GT5P Demo Funny Bug. Seize CPUs!! (Critical, MUST SEE)

  • Thread starter gtkorea
That must be a full resolution video on that site - i't just taken me 3 hours to load/view it!
Is it taking extremely long to load for you guys or is it just my connection? Is this video on Youtube, yet?:lol:
It's just a pretty high-res video. It looks waaaay better than anything on Youtube.
Well, I gave up on waiting for it to load.:lol: I think one of the reason could be because I was downloading a Top Gear episode and I'm also downloading Drake's Fortune on my PS3 at the time I was trying to load this video. I also have a pretty crappy connection as well so I'm sure that didn't help. I'll wait and see if this shows up on YouTube in a few days. :)
Well, I gave up on waiting for it to load.:lol: I think one of the reason could be because I was downloading a Top Gear episode and I'm also downloading Drake's Fortune on my PS3 at the time I was trying to load this video. I also have a pretty crappy connection as well so I'm sure that didn't help. I'll wait and see if this shows up on YouTube in a few days. :)

Heh, i'm sure it'll be on YouTube in no time. If not, i'll see what hax I can do to get it on there for ya.
You just put in the bit after the = sign in the link, like so...

Why do you insist on using html code when you know it doesn't work here?
What in the world? So they were pretty much trying to get back onto the track but didn't know the wall was there.:lol: What I found really funny was how the the Audi were getting IDB by the Scooby. I'm going to try and see if I can do what this guy did.👍
finally i got to know. im not familiar with this kind of tag. there s no instruction how to insert some kinda clip here. so confused. anyway thank you for your helps. now i know. :) isn't it funny?
I´ve seen similar things in both GT3 and GT4 as well, especially at Côte d´Azur. If yo stop to look at an AI car that is stuck against the wall, you can see that he´s actually driving the course, seeing how he´s braking, turning and accelerating, all with his front tucked to the armco!
Not exactly the same here though. Funny clip!