gt5 tuning

  • Thread starter loki993
I have a question about tuning in gt5. I do not have a ps3 yet so I cannot download the demo. is there tuning in the demo?? if so whats it like. also has anybody heard anything about the tuning options that will be in gt5?? will they be the same as the last 4 games or will they be different. I really hope they change them extensively because im beginning to grow tired of the same basic tuning system that has been in place since the first game.
no , no tuning in the Demo. Ive never really had a problem with the tuning in GT, every thing you need is there for the most part. The only real change id like to see is the option to do a non-symetrical set up. Theres already one oval and now daytonas comming.
there's still a lot of room for growth in the tuning aspect though from tyre sizes and pressures upwards, gt's option have barely changed since the psx era.
I have a question about tuning in gt5. I do not have a ps3 yet so I cannot download the demo. is there tuning in the demo?? if so whats it like. also has anybody heard anything about the tuning options that will be in gt5?? will they be the same as the last 4 games or will they be different. I really hope they change them extensively because im beginning to grow tired of the same basic tuning system that has been in place since the first game.

If you wanna play a game with a library of over 700+ cars, play GT5. If you wanna play a game that you can tune like a PC race sim, play a PC race sim....

i want both though. i want hybrid turbos, engine swaps, and fuel managment. i think it is time to take the series in that direction. if GT5 can deliver both 900 cars and specific tuning, it will win my undying affection for all eternity.
was on vac.

If you wanna play a game with a library of over 700+ cars, play GT5. If you wanna play a game that you can tune like a PC race sim, play a PC race sim....

this is supposed to be the real driving simulator isnt it??

i want both though. i want hybrid turbos, engine swaps, and fuel managment. i think it is time to take the series in that direction. if GT5 can deliver both 900 cars and specific tuning, it will win my undying affection for all eternity.

im totally with you on this one.

there's still a lot of room for growth in the tuning aspect though from tyre sizes and pressures upwards, gt's option have barely changed since the psx era.

a ton of room. as far as im concerned the tuning system has been basically ignored through all the iterations and its become tired.

what ive grown tired of is the linear nature of the tuning. you go in you have stage 1, 2 and 3 and so on. some cars can do certain thing other cannot. I say open it up make it as non linear as possible. the way it is now there is only 1 way to tune a car for the most power, make it so there are many ways to make big power with youre car.

I like the idea of engine swaps, but if the tuning system is changed drastically, they probably woudnt be needed. what in taking about are head swaps and porting, different cams, pistons, rods cranks, things like that. not just staged turbos, but different turbos of different sizes, more superchargers. at the very least, i really can believe this hasnt happened yet, allow more displacement increases. since the first game its only been available on a few cars allow it for all of them. let me get into the motor more. let me find different ways to make power with the cars. it would bring a whole new dimension to the game that it hasnt had before. make pre made packages that people can buy who dont want to mess with all that stuff that make good power, but leave some in there also, there should be a reward for people who would be willing to get into it deep.
good post

why have they never done this with GT, really expanded it like in Forza.

It sometimes makes me think they just can't be bothered to go into it that far because their perfect physics and graphics are enough. Dont get me wrong everything else is perfect, from track choice, to car colours. It's just this one aspect that is putting me off. Not that it matters since ive taken the plunge and gone for the PS3 option anyway, but it's the only thing i hope has been improved/will be improved for GT5.
I really like the idea of engine swaps. Its not like its "way out there" its part of the car cluture. Honestly I dont think me or my friends have ever had a car that we did anything serious with that didnt get its motor swapped. One friend has a honda that had the D16 swapped with a B16A1 then swapped again to a fresh B16 with a turbo. Another has a 73 Nova that had the 6cyl swapped for a 350 then when we got it we pulled the 350 and sawpped in a 468. Ive had to 4cyl mustangs witch where both converted to 5.0s, one was changed from a 4cyl auto to a 5.0 stick. The stang im working on now is having the ford 302 pulled and swpped out for a Dart 306. Then theres the Vega from hell 70 something vega with a 4 poper (i think) it got a all aluminum 434 small block and powerglide.

I also agree that we need more turbos and such,. They also shouldnt limit all the large displacment amarican cars to a surperchager. I'm putting a turbo on my mustang, and a supercharger on a vette... common ever heard of the lingenfelter (sp?) corvette, twin turbo 427 anyone :) Not to mention now with STS turbos on the market I dont think theres a truck out there that you cant get a turbo for.
Polyphony have obviously been looking to incorporate car culture more and more into GT since day one. With the early two, we got racing modification. with GT HD we got, for better or worse, a drift mode. And with Forza making a huge splash on the racing game scene, despite what the interviews say in them, I'm sure Kaz and the lads are going to have many surprises for us. For instance, they intend to have an auction/sale forum of sorts. What sense does that make if you can't do some substantial mods, tunings and paint jobs on your cars?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but not real tightly. ;)
"For instance, they intend to have an auction/sale forum of sorts. What sense does that make if you can't do some substantial mods, tunings and paint jobs on your cars?

Next up on the auction block, a Dark Blue 1995 Nissan Skyline with OZ rims and a generic white tuner spoiler.

Now for a Dark Blue 1995 Nissan Skyline with BBS rims and a stock spoiler.

Wouldn't that be a fun auction? Haha I didn't think so. Body mods and paint shop better be included or else the auction houses will be empty because everyone could make the same exact car.
Next up on the auction block, a Dark Blue 1995 Nissan Skyline with OZ rims and a generic white tuner spoiler.

Now for a Dark Blue 1995 Nissan Skyline with BBS rims and a stock spoiler.
:D I had to laugh!

But that's exactly what I was thinking. And we could share tunings anyway, so what would be the point of something like an auction block with cars you're gonna get or can modify anyway? I just have this feeling that GT5 is going to be something special.

We've already had spasms of joy learning that Ferrari is in the game, and that Kaz and the lads have 20 cars running properly in 1080p around Daytona. Kazunori-dono is intending to make Gran Turismo 5 some kind of magnificent work of art. This next year is going to be long.