GT6 freezing with black screen.

United States
I've been having problems with GT6 lately where my game would crash and give me a black screen. Meaning I'd have to eject my disc out and wait a couple of seconds or even worse, needing to reset my PS3.

GT6 is not the only game that freezes on me. I had GTA V which runs very terrible on my PS3. Pop ins, graphical problems, just why. I just can't wait for Christmas this year just to get my PS4 and GTA V because after I do, all of those problems will probably be just a thing of the past. *If I still have the old problems on next gen, I'm going to stab myself to death as many times as the girl in the Wisconsin Slender Man incident did.* BF4 or in other words Battlefield 4 does this. Heck I think BF4 runs better then GTA V despite how ambitious the graphics look for current gen in my opinion.

Someone please tell me how can I fix this issue? I already have gotten a few games corrupted because of this crap. Heck I've even rebuilded the database once but it only worked for a couple of days before going back to being crap!
It could be one of two things. The first one is that your PS3 is worn-out and your graphics are fried, or, the second, your hard drive is going funky.

Question: Is your PS3 laying Horizontal or Vertical, and on what surface (table, carpet, etc.)?
Your laser is dying/dead. Is it a fat, slim, or super slim? I replaced mine twice in my 250GB slim, both times I was having those symptoms, freezing/black screen/hard reset.
I would try cleaning the laser with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol. It can be a pain to take apart the PS3 just to try that, but if you have an hour to spare, it's not so bad. I've opened and closed my PS3 like 5 times now so I can get the laser out within 10 minutes.

Cleaning the laser worked for me but only for a day or two before it stopped reading discs altogether.
You can also buy a lens disc cleaner you could try, but I think your PS3 laser is on the way out.
It could be one of two things. The first one is that your PS3 is worn-out and your graphics are fried, or, the second, your hard drive is going funky.

Question: Is your PS3 laying Horizontal or Vertical, and on what surface (table, carpet, etc.)?
Well its laying down flat on my wooden entertainment stand. I really can't go ahead and get a new PS3 at this point because im trying to get a PS4 at this point. Since the PS3 is going to be obsolete soon, I guess my only choice after that is getting a new PS3 from a game exchange store. I'll try and get a picture out when I get back home.

Your laser is dying/dead. Is it a fat, slim, or super slim? I replaced mine twice in my 250GB slim, both times I was having those symptoms, freezing/black screen/hard reset.

Slim I believe. Since I didn't know or forgot what slim my PS3 is, I had to google it.
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GT6 accesses the disc often. It's almost as loud as my Dreamcast, but unlike the Sega, the PS3 laser is prone to die. They don't make them like they used to.

I can walk you through replacing the laser if you buy one.
GT6 accesses the disc often. It's almost as loud as my Dreamcast, but unlike the Sega, the PS3 laser is prone to die. They don't make them like they used to.

I can walk you through replacing the laser if you buy one.
How much do they cost?

Oh ok, I know someone that fixes computers but I'm going to wait until 2015 after I get my PS4. Then stack up on some USB Flashdrives incase if they're going to wipe out everything on the hardrive. Anyways here's a picture of my PS3 which I promised while writing this on the computer lab in School today.
Ok guys it seems like my problems with the black screen while playing online seems to have something to do with these random disconnections I've been getting lately. Don't know what to do. I think I'm probably getting booted because there are some morons I've been chatting with lately that are so butthurt they really want to boot me. I guess they can boot someone offline the minute that they are connected to the internet. Instead they need to wait like an hour? Well either that or my router is getting weak.
Try plugging your PS3 into your router.
Are you talking about setting an internet connection to wired? If yes then I'm sorry but no because I went to a cousins house a couple weeks ago who I believe recently got a PS3 and set up his internet to wired and trying to find a lobby on GTA Online and Call of Duty Black ops 1 full of people was like trying to find the remaining survivors from an earthquake or some building that collapsed, and what I mean by that was trying to find a lobby full of players was a pain.
Are you talking about setting an internet connection to wired? If yes then I'm sorry but no because I went to a cousins house a couple weeks ago who I believe recently got a PS3 and set up his internet to wired and trying to find a lobby on GTA Online and Call of Duty Black ops 1 full of people was like trying to find the remaining survivors from an earthquake or some building that collapsed, and what I mean by that was trying to find a lobby full of players was a pain.

Wired is always better than wireless. Wireless is just more convenient for the price of being less reliable.

Basically with wired you're always getting the max potential out of your connection, but with wireless it differs a lot and is generally unpredictable unless the router is right next to your ps3, but even then a cable would be preferable.

I'm not sure what made you come to the conclusion that it's worse, but I can assure you that you have it backwards!

Wire it up! :)
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I have a pretty unique issue concerning this game. At the end of the final race of the GT Championship in IA, when I leave the race, the ending cinematic is supposed to appear but instead the game goes black screen and nothing happens, I tried multiple solutions like restoring file system, buy a brand new disc, even erase the game data utility but none of these work at all. I even opened my PS3 to clean it but doesn't work either. Did someone got a clue on this ? I cannot even finish the game which is horribly frustrating.

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