GT5: Ability To Test Drive Cars

United States
We should totally be able to be able to Test drive cars before we buy them. Click the option it brings us to the track of our choice and bam! Finito.
It never has never been an option in the GT series. I would welcome it with open arms. I always had to turn off the auto save, buy and try it, then if I like it I kept it and saved. If not, I reloaded.
That desert road shown in the 458 video looks perfect if there's enough interesting parts to it. Fast S's, hairpins, corner on the crest of a hill etc.
I'd like the idea. I think I remember some old prologue pics that had the option in the dealership to test drive the car, but it wasn't something incorporated into the final prologue build. We'll see how it turns out, but I would like it too...especially for races where you are only aloud to race a certain nice to test out each one to see how it suits your style of driving.
I could see this if it was a real car! But come on guys its a game!!

Yeah but in GT4,you earn hardly some money and need an other car for an race... And then you buy some and you see it handles like crap...

And then you got to restart earning money to buy another car...
I like the idea of being able to test drive a car before buying it, and even after just tweaking it. However, the test track should be fixed - maybe the Top Gear test track?! ;)
I like the idea of being able to test drive a car before buying it, and even after just tweaking it. However, the test track should be fixed - maybe the Top Gear test track?! ;)

Or fiorano like Terronium-12 wrote!
I bought my Golf GTI without test drive... if u know cars well enough u will know the cars that u likes and the ones that u don't (performance wise.....) can test drive in FM2, but I never used it, so it wouldn't be a big deal to me. But I am always for more options to please a broader spectrum of race fans, so BRING IT ON!
I bought my Golf GTI without test drive... if u know cars well enough u will know the cars that u likes and the ones that u don't (performance wise.....)

A test drive is VERY importat, specialy with a used car.
What a dilemma...allow us to test drive before buying will help us make more educated decisions (as IRL) however, it would take some of the fun and suspense out of lusting over a car, getting a few podiums and actually buying it, waiting for the loading screen to go away so you can switch to cockpit and rev that engine...i have no answer.
Definitely a feature I'd like to see. While I'd say that I have a pretty good idea on which cars (that I like the look of) would be best to chose to race, once you start getting into stuff that I have little interest in (but want to race for completeness) it would be nice to be able to test cars to find one which suits my driving style before buying.

For example on GT5p (I didnt know you could disable the autosave) I wasted a fortune buying cars for the Japanese series on the A license before I found one that I enjoyed driving, would have been much more fun to have just test drove the different cars and picked one I got on well with straight away (and freed up more cash to spend on cars that I actually liked)
What about taking loans from the "GT bank" to purchase a car and then use the winnings from races to pay the loan off...? Implemented within reasonable means obviously.

No bank would allow a loan to be given to someone for an Enzo who only owns a 95 Prelude.
A test drive is VERY importat, specialy with a used car.

That brings up an idea of something they should put in the game. They should have 'lemons' in GT5.:lol: You're at a dealership buying a used car, you don't want to test drive it before buying and end up with a lemon that broke down on you half way through the Nurburgring.💡
Wow that's a great idea. Definitely would like to have it.

I dunno if it would take away some of the thrill of finally buying a car though. I remember back at GT4 how awesome it was to finally have the money to buy and experience the crazy fast cars. If I could just go around testing every single car it wouldn't feel the same.

Still, it's definitely great to be able to test some cars to decide which one to buy with your hard earned credits :)
They could mimic real life dealerships where certain cars are not test driveable. You can't go into a Ferrari dealership and ask them to test drive a Ferrari Enzo or go into a Zonda dealership and expect to be able to take a Zonda F out for a spin in real life.:lol:
Great idea. But I do believe that there ought to be certain limits to be able to test drive a car. Here are some ideas:

1. You must have enough money to buy the car in order to test drive it.
2. There is a certain amount of time you are allowed to drive it (i.e. a minute or two around a test track. Hey, maybe the Top Gear test track if it's included in the game?)
3. If no time limit, then a certain number of laps.
4. Can't test drive cars that are either A: Not for sale, or B:Concepts

Those would be my parameters if I were to include Test Driving in the game.
I think we should be able to test drive them before we buy 'em and put you on a special track for the drive. But if we can't no biggie, just go to arcade mode and try 'em out and if there not in arcade shut off the auto save...
Of course it should be in there, i've always wanted this in GT. It could just give you a certain amount of time to use it and decide. It might just let you use the Oval Test Track. Or, it could throw you onto a track in the same region as the manufacturer, for example, you want to test an Impreza or GT-R, you test on Suzuka or Fuji, Elise or Escort for example would put you in London or Silverstone.

bit off topic, but I liked the way you could walk your driver around the dealerships or your massive garage in the PGR games to pick your car.
If test drive is in it should limited the time you have to actually test drive the car and how much times you can actually test drive that car then you must be able to afford it as mentioned above. Test drive fine by me.