gt5 delayed till 2009?

  • Thread starter BLACK86
Have read something similar elsewhere. Shouldn't this be in the GT5 thread? I bought the Japanese version and have finished it so there's a long time to wait until 2009! Might have to go back to GT4!!
And the delays start coming....

I have a feeling though, that Japan will probably still receive it this year even if the UK gets a delay.
Probably the case. I don't see why Japan always get's if first. Shouldn't every country get it at the same time. For some like though, it will be a goo thing, because I have not got a PS3, yet. It's just to damn expensive!
And we're suprised why.....?
Go back in time with me.
We waited forever for GT3, and it wasn't all it could have been, but was still pretty dang good. We decided it was worth the wait.
We waited forever for GT4, and it was most of what it should have been. We decided it was worth the wait.
I am I the only one that sees a pattern here?

March '09 the game will be delayed while they work out another set of glitches and bugs.
But it will be worth the wait.
I anticipate that it will actually come out around Thanksgiving '09 in time for Christmas shopping.
And we're suprised why.....?
Go back in time with me.
We waited forever for GT3, and it wasn't all it could have been, but was still pretty dang good. We decided it was worth the wait.
We waited forever for GT4, and it was most of what it should have been. We decided it was worth the wait.
I am I the only one that sees a pattern here?

March '09 the game will be delayed while they work out another set of glitches and bugs.
But it will be worth the wait.
I anticipate that it will actually come out around Thanksgiving '09 in time for Christmas shopping.

was thinking the same will be the same as the previous games,and there is realy no reason for PD to do otherewise...!!!think about it,did they ever fale in there last atempts to create a supersimulator AND also made everyone wait just long enough to make the best race sim ever?????........:sly:
It's OK.I'm not complaining. I'm happy with gt5p and I will be more happy with US / EU release. but after that release PD should give us some additional content.Thisway the heat can be covered.
Guys look on the bright side, at least this time we have a Prologue which UPDATES so we could expect things like maybe damage or more cars / features to be added over time to make the full release wait that much more bearable.. KY did say that things would be added over time so...

Every time GT has been delayed and every time good stuff has come off the production line so if they need the time to produce something good then so be it!

I'm excited about GT5P US. I already paid for it, and on April 17th I'll have it. I know form these forums, that its lacking online features are a pain. Hopefully like Robin said the updates can solve some of these issues and add features and modes to help get us through another long wait. Damn GT demands a loyal following, and its most certainly not without merit.
Prologue is a test bed, PD will be watching & listening... adding updates. Go back to GT4 if you want, but P's online racing and TT will have me playing till GT5. It will be better onlin here, no trans-Pacific lag. And for people who haven't got JPN version, quit
bitchn' about wait. You aint hardcore, and your opinions are baseless. I got JPN Prologue to get 'jump' on US 'waiters' to adjust to improved physics and sharpen skills. Believe me, the 'fast-boys' are there already and waiting for US release to 'own' the guys who complained about wait. And cut PDI some slack, they do one thing only, GT. You can't rush excellence (10 yrs), forza, pgr,etc. are just pathetic responses. Import P, quit whinig, and 'get busy'. This version P & GT5 is all about online, like the box says... THE NEW STANDARD.
How was it delayed? This article refers to the EU versoion of GT5, and no where has it even been slated for a 2008 release, PD has said the Japanese version will come in december at the earliest so the PAL version wouldn't come to 2009 anyway.
My source told me (quote) "that if would be a true surprise if PD pushes out GT5 in the fiscal 2008" - read as March 09. For Japan. So, that one pretty much coveres this subject.
This version P & GT5 is all about online, like the box says... THE NEW STANDARD.

