Well, to be fair to The Doctor, so are the complainers.
Like, what new complaint or insight haven't we heard a dozen times or more? "Vacuum cleaner" this or "V8" that or "transmission whine" or "Ferrari/Lamborghini/FordGT/Corvette/blah"?
I'm sure with you when it comes to cars being too authentic to stand. I absolutely hated GTR1 because the engine sounds were flat out ear wounding. I couldn't get any driver view to work for me, and the annoying engine noise did a fantastic job of drowning out the tire sounds, so I'd invariably overshoot turns, run into other cars and get grouched at by the "game boss." And to add insult to injury, the stupid StarForce copy protection scheme messed with my PC. I never wanted to snap a CD so bad in my life.
And iLex is right about the PS3 resources. These days, graphics cards have more ram than the PS3 does. This might be yet another reason why Forza has been limited to eight cars on the XBoxes. Anyone who has done soundwork on a PC, such as recording, would understand how much ram high quality samples take up. And how much
more ram is eaten up when making it multichannel. You can change cars instantly on the fly in replays, and those samples have to be cued up and playing. And if improving engine sounds is going to mess that up, well... to heck with that.
I guess the thing to do is move along. Everything has been said by both sides dozens of times - dozens more by the complainers, and it's practically a sure bet that even more sound complaint threads are going to pop up when GT5 finally appears. And "ZOMG drifting is hard!" and "Holy crap, this car is all wrong!" and things we can only guess at right now.