GT5 camera issues

in prologue, you can only look left and right in cockpit view

i'm wondering in the full GT5, do you have an option to look all around inside the cockpit view like in grid?

free look?

cause it's quite boring and you can't really admire the awesomeness of the cockpit view

and when in 3rd person view, you only see what' the background looks like when you press left or right, you don't see the whole car along with the background

what's up with that
in prologue, you can only look left and right in cockpit view

i'm wondering in the full GT5, do you have an option to look all around inside the cockpit view like in grid?

free look?

cause it's quite boring and you can't really admire the awesomeness of the cockpit view

and when in 3rd person view, you only see what' the background looks like when you press left or right, you don't see the whole car along with the background

what's up with that

This is a big topic I have been thinking about lately.

Would certainly like it.
in prologue, you can only look left and right in cockpit view

i'm wondering in the full GT5, do you have an option to look all around inside the cockpit view like in grid?

free look?

cause it's quite boring and you can't really admire the awesomeness of the cockpit view

and when in 3rd person view, you only see what' the background looks like when you press left or right, you don't see the whole car along with the background

what's up with that

Thats what on my mind as well.. why spend so much time when you cant look in full 3D.. But if you make LOOK LEFT LOOK RIGHT buttons to the analog stick, you can control more freerly.. but you still cant look up and down and more beyond.

When GT5 Prologue DEMO came in Japan, you could look 8 Directions. You could look, Front, Back, left, Right, Rear Left, Rear Right, Front right, Front left.. If only we can also look UP and DOWN I will be happy.
Thats what on my mind as well.. why spend so much time when you cant look in full 3D.. But if you make LOOK LEFT LOOK RIGHT buttons to the analog stick, you can control more freerly.. but you still cant look up and down and more beyond.

When GT5 Prologue DEMO came in Japan, you could look 8 Directions. You could look, Front, Back, left, Right, Rear Left, Rear Right, Front right, Front left.. If only we can also look UP and DOWN I will be happy.

But how would G25 users control it?
Set the controller to controller 1 (supposedly you can have a wired and wireless controller for #1) and just use the controller's analogue stick.

Wouldn't that be a bit awkward though.

Take for example La Source at Spa, you are starting to turn and someone is crawling up beside you, you want to see him so you take one hand off the wheel and use the analog stick to keep down whils you go round the corner, but not, it's too late and you've already scuffed up the corner, missed the turn-in and missed a gear as well... won't be good and could result in some massive crashes as well. :indiff:
The other annoying thing about the cameras is that when you want to view a car in your garage, you cant control the camera, you just have to wait for it to pan and zoom in the headlamps unnecesarily
how about they used the sixaxis tilt thing as the camera that would be an easier way to look around the car not having to worry about changing any buttons around.
The other annoying thing about the cameras is that when you want to view a car in your garage, you cant control the camera, you just have to wait for it to pan and zoom in the headlamps unnecesarily

Yeah I hate it.. I want to zoom in and move the cam freery around it.. i wanna look at its rear lower bumper, or bird's eye view... or even look at it's grill zoomed in till i see pixels! I want a free roam cam! Also free roam cam inside the car at least for Garage view.
how about they used the sixaxis tilt thing as the camera that would be an easier way to look around the car not having to worry about changing any buttons around.

That would be absolute hell, imagine the screen jerking all over the place while trying to take the corkscrew at laguna seca! You'd have to keep your hands absolutely still.

On that note though, I wish that the cockpit view in GT5 emulated the bumping and jarring of the road like Shift does. Not to the extent that you can't see where you're going, but enough so that it's similar to a real car.
But how would G25 users control it?

Dunno,kinda the last thing on my mind when i`m so far sideways in the Z06 that i`m busy cranking the wheel for some serious opposite lock :scared: But it would be nice if the view rotated,nothing says sideways more than looking out of the drivers door window to see where your heading :nervous:
It's nice, and to control... maybe just a button combination? like.. hold left en right together..or something like that:P
I think you should also be able to start the engine in the garage, like TDU
Anybody think that the gauges should be somehow more visible? Because I would love to actually USE the gauges in the car but a lot of times you can't because they're small or they're to dark. I don't know how they would do it without messing with lighting or graphics though.
Anybody think that the gauges should be somehow more visible? Because I would love to actually USE the gauges in the car but a lot of times you can't because they're small or they're to dark. I don't know how they would do it without messing with lighting or graphics though.

Hmm for me I play on Killzone 2 light settings, works well with GT5P, (all it is, its just bit brighter screen) and I also play on 32 inch 1080p television, all the gauges are very very visible and readible. Except the F40, too much shadow in that gauge
This is the greatest thread that's been out since months!!!

Chase cam is a basic feature, so it should be more than chasing the back of the car. It should chase the hole car including left/right sides when in bends and turns. I mean the camera is dead in that way.

And BTW why no one mention Skidmarks ?? even PS1 had skid marks which is more realistic than no skidmarks at all. i mean GT is the only game that doesn't feature skidmarks !!
Agreed, same goes for the Replay - it would be nice to be able to follow the car in some sort of free view.

I also think that the gauges are rather dark - maybe we should be able to turn the light on and thus the light in the dashboard...
This is the greatest thread that's been out since months!!!

Chase cam is a basic feature, so it should be more than chasing the back of the car. It should chase the hole car including left/right sides when in bends and turns. I mean the camera is dead in that way.

And BTW why no one mention Skidmarks ?? even PS1 had skid marks which is more realistic than no skidmarks at all. i mean GT is the only game that doesn't feature skidmarks !!


That is the missing link with GT games, so to have it included in GT5 would be great, because you'll get the sense that you are actually using the track! Same goes for the grass and gravel pits, if you go off you should make some marks. Hopefully with the inclusion of damage PD will do this.

Anyway going back on topic, the Garage free-cam and the ability to also be able to start your engine and look around the cockpit sounds very good. Added onto it could also be the repair system, so you can find any scratches and damage on the car and fix it for a certain amount of cash, instantly with the press of a button.
I don't understand why you can't have any view you want. Say you're in third person view, but you like to view the car from slightly higher, just a simple click of let's say R3, move the right analog around till you find that perfect view, click R3 again and it's locked in place. If you wanna drive while looking at the front of the car, just pan around and lock it it place. Couldn't you do this on one of the GTAs? It seems like a simple enough feature that nearly every game should implement.

And as far as the garage view, GT is pathetic plain and simple. Yes I enjoy sitting there watching the car go around in cirlces, but if I wanna speed it up then why the hell not. GT5P's garage and showroom are just plain irritating too, you select the color and you have to wait 20 seconds for the right angle to see if you like it. Such a simple feature.