Come on Mustang, I think you do have some good points, but GT5P online being the new standard? Its got the online gaming options a SEGA Dreamcast game, it that far behind. I understand though why it is like this, its a beta/demo, a work in progress. As it is right now, no voice chat, no private lobbies, no ability to "boot" poor players, and PD deciding what you can race, would make me quit online racing all together if this became the new standard, ha, ha.:sly: All though the 16 player race would be welcome standard!
One word: Marketing

GT Fan says:
I'm going to buy GT5 Prologue right away, I just can't wait

Average PS3 Owner says:
I think I'm going to wait until the full release, a simple Prologue is not worth my money and the final release is just a few month away

GT Fan says:
I heard it was delayed until 2009 - (I might add: Delayed? It doesn't even had an UK release date lol)

Average PS3 Owner says:
Oh, yeah? Then it might be a good idea to get the Prologue
And for people who haven't got JPN version, quit
bitchn' about wait. You aint hardcore, and your opinions are baseless. I got JPN Prologue to get 'jump' on US 'waiters' to adjust to improved physics and sharpen skills. Believe me, the 'fast-boys' are there already and waiting for US release to 'own' the guys who complained about wait. And cut PDI some slack, they do one thing only, GT. You can't rush excellence (10 yrs), forza, pgr,etc. are just pathetic responses.

Pathetic post. By "hardcore" do you mean sycophantic fanboy? Forza, PGR, Enthusia & Gran Turismo all brought different strengths & weaknesses to the table.

The longer GT5 is delayed the better it will need to be - the comparison will not be with Forza 2, but Forza 3. Seems to me there is still a lot of work to be done with AI, collision physics & damage...
Insert roll eyes icon here.

Who said it's coming in 2008 for US or even JP? Even if it does, it'll come in the soonest Q4 of 2008 and that's barely a month away from 2009. You guys are making it seem like the game is coming in Spring 2008 and UK have to wait for 2009.

I just don't see how something that wasn't given a release date can be delayed.
Wow. This is such a surprise, I can't believe it. [/sarcasm]

Being serious, I don't think anyone was expecting it this year anyhow so I can't see it upsetting too many people.
Did anyone seriously expect it before 2009?

GT4:Prologue was released a year before GT4. I'd expect a similar timeline for GT5 too.
Gotta agree with whoever said it earlier - It wouldn't be Gran Turismo without huge delays. I've waited before, I'll wait again. As long as I still have a wheel, cockpit, and a previous version to play (GT4 waiting for GT5:P, Prologue while waiting for GT5), I'm content. I quit getting my hopes up for release dates somewhere around GT2 or GT3 - it'll be here when it gets here. And it will pwn.
And for people who haven't got JPN version, quit
bitchn' about wait. You aint hardcore, and your opinions are baseless. I got JPN Prologue to get 'jump' on US 'waiters' to adjust to improved physics and sharpen skills. Believe me, the 'fast-boys' are there already and waiting for US release to 'own' the guys who complained about wait.

That's a little harsh isn't it Mustang?

Just because someone doesn't buy a game 4 months earlier from a different teritory doesn't mean that we're not hardcore. And why does chosing to wait to get the best product designed for your region negate opinions?

Some people (myself included) don't have the money to buy essentially the same product twice.
I'll illustrate this to you by telling you what i've just payed for my PS3 purely to be able to play GT5P on it's EU release day. Sorry for this sounding like a mastercard advert! Working on the basis of a 2:1 £:$ rate:

60Gb PS3 (yeah you can still find the odd new one!): $770 (Even if i'd bought a 40Gb, it would have cost me $600)
Importing 2 x DS3 controller: $140
Pre ordering GT5P: $35.98
God knows how many hours on GTP and games sites oggling videos, reading testemonies of those who've bought the JP version and pawing around for as much info as possible: Priceless
Total cost: $945.98 and a whole lot of time and fun looking, learning and researching!

As for the "fast boys" they can wait all they want... it's going to be a long one until whenever PD feel it's time to release the full fat GT5 and most (regardless of when they purchased GT5P) will have reached their skill plataue, whatever level it may be at.