Why is that not a surprise, besides it was just an outdated rip off of tunes that mostly originated here anyways. Just use the search function here.
Actually the guy running it asked everyone if they minded their tunes being posted...
Yeah, I know... but they are still outdated unless you update them yourself and they are the same tunes found here. As far as content goes, what I said was accurate. You can rip off with or without permission.
At first I though the site was a dream come true...perfect way to index the stuff that is spread out across this forum. However, after trying some tunes of my favorite cars I realized there is no magic tune for any car. There are simply too many variables to account for...
power/weight differences
tire compound
driving style
Because of these variables, the tune posted may only be ideal for the exact power, weight, tire, and track...assuming you like to take the same driving line as the original tuner. Change anything and the tune will have to adjust.
It is not exactly down, just don't go to it.
"Warning: Something's Not Right Here!
www gt5-tuning com contains content from nqludexn(dot)co(dot)cc, a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.
Google has found malicious software may be installed onto your computer if you proceed. If you've visited this site in the past or you trust this site, it's possible that it has just recently been compromised by a hacker. You should not proceed, and perhaps try again tomorrow or go somewhere else.
We have already notified nqludexn(dot)co(dot)ccc that we found malware on the site. For more about the problems found on nqludexn(dot)co(dot)cc, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page."
Chrome said it happened the 29th.i visited 3 days ago but nothing has been found,
when has that site been contracted wif malicious software?