GT5 Radio / music

  • Thread starter RedOak
Dry Tarmak
From the video: In the Audi Cockpit, there's a radio which seems "on"... any takers on that? I know its looking into details but we've said a couple of times that it'd be nice if there'd be an actual way to listen to songs while driving (possibly skipping, looping and rewinding and stuff). possible in GT5?

It would be nice to be able to load your own music and seemingly simple to accomplish with today’s technology.

I wonder...Would PD have to pay a band to use a song in the game? If so then I might say that downloading your own music might not be a welcome idea.

Since we already had a selectable play list in GT4 it would be logical for them to take the next step to downloadable songs.
I would be happy if they went as far as to let us use songs off the PS3 HD in the game. Rewinding looping etc would be nice but I at least want to listen to MY music
It would be nice to be able to load your own music and seemingly simple to accomplish with today’s technology.

I wonder...Would PD have to pay a band to use a song in the game? If so then I might say that downloading your own music might not be a welcome idea.

Since we already had a selectable play list in GT4 it would be logical for them to take the next step to downloadable songs.
No offense, UnoMOTO, but Microsoft is way ahead of you here with their Custom Soundtracks feature. It was simple to accomplish with 2001 technology (first Xbox), you can use pretty much whatever music you want, and the latest step taken was enabling the feature for all games, without developer involvement.

I know the Wii still only has voluntary custom soundtrack support (Excite Truck is the only game I know of with it), but did Sony really neglect to include it on the PS3?
No reason why PD wouldn't/couldn't. I think the first PGR had this feature on the XBOX and it was very cool I must say. And with the improved age of the iPod it would be awesome.

EDIT: Then again PD is probably more focused on bigger and more important things on the game.
Anyway - I think it would be cool if you could use your music from your PS3 HD, being able to switch it on the fly would be a welcome feature. 👍
PD should focus on other things than such redicolous unnecessary stuff. Either Polyphony has already finished all the other important things and tries to waste some disc space (very unlikely!) or they are just insane and do random stuff.

Why does PD always need that much time to make their games and create such time wasting things?
No offense, UnoMOTO, but Microsoft is way ahead of you here with their Custom Soundtracks feature. It was simple to accomplish with 2001 technology (first Xbox), you can use pretty much whatever music you want, and the latest step taken was enabling the feature for all games, without developer involvement.

I guess never having owned an xbox I must be living in the dark then. :dunce:

I was right then in saying that music sould be a no brainer.
Well i hope i could just upload my songs on my pc and into the PS3 hard drive and listen to my songs while playing any games.Seems Xbox could do that a long time ago.But why download songs when you could just put your songs into the console?I think PD are not going to include this option in their games anytime soon,but it was i nice idea.Now only if i had own an Xbox....
I wouldn´t care for such a feature at all. The first thing I do in a game is turn off all music!
Well, would be nice for replays perhaps, but no biggie for me at all.
After hearing all those crappy sounds of the tire screeching in GT4 I wouldn't mind having an in-game mp3 player. :rolleyes:
Agreed. Listening to "Born To Be Wild" while flying at 200+ MPH* on the Mulsanne straight in a GeeTeeO Tiger = Best. Thing. Ever.

*Possible exaggeration
I'd like to think we'll be getting the ability to put in our own music so that we won't have to seriously rely on a pure soundtrack for the game. GT4 did something that hasn't been done too well in GT2 and GT3- good music to listen to. I had my favorites in GT3, but I just turned off the music when most of it was getting old. I usually say that a game should still have good music to listen to even if someone doesn't have a collection of songs on the PS3. First thing I knocked on Forza was the terrible (and I highly respect Forza) soundtrack. Trashy rock songs that are more of "mute me" than "listening to my music improves your racing performance." Hell no, player! I'd rather look for some good songs of mine. I got stuff ranging from generations of hip-hop to electronica to smooth jazz... I'd even do some rallying listening to Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy." I'm hopeful PD COULD allow this for GT5. But if it won't be included, then at least have a soundtrack as good and as deep as GT4's.
One of the things I've hated in every GT game is the fact you cant shut up the crowds. I love listening to sounds of my cars blasting through strait aways only to hear the loud and retarded crowd ruining the music to my ears.

I always turn off music in my GT games, I wish there was a option to shutup the crowd too. :D
No offense, UnoMOTO, but Microsoft is way ahead of you here with their Custom Soundtracks feature. It was simple to accomplish with 2001 technology (first Xbox), you can use pretty much whatever music you want, and the latest step taken was enabling the feature for all games, without developer involvement.

I know the Wii still only has voluntary custom soundtrack support (Excite Truck is the only game I know of with it), but did Sony really neglect to include it on the PS3?

It is true PS3 does not currently support custom music during a game, but at E3 07 the PS3s were running the 1.90 update and when you pushed the PS button one of the options is now 'select music'

looks like PS3 users will be able to listen to their own music during a game soon. thats just as good as a radio imo
One of the things I've hated in every GT game is the fact you cant shut up the crowds. I love listening to sounds of my cars blasting through strait aways only to hear the loud and retarded crowd ruining the music to my ears.

