...
Yes you clarified it. That's true. Here was my answer: previous post
You corrected and I agreed. I could have been over there.
I'm sorry if you think that I wanted to despite it. And I don't want to begin here again, just want clarification.

I think we just don't understand us and we should try to ignore us in future. (Maybe adding to Ignore list would solve the problem?) Well, anyways, I'll try to avoid to quote/reply (to) you and hopefully you'll do the same. Ok? I think it would be the best for both of us to keep staying here on GTP :)

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