GT5 audio.

  • Thread starter kinigitt
hello all. been a while since I've frequented the boards. came back to find out about the japanese demo. tried it. Now, I did a few searches for a similar topic, and my efforts apparently have come up short.

I have something to ask, if it's not too much trouble:

Am I the only one that notices that GT5 sounds TERRIBLE? I mean.. bottom of the stack in terms of audio presentation, even compared to titles that BASK in mediocrity. Strangely enough, lots of racing games have gotten the "get-the-cars-to-look-like-cars" bit down to a science, graphically. GT5 has some great digital sculptures, yet what matters most to deliver a visceral driving experience, other than physics and accompanying controls, is SOUND.
Play RBR. Play GTR. Play DiRT. Hell, play Need for Speed on PS2. You'll hear what I mean.

Now I know it's easy to say "its just a demo, they'll fix it", which is often the case when you're anticipating something as much as this game. But when was the last time you played a demo, then played the retail version a few months later that had COMPLETELY OVERHAULED innards?

This is my last hope on the console front. I want it to be good.

Please give me your honest opinions.
i havnt played the demo so I wouldnt be the right guy to asses the sound. I do on the other hand understand the fact that demo's rarely have great leaps in improvement by the time the real games (GT5P) come out. Dont sweat it too much.....I think we sould be pleasanly surprised when GT5p comes out.
I agree that the sounds aren't the best on the market, however, i don't think they're "terrible." I feel that they are far better than GT4, but not quite on par with NFS, GTR, or Forza soundwise. I think that the overall tones are right for each car, it just lacks that extra powerful "umph". But, a Mustang in the demo sounds like the mustang, a ferrari sounds like a ferrari, and i love the sound of the new GTR. Actually, there is a GTTV episode about the Evo X in the demo. I would watch that video, and try to listen for the sound of the Evo during the video. After that, go back and play the game version of the Evo. To my surprise, i thought they were fairly similar. My 2 cents. Happy gaming! 👍
rightio men rightio.

sorry for being a bother. It's just that when I searched it gave me million page long threads discussing the game generally. didnt want to wade through them.

It's just the sound, especially the tires... I'm trying to think of a less offensive way of saying "blows". I was hoping someone here would have evidence from a new build, or a snippet of news, something to tell me otherwise. Or just have a place to sound off about it. It's a big deal to me.
GT Audio has always been terrible. Prologue isn't as bad, but they still need to improve.
I agree that the sounds aren't the best on the market, however, i don't think they're "terrible." I feel that they are far better than GT4, but not quite on par with NFS, GTR, or Forza soundwise. I think that the overall tones are right for each car, it just lacks that extra powerful "umph". But, a Mustang in the demo sounds like the mustang, a ferrari sounds like a ferrari, and i love the sound of the new GTR. Actually, there is a GTTV episode about the Evo X in the demo. I would watch that video, and try to listen for the sound of the Evo during the video. After that, go back and play the game version of the Evo. To my surprise, i thought they were fairly similar. My 2 cents. Happy gaming! 👍

IMO the mustang sounds like a mustang would when you put your foot down around 10 %... Almost all of the sounds are just wrong... Some sound more like if the mic had been put under the hood than inside the car, and in general they just sound dull.
can we really judge from a 700mb demo? the audio alone on many ps3 games has been weighing in in the 5gig+ region. with all the compression and cutting i will wait till i get gt5 on disc before criticising.
can we really judge from a 700mb demo? the audio alone on many ps3 games has been weighing in in the 5gig+ region. with all the compression and cutting i will wait till i get gt5 on disc before criticising.

play the dirt or motorstorm demos. the problem isnt compression, its about the general direction the audio engineers are taking with GT5. Instead of creating effects to emphasize the fact that you are driving a car in anger, they concentrated on finding more dinner jazz songs for the menu.

It really takes away from the driving sensation, which is otherwise much improved over GT4.
play the dirt or motorstorm demos. the problem isnt compression, its about the general direction the audio engineers are taking with GT5. Instead of creating effects to emphasize the fact that you are driving a car in anger, they concentrated on finding more dinner jazz songs for the menu.

It really takes away from the driving sensation, which is otherwise much improved over GT4.

I have to agree on some of your points, while also disagreeing with some of them. You must understand that it is compression issues. I do agree with the overall tone of the noises. I remember in GT and GT2 there were some cars with a beautiful tone. I especially liked the DB6 from GT2 modified all the way. Made a rumble that was music to my ears. :D
play the dirt or motorstorm demos. the problem isnt compression, its about the general direction the audio engineers are taking with GT5.
You might consider the fact that... let's see, when were the Dirt and Motorstorm demos released, and then when were the games? I don't believe there was a year's difference.

