GT5 racing circuit real world racing best lap time

  • Thread starter lego_boy
Hi, will anyone do a table, listing the best sport car lap time record on the racing circuit in real world racing whcih the circuit appears in GT5 (except the city circuit).

We could see the best GT5P player online now. Is it interesting to see how good the time they done in virtual world agianst the professional racer done in real world?

Will it be a easy job?
I think its easier to get a good time in a video game rather than in real life. Only because of in real life you have this thing called fear of dying.
Ever driven on the limit on a real track or on the streets? Last thing you think about are the results of a possible crash...

It all depends on the person if he/she is faster in real life or in a video game. I know people who are fast under both conditions, but I also know people that are fast in real life, but not with games, and the other way around.

When driving a real car, you have G-forces, a better sense of speed and you get more feedback from the interaction between your tyres and the tarmac. This makes driving in real life easier than in a video game.
However, two important conditions are that you have total control of your car and know everything about driving lines. If you lack these skills, there's no way you'll be truly fast in a real car and you better stick to exploring your limits in a video game.
but jeremy isnt one of the fasyest/best drivers in the world now is he.......would like to see a "real" driver do a comp like someone who is actually good in both real driving and on a simulator....
Well you'd be pretty afraid of running off the road or doing anything to possibly damage a car if you've spent heaps of money on it...or even worse...if the car's not yours. That would really stay in one's head (well it would stay in mine) and I wouldn't dare push a car I didnt own to the limit, especially on courses such as Laguna Seca, Monaco or Eiger Nordwand (I know it's not a real track). Imagine taking a corner too quick and falling off the cliff...
I doubt that Jeremy use N tyres in game

He didn't even use the right car. In the game, he used a Type R, while in RL, a standard NSX. In the menus, you'll see he picked the standard car, but if you pay attention to it in the lap, you can clearly see the Type R spoiler. He also pointed out that he is not a race car driver, and he doesn't have their bravery that would allow him to go faster. Jeremy also used a DS2; if he had used the official wheel, the force feedback - not to mention the improved steering and throttle/brake control - would have given him a much more realistic experience.

He also used S2 tires, so it was a useless comparison. So don't even consider it valid. And no he's not a racecar driver, but he's a pretty damn good driver if you ask me.
OMG please I know you all love GT series but for one he sucks at racing in the game, so his time should even be a lot faster in the game.

ingame will always be faster then real life, they will not be similiar. Sorry but its still a video game and there is no game that will be able to simulate 100% real life. I hope I didn't shatter anyone's hearts.
And no he's not a racecar driver, but he's a pretty damn good driver if you ask me.

He is a useless driver and i have saw this at first hand. Timeless editing on Top gear will make anyone look a decent driver when u cram 3-4 hours of track testing in a supercar into a 10 minute feature on screen with great camera angles and soundtrack to follow. Im not barking out about him personally cos i watch top gear religiously and enjoy the him as a presenter on the show but as a driver...please. in fact he would most definitely say the same about his own ability aswell. :)

The NSX test in GT4 was a joke but i think the best track to do a test like this is on the like of Monaco where there is physically no short cuts and steering and throttle is needed to be precise due to track width and virtually ZERO run off etc.
I work in London, I could go and do a lap of the West End track in real life, might take about an hour with all those traffic lights/roadworks/taxis/buses in the way...
He didn't even use the right car. In the game, he used a Type R, while in RL, a standard NSX. In the menus, you'll see he picked the standard car, but if you pay attention to it in the lap, you can clearly see the Type R spoiler. He also pointed out that he is not a race car driver, and he doesn't have their bravery that would allow him to go faster. Jeremy also used a DS2; if he had used the official wheel, the force feedback - not to mention the improved steering and throttle/brake control - would have given him a much more realistic experience.

Ok at the end of the day, that proved very little.

I love Top Gear just as much as anyone.....but

Todays Formula 1, GT, rally and Motorcycle racers spend alot of time on simulators learning the track.

Obviously because of G forces, spent tires, and the fact that injury is not an issue. What's so bad about being flat out all the time?
In Gran Turismo, or any other racing game, you'd mostly learn a new circuit, or car, by overdriving it and then slowly rein in your speed until you hit the perfect balance between too fast and too slow. In real life you do it the other way around by gradually going quicker around the circuit. Unless you name is Gilles Villeneuve. The fear of death(or injury) comment is very valid.
Real life will always be slower. In a video game you can crash over and over again to find out exactly where the limit is. How many of us crash while time trialing?

Who thinks they can do this in real life? When it does not matter if you crash or not, you will always be faster.
I'm more interested in top game times being similar to top real track times. If GT5 were an exact simulation I still would never take the kinds of risks I do in game in real life.

I can't wait for the Top Gear test track!
In Gran Turismo, or any other racing game, you'd mostly learn a new circuit, or car, by overdriving it and then slowly rein in your speed until you hit the perfect balance between too fast and too slow. In real life you do it the other way around by gradually going quicker around the circuit. Unless you name is Gilles Villeneuve. The fear of death(or injury) comment is very valid.

what he said
I'm more interested in top game times being similar to top real track times. If GT5 were an exact simulation I still would never take the kinds of risks I do in game in real life.

I can't wait for the Top Gear test track!

I have to be on everbody elses line and say that a comparison is pretty pointless. Not only for factors already mentioned, but the OL times posted are mostly done with tuned cars, right? And what do you compare them to? Factory spec times around the ´ring? Not very useful. Or racecars, whom will be lighter, more powerful, have better tyres and downforce to boast. Not any point in that either.
AFAIK, there are no timetables for tuner cars out there, so this whole idea is futile IMO.
The only exception is the F1 car, but that can have a quicktune too, right?
Clarkson did 1:57 with a NSX, but Best Motoring's Gan-san did 1:50 with an underpowered RX8. That's the difference between a tv presenter and a race driver, so with the NSX Gan-san would be nearer to GT laptime.