GT6 Monday Night Formula Rockets/ Join Now!

United States
Hello. If any one is interested in joining a fun league on Monday Nights on GT6 for fun. using Rocket Cars. then your read the right forum. If you have a rocket car and would like to join us. please feel free to send a Friend request or message to one of the 2 PSN Accounts MASTAJEFFY or cbsnbne. and me or him will gladly get back to you with league information as soon as we can. also you can check out our website that i currently use for the league. go to or leave some comments here on the thread. The Rules for this league are MAX out the car to full HP, no restrictions, Nitrous is Prohibited. The way the races are setup are. The First race of the night goes by a schedule, but the next tracks we race are voted by the Racers.