Just a thought.
IMO the mustang sounds like a mustang would when you put your foot down around 10 %... Almost all of the sounds are just wrong... Some sound more like if the mic had been put under the hood than inside the car, and in general they just sound dull.

I agree and the reason why is because the sound samples were recorded with the car at idle and then free revved. They need to do what Turn10 did with Forza 2 and throw the cars on the Dyno so they can record the sound under load. If you listen to the sounds in Forza 1 compared to Forza 2, it's a night and day difference. The sounds aren't dull at all and actually sounds like a car at WOT.

The Ferrari and new model cars seem to be better, though. Maybe they recorded these sounds a different way while using older samples that has been recorded for GT4 for the other cars? The Ferrari actually sounds really nice but it still needs to be louder when it goes by the cameras during replays. In real life, you can hear an F430 from a couple of blocks away when it's ripping up some asphalt. :)
I agree and the reason why is because the sound samples were recorded with the car at idle and then free revved. They need to do what Turn10 did with Forza 2 and throw the cars on the Dyno so they can record the sound under load. If you listen to the sounds in Forza 1 compared to Forza 2, it's a night and day difference. The sounds aren't dull at all and actually sounds like a car at WOT.

The Ferrari and new model cars seem to be better, though. Maybe they recorded these sounds a different way while using older samples that has been recorded for GT4 for the other cars? The Ferrari actually sounds really nice but it still needs to be louder when it goes by the cameras during replays. In real life, you can hear an F430 from a couple of blocks away when it's ripping up some asphalt. :)

I totally agree. I never actually got to play Forza 1, but I love the sounds in Forza 2. Also, yes i do remember seeing an F430 at Woodward during the summer time, and yeah it's definitely one loud, fantastically sounding beast :drool:
I found that GT4 sounds did improve slightly over GT3, but i thought the main limitation of the sound in GT4 was due to the aging ps2 hardware? I should hope that GT5 sounds do improve, given the mighty specs of the ps3.
Are you guys basing the majority of the sound off western cars? Cos I tried an Integra DC5 Type R on Forza 2 and it was pretty off the mark when compared to real life. I dont know how alot of western car may sound cos I'm from Asia but I do know how an RX8's rotary, DC5 and DC2 Type R vtec sounds like and GT4 came pretty close, just that they were kinda on the soft side.
Many of the Western cars, especially the Muscle Cars, barely sounded anything like their real life counterparts. The idle was ok, but it seemed too quiet.
When you have a forum as large as GTPlanet, it's hard to not have threads overlap, so cut the guy some slack. He seems somewhat intelligent, so it would probably be a good idea not to scare a potential quality poster away with critical negativity.

As for the topic of the thread, give it time, I say. We have probably well over a year before the final version of GT5 is released in North America.
I only have GTHD but I can hear big improvements from GT4! But I agree they have a long way left to go..

man how hard can it be to record engine sounds????? :ouch:
I only have GTHD but I can hear big improvements from GT4! But I agree they have a long way left to go..

man how hard can it be to record engine sounds????? :ouch:

Apparently hard enough to mess up the exhaust notes for 600+ vehicles. Your question is where the root of the problem lies. They are recording 'engine' sounds. They've been opening the hoods of cars and putting a large fuzzy microphone in the engine bay and ignoring what it is that's heard from the driver seat or rear bumper. It was disappointing in GT2, 3 and 4. I expect we will still be suffering the same craptastic exhaust notes in GT5 Prologue and GT5.

And please don't single out a DB9 or a Shelby Cobra. Those are only a 1/2% that PD got close to getting right. I'm willing to be that those were accidents though and not the intended results.
The cars in GT4 have fantastic sounds. At idle, with the volume through the roof. Try some of the muscle cars, they throb and rumble like they should, and the supercars actually have a mechanical thrashy sound. It's when you put any revs through them that they become craptacular.

I hope GT5 will improve on this, they have time. I'm not gonna hold my breath though :|
play PGR4. take a trans am. stick it in top gear at low speed and nail the throttle. wait for the revs to gradually climb. it sounds AMAZING.

this kind of stuff should be a given in next gen games.
You must understand that it is compression issues.
That's really an akward... excuse. If the original sound source is bad, it doesn't matter is the output sound compressed or not. A good sample in 128 kbps MP3 sounds better than a crap sample in uncompressed PCM format. It's about how the sound is produced in the game and from what kind of original audio sources, not a compression issue.

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