GT6 Credit packs now on sale

London, UK
Those that whine about paying for DLC trurly have a justified outlet now, paying for a quality DLC that wasnt made before the game was released doesnt bother me at all, being charged for content that was ready at release is another subject covered in plenty of threads already.

But paying for in game credits sucks big time, earn your credits in game, dont just buy your way to the end, in my mind your only cheating yourself of the money you paid for GT6 + the money you spend on in game credits, by not playing through it properly your also cheating yourself of the experience and encouraging developers to do more of this.

Soon games will be like android games, constantly trying to sell you coins/credits etc.

I hope every one embargos "credits for sale"
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I think indeed. No one wants noobs all around online lobbies with cars they can't handle.
We had the same problem with noobs hybridding cars... :(
I would never buy any of these credits because I like the journey to collect the car more than driving the car. The CEO from my company (CEO of our coutry; not the CEO of the entire company) is a huge racing fan. He said he would buy his way to collect cars because he has the money but not the time.

I know this looks unfair, but for him it's a smart business choice, time vs money. I have the time, he has the money.
I personally don't care much about this because, if people want to waste real money on in game credits that will be used up very quickly, it's not my problem.
These prices for the credit packs do concern me a little - I remember struggling for credits to get the cars I wanted in GT5, and was one of the players who resorted to rubber-band grinding until the seasonals came along with there high payouts.
Will GT6 have some races with nice payouts, or with high value prize cars that can be repeatedly won with high payouts? Will we be able to get B-spec Bob to repeat races?
I know, I need to be patient and wait until I get my copy of GT6 to find out - but it currently doesn't look like that I'll be getting many multi million credit cars ... at all!!
Glad I went for an Anniversary pack, so should get some credits!!
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Lol, you guys seem to forget that some people only like playing online. Those people usually only play a-spec because it's the only way to stock their online garage. Some people make a decent amount of money, and would rather work for an hour than grind a game for 4. Although I do understand your point behind dlc, I just think you guys are forgetting part of GT's core audience. Also I think those prices are insanely high, PD would probably sell more if they were lower.!/myhome/dlc
20 for 2,5 ml was absolutely crazy, this makes more sense.
Not going to buy anyway, eh.
But with a price like that, no need to destroy the game economy. I feel better.
So what's the thinking on trade limits/duping?

At the begining of GT5 there was no credit trade limit, it was added later to stop the duping of the more expensive cars, i dont have GT6 yet ( 1 hour to wait till the store opens!) but if credits are for sale surely there will be a trade limit, otherwise they wont sell any credits !, maybe im wrong , ill find out in a few hours.
I have no problem with this policy. Some have lots of moneys but less time, so it's good they can purchase credits. I will not, because I like to win credits by racing/driving. The argument "there will be more noobs with crazy cars with this system" doest not hold I think, many "noobs" could grind to get fast cars by playing 8 hours a day, even without purchasing any additonal credits. Think about the time you "need" to play to get 1 000 000 credits. Many people have a wage/hour much higher than the credits/hour you get by grinding, so if they pay real money to get a miura that is more efficient than grinding; they are happy, PD & Sony are happy, and I don't really care
I have no problem with this policy. Some have lots of moneys but less time, so it's good they can purchase credits. I will not, because I like to win credits by racing/driving. The argument "there will be more noobs with crazy cars with this system" doest not hold I think, many "noobs" could grind to get fast cars by playing 8 hours a day, even without purchasing any additonal credits. Think about the time you "need" to play to get 1 000 000 credits. Many people have a wage/hour much higher than the credits/hour you get by grinding, so if they pay real money to get a miura that is more efficient than grinding; they are happy, PD & Sony are happy, and I don't really care

Your missing the point, the point isnt that there will be noobs with overpowered cars, its the precedent that it sets developers for the future, its like saying its ok to charge for everything you can get away with charging for and seeing how far the developers push it, trust me at the end of the day developers only care about money, they are a business after all.
$5 can buy a 1,000,000 cr., do you realize what you can do with that kind of money?

You can get the Senna outfit, and still have half a million left to spend on other crap, like every single version of the NA Miata!