GT5 > Options >Steering Settings > Steering Type!

  • Thread starter SkylineR88
Not sure if this is the right forum but...
What does changing "Steering Type" from Amateur to Professional or Simulation do ?
It changes steering sensation (increases sensitivity of movement) for 270-degree wheels - old Logitech PS2 models most notably if I remember well.

Worth noticing is how all people I know with 900 wheels - myself included - also uses the Simulation setting by default, just for the purpose of "being sure" :)
I have no idea. Try it.👍

Mines on Simulation and I have no reason to change it. I'd guess it changes the feel (less feedback).
It shouldn't affect you by any mean since that particular setting is aimed at 270 wheel-models (those that actually highlight when you move the cursor to that option) but you simply set it on Simulation and forget about it :)

And naturally, set the next option in that same menu - Power Steering - to OFF in order to enjoy the full physics-model 👍
I have the DFGT, and just for ***** and giggles, tried both settings. I didn't notice it do anything... mine is left at amateur. Amar is right, its only for the older wheels.
The Power Steering option on the other hand, does make a difference. It does just what you think it would, gives less feedback when you're turning...
Doesn't work for the DFGT. See the little thumbnails of the wheels up above in that menu? The DFGT is not lit up when you change the Simulation, Professional...etc.

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