GT5 PSN Party from 1 connection? What are the obstacles ???

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United States
LoomRock, CA
I was wondering if it is possible to LAN multiple PS3s sporting a legal ver. Of GT5 in ea without going through PSN to race against each of the consols?

I have seen a lot of people asking the same question and no one seems to be able to answer the question. WTF how can this question be so difficult? I have seen references to a program called “XLink Kai” as a way to SPOOF the consol using a PC. I even found a “HOW TO” (it's the 7th post in the thred) on making it work I guess, since I don’t quite understand all the steps that the article is mentioning. Any help would be greatly appriciated...... Thankzzz

The new questions are;

Can 12 PS3’s connect to PSN from the same IP / ROUTER?

Where am I most likely to find my bottle necks?

What do I have to have on my end that won’t complicate things but allow the client farm of PS3’s to communicate on my customers connection, and my stuff is a fire hose and not a straw?
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LOL just what I was getting at :lol: another effort to end my quest that fell short. I don't know why I even try sometimes :banghead:

Ah Mr "X" that thred never came to an answer to the question either .... Thanks anyway
You could call PD and ask them.

I just love getting answers to questions that go no where, I would ask God "what is the meaning of life" and expect the same results. I apriciate your effort but so much for the GT5 questions area. I refuse to beleve that there isn't someone around here that has the answer to this question. This question is important to me because I want to start a buisness around this concept that I can't get an answer to. :(
The answer to your question is still "Currently, no".
The answer to your question is still "Currently, no".

Thankzz Famine :)
So if the only way mono e mono racing on multiple PS3 consoles can take place is to go through PSN, would those multitude of consoles be able to connect to the mother ship through the same router?

If yes then what would you say is the maximum data flow needed for a router let alone the connection point that yolu would have to have to allow for 12 consoles to compete against each other from the same point and end up in the same lobby?
Don't know the answer to your question, but I often see internet cafes that offer gaming rooms & nights for online consoles. I'd imagine that these places have one fast broadband network that all the consoles share.
Also if you wanted 12 or so consoles running GT5 & racing online together you could set up PSN accounts for all of them & add these accounts to each others friend lists, & set up races in a private lobby with one account as the host.
It's a bit longwinded but I hope you get what I'm trying to say :P
This feature was great for the PS2, I used it for GT4 for a long time. I'm sure because of the PSN most people won't bother with LAN but it wouldn't have hurt Sony/PD to add this option for the PS3.
I just love getting answers to questions that go no where, I would ask God "what is the meaning of life" and expect the same results. I apriciate your effort but so much for the GT5 questions area. I refuse to beleve that there isn't someone around here that has the answer to this question. This question is important to me because I want to start a buisness around this concept that I can't get an answer to. :(

I support your will. and i heard from a fren of mine saying something about Kai, where you can play certain games on LAN. There is a solution for it, and we just have to find it.

Everything is a NO, if we give it a try, maybe 1 day it will be a YES.

Have faith and good day
Hmmmm... connection speed shouldn't be an issue even for 6 consoles. It's the NAT efficiency that's the problem (and therefore the NAT mode of course).

You'd need a tech to modify a router HEAVILY I think.

I haven't tried my PS3 on dialup but my experiments in the past have proved that you can play CoD, R6V2 and Forza 3 lag-free on dialup. Strange, I know... but I wanted to disprove the "faster the connection the lower the lag" argument.
Thankzz Famine :)
So if the only way mono e mono racing on multiple PS3 consoles can take place is to go through PSN, would those multitude of consoles be able to connect to the mother ship through the same router?

If yes then what would you say is the maximum data flow needed for a router let alone the connection point that yolu would have to have to allow for 12 consoles to compete against each other from the same point and end up in the same lobby?

I don't think it matters too much. Since your PS3s are in the same LAN network, the traffic won't need to go outside your router that often. Only when creating and joining the rooms.

I'm not sure about that, but it seems logical.
I don't think it matters too much. Since your PS3s are in the same LAN network, the traffic won't need to go outside your router that often. Only when creating and joining the rooms.

I'm not sure about that, but it seems logical.

Because there's no LAN support in the game the PS3 would have to be looking at what it thinks is a game server.

I think that recreating a PD game server on the clientside would be an extremely difficult task...
From everything I have read about ther has to be a host server and PSN for the PS3 can be the only one when your talking about GT5, given the nature of how GT5 was programed not to allow a LAN connection.

What I am trying to figure out is this, since my customer would have to provide the internet connection to my client farm of PS3's, there has to be an Up stream Down stream rate that the connection would have to hit so that the bit stream wouldn't bottleneck. Is the first threshold the router or would it be the connection? Would the min be like 52k (dialup), 120k (direct tv dish), IDSL, ADSL, HDSL, SDSL, RSDSL, MSDSL, VDSL?

Would PSN have a problem dealing w/ the same IP pounding it w/ pings from 12 consols?
Maybe this will help, or maybe not, your cryptic writing is very confusing at times and most of it I get bored of reading, sorry. But I can’t see any reason why you can’t have multiple PS3’s on one connection.

Here I have 50mb fibre optic broad band internet, to which we in the household have a number of connections to, PS3, Xbox, WII, Two desk top computers, one laptop, two android phones.

Six of which are hard wired, two wireless to make this happen the main modem/ rooter feeds a second rooter so giving me the extra connections.
Now I can’t see any reason why you could not change any if not all of these items (WII,Xbox) into PS3’s as each one has its own internal address’s, then set them up on PSN as you would normally.

Unless I’ve totally misunderstood what your question was, I know I’m not the most intelligent person, but I’ve tried to understand what you were getting at.

The journey down the curiosity trail? May have been leading me up the garden path.

From everything I have read about ther has to be a host server and PSN for the PS3 can be the only one when your talking about GT5, given the nature of how GT5 was programed not to allow a LAN connection.

What I am trying to figure out is this, since my customer would have to provide the internet connection to my client farm of PS3's, there has to be an Up stream Down stream rate that the connection would have to hit so that the bit stream wouldn't bottleneck. Is the first threshold the router or would it be the connection? Would the min be like 52k (dialup), 120k (direct tv dish), IDSL, ADSL, HDSL, SDSL, RSDSL, MSDSL, VDSL?

Would PSN have a problem dealing w/ the same IP pounding it w/ pings from 12 consols?

If by customers you mean that you're planning to charge for providing your own game-server hosting service then I can warn you that Sony would have a Tomahawk missile down your self-proclaimed hosepipe faster than you can gulp.

You've already pointed out the most important fact - GT5 isn't programmed to allow LAN connections at this time, it will only connect to a correctly authorised PD server.

You therefore have four options;

a) Create your own PSN server. This is inadvisable, especially given the tightened security.
b) Hack GT5 and the PS3s it's running on. That's an illegal and silly idea.
c) Wait for a LAN update
d) Give up.

Options (c) and (d) are the best...
Can 12 PS3’s connect to PSN from the same IP / ROUTER?

Yes. UKGTP15 at the end of this month is exactly that.

Where am I most likely to find my bottle necks?

Your switch.

What do I have to have on my end that won’t complicate things but allow the client farm of PS3’s to communicate on my customers connection, and my stuff is a fire hose and not a straw?

Set the 12 PS3s with accounts that are only visible to each other (so each has an 11-member Friends list of the other 11 accounts). This will prevent external connections - remember, a 12-console iLan will require no external communication beyond the room creation as the machines all communicate peer-to-peer through your cabling and switch, but an extra external console in your Lobby creates 12 sets of communication to the outside and 12 sets of communication from the outside.
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