Gt5 with g27 wheel force feedback question

United States
United States
Just bought g27 wheel and tried with gt5 and the wheel is quite hard to turn, even at level 1 forcefeedback. at level 10, its almost impossible to turn, like its lock. Is this normal? How should level 1 suppose to feel? I would think level one would feel like when its unpowered, smooth and easy to turn.

Its not realistic to me because driving in gt5 making easy turn at like 30-40mph and its so much harder to turn then in realife.
You just need to put some muscle into it, it'll feel stiff at first but it'll loosen up as you get use to it.

If its a huge problem and you don't have the muscle to turn it, go to the wheel settings and turn on power assisted steering. This will lessen resistance during sudden turns.
As Bluntified said You just need to put some muscle into it, I always have power steering assisted on an then you can steer around the corners using one hand with the G27. But you always use two hands to go around the corner. The G27 is a dam good wheel once you get use to it. Let us know if you are still having problems with it.