GT5 Connection Issue - SOLVED.

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My friend has recent just bought GT5 Academy Edition Pre-Owned and it's his first GT5 game.

The first time firing up the game, he can't connect to the servers! He keeps receiving this message: a connection to the server could not be established (ID = 2:6399)

He's tried re-setting his router and turning his PS3 off but it's not solved the problem! He's cleared / deleted the system cache too.

Is there anything else he can try to fix this, or is anyone else experiencing this problem?
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i was playing a seasonal and it said I was disconnect and I restarted and it said under maintaince, but I have another accout on the same ps3 and it is connection just fine.:dunce:
It seems other people are reporting the same issues, it's happening for people on the 1 PS3, working on one account but having your problem on another.

That's a really interesting issue, unfortunately I can't find how to fix it beyond waiting it out
It seems other people are reporting the same issues, it's happening for people on the 1 PS3, working on one account but having your problem on another.

That's a really interesting issue, unfortunately I can't find how to fix it beyond waiting it out

Thank you for your help..just wait I guess and see what comes of it..thank you..:sly:
Ohh haha, but he wants to go online NOW! XD Thanks though guys, I told him! ;D

Solved! 👍
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I'm having these issues as well. Hopefully online will be restored and I can claim all my stuff.
In Central North Carolina here and can't sign in....didn't they JUST have a maintenacne day on the 15th? C'MON Sony!

yes they did, and if you can connect with one account on ps3 and not the other one both on same ps3 using same system, that doesn't make any sense to me??:dunce:
Just read a post on another thread saying the European PSN could be down til approximately 1830gmt, which would be 1:30, 2:30 eastern time?

edit: Just noticed the last three of us right here to comment are reeeeeeeeeal close to each maybe.....MAYBE....we can get back in before that (maybe that storm last night did something somewhere? Not at my house lol)
yes they did, and if you can connect with one account on ps3 and not the other one both on same ps3 using same system, that doesn't make any sense to me??:dunce:

I think with that side of this issue, two things are happening.....a) some areas maybe just weren't affected by this b) some folks leave their PS3s on all day, logged in and ready to go...and this issue didn't kick them off, just prevented new sign-ins.

Of course, the glorious joke would be if all those revelling in their current connectivity get wiped in a total system restart when the WHOLE shebang is finally back up and ready to go. I know, evil thoughts :lol:

EDIT: Just lifted this from PSN Forums home page:
"We will be performing routine maintenance on PSN beginning the morning of Thursday, January 17th. This maintenance will start at approximately 8:00AM PT (9:00AM MT / 10:00AM CT / 11:00 AM ET) and last until around 8:00PM PT (9:00PM MT / 10:00PM CT / 11:00PM ET) 7:30AM PST on Friday, January 18th."

The whole 8pm part was crossed out in the statement, but that didn't transfer, my bad

So maybe 10:30 am for us easters?

Further update: just saw elsewhere from a tweet from godwhoknows (not a sn, just utter frustration at this point) that the EU PSN is expected to be down to 10pm gmt, which is 5 or 6pm east coast US. I'm isn't for waiting for Sony to get thier s#*^ together
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