GT5 for PC???

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Hey guys just wondering am I missing any confirmation about GT5 to be also release for the PC? Any news or specs about it coming over to the PC. It would be awsome for multi platform, pc guy like me to be able to play it on the pc.
"GT on PC" threads: like clockwork, every time.

No previous GTs have ever gone multi-platform, so I doubt this will be the same. GTs always been a Sony Exclusive, and is has been very successful in the past. Asking whether GT5 will be on PC is like asking whether Halo will brought to the PS3. Haha, no.
GT is a Playstation seller, not a PC pirating paradise. I don't think it will ever happen.
No,Highly unlikely that it will EVER happen,even GT9 will be a playstation only game unless something crazy happens
PD is owned by Sony. They are Sony's First party developers so i doubt you will ever see a game from them on PC.
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