GT5 Quality over Quantity

  • Thread starter Cobra_NZ
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Allow me to explain my thoughts:

I wish PD would do more games in shorter time intervals, like game FM3. I'd rather start at 250 cars and move to 500 cars in the next GT game, perhaps 2 years later, than wait for more than 6 years for 950 cars in one game, with nothing but a glorified demo to keep me busy in the meantime for my GT5 fix. I also think the PD franchise would make a lot more money that way. :)

I also wish KY would stop with his illusions of grandeur in GT5. He's aiming too high with the tracks and number of cars. It's why this premium business gets fans like us so worried. It's better to keep things smaller but immaculate, rather than have these huge expansive landscapes like in Top Gear or Nurburgring tracks. May look good in the first instance but a closer look reveals the 2D trees or spectators, this in stark contrast to the cars which look unbelievably good. I'm one for 100% fidelity on a smaller scale on the PS3 and just increase the track objects, background landscape size and cars on track on GT5 or the PS4. After all, GT5 is a new, solid base, and it's content is the work, not the ensemble. It doesn't take 6 years to build some 2D trees, spectators and flat backgrounds, it's the cars and physics that have taken most of this time. ;)

My dream for GT5 would be the rare and occasional real time skidmarks, full damage and rollover to rival game GRID on all cars, 3D trees and spectators, beautifully HD bumpmapped backgrounds, rear lights and back fire smoke or flames. If this means much less objects on track, less spectators and trees and maybe only 8 cars online in GT5 I could live with that. That way, on GT6, they can improve their already genius coding on the PS3, or indeed, move to PS4. Surely the the cars and tracks won't need a remodel for at least a decade. So they just add more track objects, more cars on track, more 3D trees and spectators. It also gives them time to model more cars and tracks, introduce new events and features.

Best thing about doing things this way is: GT fans like me can instantly see what's new in GT6, extra objects on track, more 3D trees and spectators, more cars on track, more expansive track backgrounds, new cars and new tracks, new events and features.

What do you, the millions of GT fans out there, think?
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There is a reason GT games get close to 10,000,000 copies while Forza only does 2,000,000.
why do people want skidmarks... it changes nothing and you won't even care to notice it. People say Forza's skidmarks are realistic but last time i checked a video showed a Ferrari taking off and leaving like a 30 foot skidmark that was like a straight black strip lol no point in having it

Edit: GT5 Prologue sold more copies than Forza 3
Quality over quantity? You're contradicting yourself. You're telling them to make games in less time. It's not as if the car modeling is the only thing that made the game take so long.
@ first 2 replies
It's unfortunate you feel this way and even more unfortunate that the best you could both come up with is : "GT5 is the greatest and wait any wait, stop posting any rational thought that may question the fact that GT5 is greatest and worth any wait!" I'm just reading between the lines, sorry, line and smilie, as that's all you both could be bothered to post. :(

EDIT: Why is it always like this: Straight away with such attitude. And why is FM3 all of the sudden the topic? FM3 game is as about unfinished and rushed as it gets. My only point was the time span between releases. Stop turning this thread into a FM3 vs GT5! :yuck:

Also, I'm not contradicting myself, if GT5 only had 250, no WRC and NASCAR, and 100% commitment to quality it would have probably been released in 2008! Now, at the very end of 2010 we could have looked forward to GT6 with more content, features and licences like WRC and NASCAR. ;)
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First off, what happened to Forza for choosing quantity over quality? I think making a GT game in a small amount will go to NFS direction. I don't want my all time racer to be like that. And since almost all racing game is compared to GT, PD needs to make sure that they are still the top racing game developers out there. Choosing quality over quantity is a good thing for fans because it's worth it, but choosing quantity over quality just like NFS and Forza is a really bad move, I don't want to spend my hard earn money in a game that is full of bugs.
It's unfortunate you feel this way and even more unfortunate that the best you could both come up with is : "GT5 is the greatest and wait any wait, stop posting any rational thought that may question the fact that GT5 is greatest and worth any wait!" I'm just reading between the lines, sorry, line and smilie, as that's all you both could be bothered to post. :(