I always turn off music in my GT games, I wish there was a option to shutup the crowd too. :D

The only reason why I would turn off the music is because there aren't any good sound tracks! 75% of all the music is like heavy metal and crap like that! How about some real racing music that for example EA in early Need For Speed games had like NFS 1-3, now that would be pretty cool.
People actually listen to music while racing?:eek: Personally, if GT5's in game sounds will be like that of the trailers then I wouldn't mind at all what kind of music they put into the game. My music would be the exhaust note on my F430 screaming around Suyuka or Nurburgring. :P
The issue of music has always been an "interesting" topic. Most people don't like to listen to music while racing, which is fine. Some don't mind jamming to some tunes while racing. GT4 had a great idea- be able to select your personal collection of songs to use for Photo Mode and racing (don't ask me why I put Photo Mode ahead of racing). Then, the songs you don't like or don't want to use can be played in Jukebox in GT Mode. I thought it was interesting playing some of the categorized classical music for some races. Classical music adds a nice touch to races with vintage cars. I know I said that I grew up with and still listen to some hip-hop. However, there are a lot of styles of music I like. While GameInformer took a cheap shot at Gran Turismo by saying that Forza 2 doesn't have jazzy music, I like jazz as well. I appreciate names like Larry Carlton, Keiko Matsui, Waymon Tisdale, Russ Freeman and the Rippingtons, Chris Standring, and I even like "Call it Anything" by Miles Davis.

If you don't like listening to music while racing, that's okay. Maybe GT5 will allow you to turn off music mid-race when you get sick of some of the same songs while racing. This way, you won't have to quit a race just to turn off the radio. Either that, or change volumes on the fly (better alternative) while paused. Either way, there's at least someone who wants to listen to good music while racing no matter what anyone else daresay.
I wouldn´t care for such a feature at all. The first thing I do in a game is turn off all music!
Well, would be nice for replays perhaps, but no biggie for me at all.
Really? So are you one of those people that drive without the radio? Or are you like the PD programmers and just live at work and haven't set foot in a car in years?
I'd love the option to play my own music (even though I won't be buying a PS3); I found most of the soundtrack in GT4 to be terrible. There's only a handful of songs - maybe twelve - that I play, so it gets boring quickly. That said, I did start listening to some Queens of the Stone Age after hearing Go With the Flow.

What I'd really love would be to stick Metallica's S&M live album on (if only the did it as a studio recording too), especially Fuel,The Memory Remains and No Leaf Clover.
i wouldn't mind heavy metal considering my favorite band is avenged sevenfold. i just don't want any of that idiotic rap in gt5.
^^ Yeah Rap crap definitely gotta go, no more of that please! It doesn't go with the racing in any way you approach, so that needs to be taken off.
I prefer music with some beats in them, something that inspires you to race. Need for Speed 2 and 3 "Hot Pursuit" for example had one of the greatest soundtracks for racing, I miss it a lot now =(
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on the "rap" subject. As much as I dislike rap, I think it would be an unwise move to not have it in a game. The folks at PD want to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible. So they can attract more customers, which in turn equals more money! They should however give you the option of selecting which songs you'd like to listen to while racing. In fact, I hope that they let you download your own music to listen to.
i wouldn't mind heavy metal considering my favorite band is avenged sevenfold. i just don't want any of that idiotic rap in gt5.
I think heavy metal is idiotic. Does that mean heavy metal should be excluded? Nope.
I have to agree, it destroys the whole experience when driving quickly with the tail out to then have music on. I can think of nothing worse, that blocking out the wonderful noise of burning rubber and say an Audi R8 bouncing of the rev limiter.:sly:

First thing I will do when I get GT5 prologue is turn all music off and listen to all the cars as they howl down each straight.:drool:

Therefore I have to say I am not really bothered about the radio, although I respect all of your opinions and do slightly agree about listening to your own music and being able to selected it form with-in the car, but only because it would involve the driver more and make it more realistic. 👍
That's why you fiddle with the in-game volume options for music and sound effects during racing, replays and the menus.
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on the "rap" subject. As much as I dislike rap, I think it would be an unwise move to not have it in a game. The folks at PD want to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible. So they can attract more customers, which in turn equals more money! They should however give you the option of selecting which songs you'd like to listen to while racing. In fact, I hope that they let you download your own music to listen to.

^^ True thing right there! Not everyone likes rock, rap, techno, etc. You can't please everyone with one style of music, so they'll include as much different styles as possible for everyone's taste. But saying that in GT4 the most common music I believe was "rock" type of music :ouch: The choices of music were pretty bad, and I hope they'll fix that in GT5.

I think heavy metal is idiotic. Does that mean heavy metal should be excluded? Nope.
Yup :sly: If it's idiotic it should be excluded, but if they'll exclude it they might loose customers, so for that reason no matter how much they might think it's idiotic they'll still include it just to make more profit. It all depends on the community they deal with. I'm pretty sure in Japanese version of GT5 there will be a as less as possible of heavy metal or crap like that.

...wonderful noise of burning rubber
Yeah, if there would only be the real burning rubber with the real tire marks and the smoke that doesn't disappear in half a second, than that would've been a different story!!! :ill:
I don't understand why don't they make this real like most racing games do??? After all it is a very important part in racing, and we all gotta admit it's FUN!!!
People actually listen to music while racing?:eek: Personally, if GT5's in game sounds will be like that of the trailers then I wouldn't mind at all what kind of music they put into the game. My music would be the exhaust note on my F430 screaming around Suyuka or Nurburgring. :P

Amen to that brother! :-)

I actually don't want to hear music while driving/racing....and don't really care for it during replays. Matter of fact, IMHO, I could care less if there was any music in the game to begin with. Then again, no one-game is going to satisfy everyone! ;-)

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