GT5 with WRC + Nascar all for $60?

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi
Probably me being a negative nancy here but do you think the standard version of GT5 will release along with the Nascar and WRC additions or do you think that will come separate with say a special addition?

After playing a game like Terminator: Salvation which lasts all but 4 hours I just don't think Nascar + WRC + the usual will all be in one game for $60. Financially for Sony it would not make sense and would be better if it was released as DLC or a more expensive version.

Amar did hint that there would be two versions of the game and my guess is that one will have Nascar along with WRC however the other will not. If Nascar and WRC are standard for every version it pretty much rules out the need for DLC for 90% of people. It can work both ways though as the huge amount of content plus Nascar and WRC would increase the popularity of the game. Those Nascar games are yuck and I am sure PD will do it better. Just amazing how much you get for $ can be huge or pathetic.

PS I am a very sceptical person so if I sound like a negative nancy I am very sorry. :scared::nervous::indiff:
Yeah, why is everyone getting it wrong?
They didnt even license all the teams from NASCAR, there are "only" 16 cars on track and we wont get all tracks for sure. Same with WRC.

NASCAR=2 cars (Toyota Camry & Chevrolet Impala SS) with 10+ liveries.
It's hard not to when you compared what is expected with GT5 compared to other racing games. The amount of content is nothing short of amazing to say the very least. The addition of WRC and Nascar will open GT5 up to another audience which I think Sony are counting on.

Pretty darn obvious what Sony think this game will sell. My guess is at least 6 million which means...........GT6 will release one day! :P

SO GT did not get the Nascar and WRC licenses? hmmm well maybe it was not a big addition at all. It might not be completely new modes however WRC and Nascar will be in the game in some form. I still think it is pretty big news.
It is a big addition because they got the licenses for the official cars of both.
We never had NASCAR before in GT (no, that race modified Taurus in GT2 does not count) and a lot of the Rallye cars before were not real official WRC cars (the Ford Focus for example) and it also means the recreation (to a certain degree) of real races (like rallye stages, Daytona 500 etc.) and maybe even driver names (just imagine driving against a virtual Solberg or Earnhardt, it would make the game way more realistic and immersive).
The GT series has used real racing licnces in the past and will contnue to use them in the future I'm sure. They have the All Japan GT license (now super GT license) in past games and they just fitted the championship into the usual GT race format. I think some people are expecting there to be a full blooded WRC mode and NASCAR mode, there won't be, there will be series based on thoes licenses but they will likey fit the GT mould of play.
Thats why im so excited about it, driving a NASCAR on the Nürburgring or Le Mans!!!

With the long straights it could be really compititive there (wait, fits in to the other thread).
yeah I am not expecting something like Dirt but still the additon of these cars is pretty amazing. The more cars the merrier but it was really something I did not see coming.
Like i said, theyre only 2 cars in different liveries plus maybe a NASCAR championship in GT mode, so what? If you dont want to drive it, dont drive it.
If GT5 only comes in 1 version, unlike amar212 says, then it will cost more like $80, or what think is more likely $90... but it will come in a version without WRC and NASCAR and that will be $60.
I believe that we’ll see more NASCAR and WRC cars and tracks. I remember the GT3 trailer and it only had a very small part of what was really in GT3 so I’m taking their doing the same for GT5.

Edit1: They also did it for GT4 don't think we had any idea that tire wear was going to be in GT4.
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They didn't even license all the teams from NASCAR, there are "only" 16 cars on track and we wont get all tracks for sure. Same with WRC.

NASCAR=2 cars (Toyota Camry & Chevrolet Impala SS) with 10+ liveries.

as a NASCAR fan i knew that we wouldn't get all the tracks or all the teams if we got it at all. point is just that its in the game at all.

also, i took a close look at the NASCAR picture with the most cars in it and i noticed that there were Three Dale Jr. cars two of Jeff Gordon and Denny Hamlin and possibly two of Michael Waltrip. i was surprised to see that to fill the 16 car field that PD would have repeated drivers.
as a NASCAR fan i knew that we wouldn't get all the tracks or all the teams if we got it at all. point is just that its in the game at all.

also, i took a close look at the NASCAR picture with the most cars in it and i noticed that there were Three Dale Jr. cars two of Jeff Gordon and Denny Hamlin and possibly two of Michael Waltrip. i was surprised to see that to fill the 16 car field that PD would have repeated drivers.

