GT5 & TrackIr with PS3 eye?

  • Thread starter djkc
TrackIR for pc lets you view the cockpit by turning your head as you would in real life.

Is this possible with the playstation eye? Will this be possible?
I brought this up quite a while ago and I believe another thread was later made on this topic, anyway:

If PD takes on the idea and programs it (and clears any copyrights/licences) then sure I believe it could easily be possible.
Would the PS Eye be able to track what direction you're looking in? With TrackIR I believe they use an infrared detector, hence why it can detect which way your head is pointing. Also, wouldn't you be turning your head AWAY from the TV screen?

I certainly like the idea, I'm just curious as to whether it would work and how it would work.
The eye toy has already been used for motion sensing. I just wonder if the programme can run in the background? I cant find the link for it... I think it was the guy making mods for the Wii.

The TrackIr dosnt give me any motion sickness and I am very prone to motion sickness.