Ummm, most half-decent online retailers have GT5 on their books with a GUESS at the release date. Anybody with half a brain knows that so early on, these dates are meaningless. If you had never shopped with before, would you be tempted to order from them just because they have a release date quoted that you like the sound of? If so, then you are a fool.I think I seen it before, and I think it is a guess made by that particular company so they get your money.
When it gets nearer to the release, they will update the date and the price, and there will undoubtedly be a bit of a price war at that point. If you want it cheaper and want to risk getting it later, order online. If you want it guaranteed on release date, go to a store and pay the price. Either way, the choice is yours, so please don't go around saying that places like are "bullying" people into pre-ordering under false pretences.