I would be shocked if that's how it was for the final version. I'm thinking they're either a) not showing their full hand, or b) in the process of signing more teams and/or manufacturers.
You're comparing GT5 to a bad example though with Terminator.

Think about The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, many hours of playtime and a good bit of re-playability, and originally it was $60 (now can be found in bargain bins for $20-30). Same thing you'll get with GT5, possibly even more but I wouldn't expect it to go above the $60 price mark.

Also, as far as the "Repeating cars" thing, I would think that with EA just having lost the licenses, PD/Sony are still trying to sign more drivers and didn't have many when making the trailer, so they had to substitute drivers like Gordon 3 times.

I doubt it but even if that is the case I would pay for the more expensive version. When it comes to GT5 money is no object as I would pay any amount PD asked for!
I would NEVER payed more than $60 for a game. It is developers thing what he will include in his game so i dont see any reason for me to pay more (except fot collectors edition of course). This is the same thing as some moderator here was saying that we should pay more for games because they are on Blu Ray discs now.. thats silly!
as a NASCAR fan i knew that we wouldn't get all the tracks or all the teams if we got it at all. point is just that its in the game at all.

also, i took a close look at the NASCAR picture with the most cars in it and i noticed that there were Three Dale Jr. cars two of Jeff Gordon and Denny Hamlin and possibly two of Michael Waltrip. i was surprised to see that to fill the 16 car field that PD would have repeated drivers.

There are actually 3 Jeff Gordon cars too (the new one with the yellow bumper, the slightly older with only red flames on blue and a black and yellow). I bet there are more from other drivers too (im not so familar with newer NASCAR seasons because they dont show it here anymore since 3 or so years), but that also got discussed in other topics. lol
This is the same thing as some moderator here was saying that we should pay more for games because they are on Blu Ray discs now.. thats silly!

Well, a blank DVD costs £0.15, whilst a blank BRD costs £5.00 - that's 3330% more :P

So, say a PC game on a DVD costs £25, a Blu-Ray game should cost £825 :D

But it's still sort of true; if they sell it at the same price they would a DVD game, they'd be losing £5 every single game, which adds up to a huge amount in the long run.

Of course, i wouldn't mind spending £40-50 on this game, but most of the general public would probably only get it around £30-40.
I hope everything PD have been working on is in the game. I don't want DLC straight away, makes me feel almost cheated. And yes, i'd pay whatever it costs. Not rediculous amounts of money of course.
Well, a blank DVD costs £0.15, whilst a blank BRD costs £5.00 - that's 3330% more :P

So, say a PC game on a DVD costs £25, a Blu-Ray game should cost £825 :D

But it's still sort of true; if they sell it at the same price they would a DVD game, they'd be losing £5 every single game, which adds up to a huge amount in the long run.

Of course, i wouldn't mind spending £40-50 on this game, but most of the general public would probably only get it around £30-40.

If people aren't prepared to pay the money for this game then they are on the wrong forum! You're right about the general public waiting till it drops in price, and I reckon that will take a while. Personally I would live on beans for a month to buy this game as I, and many on here are not 'the general public'.

So guys, pay your money and tip your hat to what will be the best value game ever. God knows how many hours I spent on GT5P and that cost £20. That's two hours in the pub!
we already put down 45$ on GT5P, even if GT5 retails 69-79$ we would have payed 125$ already!

Would be quite cool if all of us guys with Prologue got a little off the full thing or a couple of exclusive traks or something :)

Exclusive tracks would be easier - the full game could just check for Prologue save data or something...