

3,722 idea I've thought over many a time, and finally perfected how it would work.

The GT5 Market...Where Virtuality Meets Reality.

Have you ever bought a car, modified it, but it really never turned out to be what you expected? Okay, with this "new" feature you find in GT5, you see an "ad" for somebody that wants a car just like yours, and is willing to pay maybe 15K for it (Say you paid 18K for it, and selling it offline in the normal way you'll sell it for maybe 13K). You can "meet up" with the person and they can review the car. If they like it, they can decide to buy it and how much they want to give for it. You can accept or reject their request.

But this also leaves the problem of people GamerSharking cars onto the market and selling them all over for cash, or people that beat the game selling their Minolta's off to newbies for 1000 credits. There are different fixes I can propose for this however.

1. Possibly making it so you have to have actually bought your first car offline before accessing the market.

2. Having a set range that you have to sell every certain car for (modifications included in the price to make the range higher if applicable).

3. Having to reach x.xx% completion to be able to buy certain cars from the market.

4. Required to beat X race to be able to buy a certain car.

Or any other good suggestions people could think of.

Being able to trade my Nissan Skyline GT-R for your Toyota Supra would add that much more realism to the game.

Input is much welcomed on this subject.
I posted an idea very similar to this a while back, I called it 'GT motors online' or 'Auto Trader' or something like that.

Great minds do think alike :)
This would be a prity good idea for the online aspect of GT5

Would also be good to first of all.. increase the amount of parts avaiable to tune for example injectors, puel pumps, turbo's etc.. & Engine conversions :D and then be able to sell off the parts u dont need!

Also.. for GT5 to keep things on check, moderate prices of parts, introduce new parts/cars avaiable to download...

List is endless

But am sure peeps will have same interests as me
maybe we should have to have an IA license to drive racecars, or an A license to drive supercars like the zonda and corvette C6. I dont think you should he limited by game play percentage exactly.
One good way to implement this I think would require having like an entire version of the game online. Your garage, credit count, all that stuff is saved online, not locally. PD's servers would keep track of everything so you couldn't just gameshark stuff away. GT5 could still be an offline game for those who don't have internet connections worth anything, but the online component would also be huge.

I don't know. I'd really like that online side to be that huge, but I really doubt it will happen. Here's to hoping I'm wrong ;)
this actually sounds like an awesome idea... but on my list of things I want/need to see in GT5, to remain faithful to it? this will be behind many
nevertheless, if they have all else worked out, this would be really neat to see happen, especially since we have to wait an eternity for GT5 anyway