GT5 Tuning Wiki is down :(

  • Thread starter starcb26
Why is that not a surprise, besides it was just an outdated rip off of tunes that mostly originated here anyways. Just use the search function here.
Why is that not a surprise, besides it was just an outdated rip off of tunes that mostly originated here anyways. Just use the search function here.

Actually the guy running it asked everyone if they minded their tunes being posted...
Actually the guy running it asked everyone if they minded their tunes being posted...

Yeah, I know... but they are still outdated unless you update them yourself and they are the same tunes found here. As far as content goes, what I said was accurate. You can rip off with or without permission.
It is not exactly down, just don't go to it.

"Warning: Something's Not Right Here!

www gt5-tuning com contains content from nqludexn(dot)co(dot)cc, a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.
Google has found malicious software may be installed onto your computer if you proceed. If you've visited this site in the past or you trust this site, it's possible that it has just recently been compromised by a hacker. You should not proceed, and perhaps try again tomorrow or go somewhere else.
We have already notified nqludexn(dot)co(dot)ccc that we found malware on the site. For more about the problems found on nqludexn(dot)co(dot)cc, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page."
I got the red warning screen using Chrome. I don't think firefox or internet exploder have that kind of warning. There is a java exploit that is downloaded and run when you enter the site if your AV doesn't catch it.

Edit: as of 941am est I am no longer getting the error message.
Yeah, I know... but they are still outdated unless you update them yourself and they are the same tunes found here. As far as content goes, what I said was accurate. You can rip off with or without permission.

A tad harsh Sir. Full credits are given to those who put in the work. Nobody is being ripped off. I agree with above posters, it makes life easier for us dullards to locate builds for cars, rather than using the clunky search functions within this forum.

If tunes are easier to look up on Wiki I'll have to check it out. I find it incredibly cumbersome sometimes to look up tunes on here. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I often run across tunes I want by accident when I can't find them by search engine...
Where is the thread with the Max hp list? I've tried the search function but I wasn't able to find it..

I want to know the max hp achievable for all the premium cars. Any idea?
1. That wiki is an excellent idea because the search function on here is cumbersome to say the least.

2. No one is being ripped off by any stretch of the imagination, at all, ever.

3. If tuners were savvy, they'd jump to have their tunes included on that page, or start a page of their own. Even trying to search through a particular thread is cumbersome, the ones with links in them are the best, but I have to click on a tuning company to see if they have a tune for my car? It's so much easier to just goto that wiki and see if a tune for the car in question even exists.
Frankly the search feature in the forums really stinks. (minimum character limit, searching accurately for all terms, specific phrase search, non specific phrase search, and a general return of way too many results for most searches)
At first I though the site was a dream come true...perfect way to index the stuff that is spread out across this forum. However, after trying some tunes of my favorite cars I realized there is no magic tune for any car. There are simply too many variables to account for...

power/weight differences
tire compound
driving style

Because of these variables, the tune posted may only be ideal for the exact power, weight, tire, and track...assuming you like to take the same driving line as the original tuner. Change anything and the tune will have to adjust.
^ How many time a setup for a specific track doesn't work in another one? GT5 definitely need at least one save slot per track.
At first I though the site was a dream come true...perfect way to index the stuff that is spread out across this forum. However, after trying some tunes of my favorite cars I realized there is no magic tune for any car. There are simply too many variables to account for...

power/weight differences
tire compound
driving style

Because of these variables, the tune posted may only be ideal for the exact power, weight, tire, and track...assuming you like to take the same driving line as the original tuner. Change anything and the tune will have to adjust.

... and this was pretty much why I stopped bothering to post tunes because this game probably, a little too accurately, reflects the complexity of real auto tuning. Never one good tune for all drivers in all situations at all power bands on all tires at all tracks...
It is not exactly down, just don't go to it.

"Warning: Something's Not Right Here!

www gt5-tuning com contains content from nqludexn(dot)co(dot)cc, a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.
Google has found malicious software may be installed onto your computer if you proceed. If you've visited this site in the past or you trust this site, it's possible that it has just recently been compromised by a hacker. You should not proceed, and perhaps try again tomorrow or go somewhere else.
We have already notified nqludexn(dot)co(dot)ccc that we found malware on the site. For more about the problems found on nqludexn(dot)co(dot)cc, visit the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page."

Yeah, this site is malicious. I've visiting in the past few days and been alerted by Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 that it was trying to download a Trojan via Java exploit. Visit at your own risk.
i visited 3 days ago but nothing has been found,
when has that site been contracted wif malicious software?
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Rogue advertiser probably but it can happen on any site which is why you secure your browser and operating system as much as possible.

If you run the new Windows 7, I'd recommend using a normal user account without administrator privileges. Set a password for the Administrator account, then when any action that you absolutely positive you want to carry out is requested that requires administrator group privileges you will get a prompt asking for that password. If you do not supply that password then malware installers have far less access to the system, though they may still be able to install for only the local user depending on your advanced settings, it will be much easier to detect or remove.

For web browsing, I like Firefox with the following security add-ons installed:
Beef Taco - advertising opt out
BetterPrivacy - flash cookies
Flashblock - further restrictions on flash and user intervention to activate
NoScript - fine tooth control over javascipts

Read the supplied notes from download sites for those add-ons, the first three are fairly straight forward, NoScript requires a little more know how to fully utilize.
Red screen again from Chrome. Diagnostic page is clean though. I think that will be there for up to the next 90 days...
My ESET Nod32 just detected multiple threats from this site (trojans). Interestingly, my chrome did not warn me of anything.
I relooked at all the permissions of the script again this weekend and its been stable for the since late sunday nite (MST). I am checking on it every few hrs but so far so good. Sorry for the interruptions.

As of update issues, yes this is definitely not a easy task to do, but I hope it can benefit from community contributions + suggestions. But Like I say in the beginning, I built it as an experiment and also as a tool for myself to use. With that in mind I hope others can benefit from it also. :)