What was rational? The fact that GT5 will not be perfect for you without skidmarks, reverse lights and 3d trees.
The whole contradicting yourself thing didn't help.
Reading between the lines and reading what you want to read are not the same.
I think the EMO thread was made just for you.
First off, what happened to Forza for choosing quantity over quality? I think making a GT game in a small amount will go to NFS direction. I don't want my all time racer to be like that. And since almost all racing games are compared to GT, PD needs to make sure that they are still the top racing game developers out there. Choosing quality over quantity is a good thing for fans because it's worth it, but choosing quantity over quality just like NFS and Forza is a really bad move, I don't want to spend my hard earn money in a game that is full of bugs.

Here we go with FM franchise again. I never said I want GT franchise to be like the FM or NFS franchise. I just meant less content and features to provide earlier GT releases and still keep the focus on quality and 100% fidelity. Please read my thread post again, and more importantly read the title.

Come on, could we get some GT fans making more rational posts than the ones we've had so far? I'm sure there are plenty of us out there. :)
Here we go with FM franchise again. I never said I want GT franchise to be like the FM or NFS franchise. I just meant less content and features to provide earlier GT releases and still keep the focus on quality and 100% fidelity. Please read my thread post again, and more importantly read the title.

Come on, could we get some GT fans making more rational posts than the ones we've had so far? I'm sure there are plenty of us out there. :)

GT6 as far as we know is coming out in 2-3 years. GT5, just like gt1, took 5 years because it had to take that long. Simple as that. They took their sweet time with the game so that the follow up can get here sooner. Also all the delays due to 3d and move and whatever else didn't help either.
It's hard to take you seriously when you bring up minute and almost irrelevant aspects when talking about the game's short comings.
When skidmarks, 3d trees, spectators, and smoke are your main complaints about GT5, then I would say they are bringing us one hell of a game.
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what i am really impress is that in example for shows all kinds of elements in 2d like trees and pedestrians ,is not worth to waste resources and development on these objects ,what has really work for them is innovation,quality,gameplay experience and so on ,it takes time to develop and we seeing stuff that have ever been done in a videogame of this type like the day night cycles,those details an the adaptation for 3d make it more enjoyable,that is why i prefer it over forza in the first xbox, and still prefer it over forza 2 and 3,for a game developer work on hd and high level physics engine is very difficult and this is just an example of how all of these elements can work each other,trust me it is not easy to make a dynamic light environment,it just isn't,and the damage stuff is just another example of american destruction derby stupidity,that all I have to say
I also wish KY would stop with his illusions of grandeur in GT5. He's aiming too high with the tracks and number of cars.
But it's Yamauchi-san's ambitions and perfectionist attitude that separate Gran Turismo from every other racing game there is. If Polyphony released a Gran Turismo every other year with a scaled-back number of cars and circuits simply for the sake of keeping the fans appeased or making a bigger profit, it would just devolve into a Forza or Project Gotham or Need for Speed clone. Gran Turismo is the standard to which every racing simulator is held against, and it's so detailed and so immersive that it makes other simulators look like arcade games. That's not something I think man fans would be willing to sacrifice for the sake of getting a game sooner.

It's why this premium business gets fans like us so worried. It's better to keep things smaller but immaculate, rather than have these huge expansive landscapes like in Top Gear or Nurburgring tracks.
Um, given Polyphony's reputation, I think you're going to find that locales like the Top Gear Test Track and Nurburgring are not just expansive, but they are also immaculate. It's the best of both worlds.
Do you really want to start this?

I'm sorry but I'm not starting anything and although I'm ignoring your last 3 posts which have become increasingly more aimed personal at me, I will report you if you continue. 👎

I'd like to hear more opinions please and let's try to stay on Quality vs Quantity topic than turn this into a GT vs FM vs ..., or "Let's bash the thread poster because we don't like his opinion!". If it's a major issue then one can just go ahead and ignore this thread.

EDIT: dave_sz you just edited your initial aggressive post, Thanks.👍
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